2 Timothy 2:19-24 and Others

2 Timothy 2:19‑24
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#35 In the appendix All the past the Saints are treading, broadened by the Son of God, all the sorrows they are feeling, felt by him upon the road, all the darkness and the sorrow from around and from within, all the joy and all the triumph he passed through apart from sin.
All the path that takes the rest of the drive, and he's right. And he died from the cry.
I'm sorry, there was a little.
Bit of stuff that's the way it's all blah, blah blah blah, blah, blah blah blah blah oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my God.
I don't know.
It's yesterday, my father laughing. Goddess.
Never mind.
What's going on in second Timothy 2?
And dropping down South, they can cover the last verses to verse 19 and reading to the end of chapter 2 and then pick up a few words few verses in chapter 3 beginning the verse 14.
Through the second verse of the 4th chapter. And then read the last verse of the assessment that you do that. I think you better run that by me again. All right, let's finish from verse 19.
To the end of Chapter 2.
Then go on down in chapter 3 to verse 14. Read those 4 verses and the first two of chapter 4.
And the very last.
Second Timothy, chapter 2 and verse 19. Nevertheless, the foundation of God's standard Sure, having this seal, the Lord will examine it, are his, and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth, some to honor and some to dishonor. If a man therefore birds himself from thee, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified in me for the master Hughes.
And prepared under every good work we also used for lust, but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions, avoid knowing that they do gender strikes, And the servant of the Lord must not strive. But be gentle unto all men after teach patience and meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves, if God's first adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.
And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taking captive by him at his will. Chapter 3, verse 14. But continues thou in the things which thou hast learned, and have seen assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them, And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make me wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine.
Or recruit for correction or instruction and righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, truly furnished unto all good works. I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom. Preach the Word the instant in season out of season.
Recruit review Exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.
Do the Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit, Grace be with you. Amen.
So that is in Christ Jesus the last verse, the Lord Jesus Christ be with five years grace be with.
Through this state of soul and appreciated what God has done for us.
And then to pick up.
The inspection of living in a day in which we live.
As a witness.
We left through some opposed gospel, especially revelations given to him.
Namely, Ephesians 3, where the truth of the one body comes out.
With the Jews and Gentiles brought into the same body.
And then going on to 1St Corinthians 11, those verses from 23 on which we so often read, all his I have received of the Lord that was also I delivered unto you. And what is it? It's a witness that stands for the truth of the one body. It's a witness that the Lord table that loaf on the cup on the that loaf on the table is a witness that there is one.
And then the comfort that we need in the other special revelations that were given to Paul the old I show you a mystery.
1St Corinthians 15.
And then the last one, the Rapture of first Thessalonians 4.
With the You eat so much that we're expecting the Lord to come from heaven. These are part of the special gospel given to Paul. Now in our chapter we have noticed that he passes on and obtained these truths to be kept through.
From Paul to Timothy, to faithful men and to others. And the faithful men and others are still here on the earth. That's the way the witness goes on, and the tenor of the meeting yesterday in the open meeting.
Was remarkable, I thought. So I thought we should get on in this chapter and get down through the end of it, where we find out where repentance comes from.
Where did we come from?
And what leaks the restoration? What the exam. So I'll call attention to what we read in verse 25 of chapter 2.
Meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves. If God notice that if God prayer adventures give them respect to their technology, the truth is God's truth. He's the one that can give us the change of mind, to obey it, to take it up and live according to it. And the positive words of the last verses of three and four would encourage us in our last meeting, I hope. Well let's get on with the staff at the beginning. Of course 19 his mother brothers have other things they can go back and pick up.
Some of the others in chapter 2.
Or study the sort of school come to God. The correct rendering is really useful diligence. The thought is not that by studying we become approved unto God, but that we should be diligent and have an exercise to be approved unto God. There is too much of time to please men in the Christian profession today.
The sermon of the Lord had to be exercised to be approved unto God.
And a servant that rightly divides or cutting in a straight line, as Mr. Darby said, the word of God, not adjusting it so that it is acceptable to the people, cut it into a straight line. He didn't have my words, the sister says in the Old Testament. Let him see the faithfulness. You know we need that kind of a thing, especially in a day of ruins. I'm sure that those who are faithful men.
Spiritually exercise. Souls will approve.
Of a servant of the Lord that carries on with this kind of exercise. But that should be our exercise, every one of us that will be approved unto God, not to be men pleasers. Of course, we always, I hope, Abu, with love and compassion for men that are lost, or even for our fellow believers in life to try to be a help to them.
But our.
Responsibility is that we are serving the Lord and that we have to be approved by Him.
Whatever we're doing.
They come through especially you know how to write the divisor with the truth and agility connection. On Saturday something about this sensational truth. But there's a lot of confusion because of lack of distinguishing to whom God is speaking in the word of God and in First Corinthians chapter 10. It's good to see.
Paul distinguish us 3 distinct groups here in this world.
In verse 32 he says give none offense neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of God. So when you read the scriptures, we can say that all scripture is written for us, but not all scripture is written to us. We should read it all because it is all profitable.
But I think it is important to read it in its context. We are not Jews.
We were Gentiles. But when you and I, those who are Jews and Gentiles, accept the Lord as their savior, they now belong to another third group, which is the Church of God, those that are called out for heaven. And so when I read the scriptures, I read distinguishing.
To whom God is speaking, so we don't apply the Old Testament directly.
Still, there is tremendous teaching and pictures in the Old Testament that help to enlighten the truth of the New Testament. But what we have down in our 19th verse now of our chapter speaks about the foundation of God.
That stand sure in the midst of bad teaching that was evident with this Hymenius and Philetus, Where is the foundation upon which we are built?
As a second chapter of Ephesians, we are filled upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. That's New Testament prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. So it's important that we be grounded in New Testament doctrines.
Not that we make little of any part of the Scriptures. It's all important. But it is not all written to us, it's all written for us. So it distinguishes what was written to the Jews, what was written to the Gentiles, what was written to the Church of God, sometimes given for the young people an illustrations, perhaps. Since we were three boys and not my home, my father had taken a trip and he writes the letter to us.
And he gives the general news, and then he gives specific instructions to each one of us boys what we are to do. We all read the whole letter, and we all read that. We all learn from the whole letter. But when it comes to direct obedience, I pay attention what he directed to me. If I'm going to start trying to do what he directed to my brother, I'm going to cause confusion. And that's what's happened in Christian circles, not distinguishing those three groups that Scripture recognizes.
God's confusion and people get into politics because they get into the Old Testament, and they see a man like Daniel, who is high up in the authority of the king of Babylon and the Kingdom of Babylon, and in medial Persian as well. And they say, well, why not? If we don't distinguish brethren, then there is confusion as to those points. It is important to distinguish you rightly.
Divide the word of truth.
That might be worth.
Let everyone that name us the name of Christ depart from iniquity, if you or I take the place of being a Christian.
We are under all the responsibilities that a Christian has, so that we read in First Corinthians. Notice in the first chapter the broadness of the Epistle.
First Corinthians chapter One.
All thus believe were still under the Church of God, which is important.
Of death to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus called Saints, or things like calling. Now notice the largest with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus and Christ our Lord, both sears and powers, and then He goes through thee.
Things that had gone on in the church there through the epistle. But it turns us to the fact that profession is very great today and we can't always know who's a real believer who's not what the gods can. So the first part of the verse has one seal the foundation of God. Standard Stewart having this deal. The Lord knows them better here and that's all we need to know. We are the judge by the fruit. However President, I think that every one of us.
For ourselves can have the seal that I know that I am the Lord.
But I don't have to know about my brothers sister. We want to know and we want to see the fruit, so they ought to be there. So there's responsibility if I make a profession to be a Christian.
As somebody said, be what you want. Your child is God be with practice.
The name of the Lord.
Because it has to do with the lordship of Christ.
The and everyone who is in the Christian profession called upon the name of the Lord and.
Now those who do are expected to withdraw from unrighteousness. In the German, the word for iniquity is unrighteousness, and Pat Hindrance pointed out that that is how it is in the original unrighteousness. Why is that important?
Because in the collective tab, the first thing that is mentioned is righteousness.
Not love.
Licenses in the day of general ruin is the first thing that is strength in the collective path. Love is not left out, but it's so important.
This passage in the Word of God has been called the Path of the Faithful in the Day of Ruin, and that path is open to us. We cannot any longer practice the truth of the one body with every member of the body of society.
That would be nice with the truth. And he certainly missed those who are two members of the body of science, the authorities. And that is probably one of the reasons for the weakness that exists the Manhattan because they are missing so many of members of the body of Pride that could it's willing to meet on that principle could be of help to us. But the encouraging thing is that we do not need every member of the Body of Christ.
In order to practice the truth of the body of Christ. And when we had these problems some years back, one of the statements that was made over and over again by some who didn't understand it, that we have to keep the truth of the body of life. That's not true. We have to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, that which gives practical excursion to the truth of the one body.
Leading on that ground and we can do that in a limited way.
With those that are willing to meet on that ground and think of the divided state in Intrahel when the House of David they sent us two other centers, but there was still the center in Jerusalem.
There were still 12 laws on the table of showbread.
Representing all the 12 sides of Israel and those who meet today at the divine center when they break bread, a brother already mentioned that his expected to the truth of the one body. That loop on the table represents every member of the body of Christ, not just the gathered thing. And if you do not understand that we do not understand the truth of the Lord's table.
And we can give expression to that, although not everyone who is represented in that lobe is willing to lead on that ground. That is so encouraging. Beloved faces God that he can, in a limited way give expression to that truth. But when we give expression to that truth, we do not just express the truth that we who are gathered are represented in their flow. We teach every member of the body of silence.
I thought Albert Neil had given us that story and met his dear Christian 1 Lord for the afternoon. And he said I saw you in the meeting that day when I saw the next your meetings today. Well instead I saw you in the meeting today. So I've never been at your meeting. Well, he had to explain. It was a low bond at the table and that law represented every member of the body of Christ in the middle of represented you as well.
So we see. If we don't see every member of the body of Christ represented here, we have a limited view. We cannot fully expect fellowship with every member of the body of Christ. But I hope you never will have a limited view of the truth of the body of Christ.
There is one body. Absolutely nothing can ever change them. And as to the truth, it says no lies of the truth. But a lie doesn't change the fact that the truth of us now we are to walk in the truth practically.
The name of Christ, and happening and living up to it.
This statement at the beginning of verse 19 the foundation of God.
And sure.
Your testament, When the temple was destroyed in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, the foundations were broken up, and when they returned in the time of Ezra, they had to relay the foundation. That is not the case in the time of ruin in this dispensation.
The foundation stands. Sure, the ruin is great, but isn't it a comfort brethren that where we are built upon stand Sure, Nothing can shape that foundation. Nothing can change it. And so sometimes, I say for those of us who are younger, we need to dig down through the rubble of our own spots and human opinions and teachings.
To get to where the foundation really is.
Latin America, when they built, they used bricks a lot down there. The builders often use a Plumb line. We need to use the Plumb line rather than in our actions as gathered to the Lord's name, or even in our lives individually. Does it square with the doctrine that we have from the apostles and prophets of the New Testament?
It's there. It's not for you and I to come to some agreement as to the program we're going to carry out. No, it's all set there long ago. It's just for you and I to discern what it is and to build on that foundation. That's where we are, brother. That foundation will never be changed. It stands. Sure.
Back to the first letter, Timothy the first official and chapter.
First Timothy chapter 3.
All right to Timothy the first time says to him in verse 15. But if I carry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the House of God.
Which is the Church of the living God? The pillar ground, or the pillar is the port of the truth.
God established the foundation on the work of Christ on which he has a house, and in Timothy's first epistle, it's called the House of God. And now he exhorts Timothy, using this picture of the church as the House of God. He said, Timothy, I'm writing these things to you so that you will know and can share with others how you should behave yourself in God's house, and the House of God is a place of responsibility.
And God has given.
To that house which he calls his assembly to be the pillar and support of truth. And that's been the mind of God and the purpose of God, the intention for which he brings before us. The thought of the house is that place where God's truth is maintained and supported by the collective body that is the church.
But when Paul writes, Paul writes to Paul writes the second time to Timothy.
Sadly, when he addresses it by the Spirit of God, God is no longer able.
To use the same expression to refer to that house, OK, it was now called the Great House. Why is it the Great House here in Second Timothy, where in the first letter it was called the House of God?
Because those responsible had not maintained.
Their responsibility of being a pillar and support of the truth. And God can no longer own it by that which it was his purpose to call it. He does not call it by the Spirit anymore. The House of God. You know, you have a house many here in this room. I have a house. And there are people that might look at your house and mine and they might say, oh, that's Mary's house or Don's house or.
The so and so house. And it is identified by the people that live there and the behavior of those people. And so God has had to look upon that which should be called the House of God and say it's a great house. There are all kinds of things that are going on in that house.
That are not according to the mind of God, and not in keeping with His Holiness and his righteousness, you might say. Well, what do you do about it? Timothy might have said to Paul. What are we going to do about it? Are we going to set it all right? Can we set it right? Can we make it again to have the character in the House of God? He says no. God's foundation on which that house is built. Stand sure, and it will never change.
And he knows everyone that is his own, because there are many living in that house now and taking the name of belonging to the Lord Jesus who are not real.
Who are not of the house, really. There are others who have belonged to the house, but they're not acting in a way that's in keeping with the righteousness and character of the truth. So what happens? He says. You, Timothy, and those like you must depart from the iniquity. You must separate yourself.
Well, where do you go?
Castle out of the house. Every single person in this room belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ is in the great House. Only way you can get out of the house is to give up the protection of Christianity. And if you recognize you belong to the great house, you recognize that you belong to the rulers and you will feel it in your soul. You will recognize that you cannot disassociate yourself.
From those, you might say the Gentiles or those that are not part of the Church of God, who are looking at that house, and they see you as part of it, and you must recognize that and feel it. But that does not mean that you must go on with the evil that's in it.
The individual expectation is depart from iniquity, order that's been explained, unrighteousness. And then as we see what goes on later, you don't have to walk alone. You don't have to compromise the truth of God, because then it says to walk with them to call on the Lord out of a fewer hearts. And so the Lord in graciousness and mercy has still allowed that his people not have to compromise the truth of God.
But that they may go on according to that truth and fellowship with himself, and enjoy the privileges.
Of that that God has set up for his pleasure, and still individually and together be the pillar and support of the truth, of which one of those privileges is remembering the Lord Jesus and his death at his table. But the responsibility is much more than simply testimony to the truth of the one body. It is all the truth of God and connect connected with the House of God, and it's been maintained in its entirety.
By those you walk on with the Lord out of a poor heart.
Part of it verse 19.
That let everyone that name it the name of Christ departs from iniquity individual.
Verse 21 If a man individual again therefore purge himself from thee, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified meat for the master's use and prepared unto everyday work. And get down to verse 22 We have about following with others that I call on the Lord out of a pure heart, but I think it is important to see that it is individual here, and if there is not the taking those steps individually before God.
In this great house, then, it won't be clear verse 22 either. It is in the measure that you individually take that step, I myself as well, that later we will find that there are others who also occupy that position and we can find fellowship together. But it is not primarily looking at collective testimony, it is individually separating.
And then the results will be a collective testimony. I think that's that's important point to keep in mind in connection with this truth as to the palace, the great house.
Say that these fellowship with those who are saved and free of immorality and free of evil darkness, that is true, but it is short of what we learned from this testing. What this pastry teaches is that it is not just important what I am like, how I conduct myself, what doctrine I hold.
My association my entirely if I go on in fellowship with vessels to dishonor, I am depiled. So the grounds of gathering is the truth of the one body. You will fellowship only with those who belong to the Lord, and you have to separate some immorality and some evil doctrine. But if you go on with evil doctrine in the group of believers, where you are?
Or when there are individuals who are living immorally and they didn't judge by your association, you are disqualified for being received at the Lords table. Now these are important principles to get ahold of. We're not only meeting on the ground of the one body in separation from evil and the house aspect of the Church.
It already has been indicated.
Is maintaining God's order, God's holiness, Holiness the cometh thine house for God forever? Be he holy. Wasn't that right at the beginning of these meetings? Be ye holy, for I am holy.
Obviously I understand and accept what you said.
Could we be a little as impossible to do it? Feel free to tell me.
Could we be a little more definitive?
As to the character of those, or the character of the physicians that those are in, from whom I am to encourage myself.
I don't think you like your thoughts. Well, it's not fair because I asked the question.
Let's be more definitive as to the character of the people or the character of the of the place that they are in, from whom we are to purge ourselves. I was raised across the Greeks in the meeting room in Bloomington. I was raised in the assembly and.
I'm not sure that I really sympathize.
With those that we might call vessels the dishonor. And yet I do understand that I have what I purge myself from. This is not a public confession. I understand it by the grace of God. But there may be some for whom being received at the Lord's table was a beautiful thing, and it continues to be, But they're not really sure that in their personal experience that they have separated from anything.
So they were never connected with anything, but there are those that we meet at school at work.
Someone giving out crack and we say beautiful grace of God heaven in our home there was 1 during the Columbine here he had a great big cross on a on a wheel and some of us had him at home and seeking to bring to him something a little more and I think he saw the shadows of it. But what is the character of what is is in the camp is that which we are to separate from.
Again, let me repeat it. Young people received at the Lord's table. I don't think he should be given.
Interrogation as to these things, but I'm sure from my own experience when I was younger I didn't understand and and could there be something Ecclesiastes believe?
One thing that you have to separate from what is the cardinal thing is listener. They act as if the Holy Spirit has not come.
To say how it's cleaning, they put a puny mortal in charge of divertits and ministry. He arranges everything, and he has to him stick out the passages that are to be read, and he might graciously call on somebody to lead in prayer, but he acts like he is the Holy Spirit. That's iniquity, That's unrighteousness. It ignores the fact that the Holy Spirit has come, the clergy system has thought.
It's bringing Judaism into the church, into Christianity. Beautiful instruments, choir, singing in the midst of the church, realizing that phrases. I'm not saying that we cannot have faith, that sort of Gordon bidding for me and can enjoy them, but we don't have solos in the assembly.
I'm just mentioning all of those kind of things. Other things can be added but not willing to judge. Evil is on the increase and we are in danger, beloved Saints of God, to accept people into fellowship that has no place at the Lord's table if they are in an adulterous union.
Remember, such a person does not have a place at the Lord's table in Christendom. That is more more acceptable, but not that should not be acceptable amongst those gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And the form that it presents itself, it could be ecclesiastical. What is spoken of here in these verses, prior verses 17 and 18, is really doctrinal iniquity, bad teaching as to the doctrine of resurrection, but it could include as well moral iniquity in whatever way iniquity presents itself.
I am responsible if I name the name of the Lord to depart from the nicotine. Don't connect that name with iniquity in any form whatsoever. That is my responsibility and the responsibility of every person that says I'm a Christian.
So this Great House is the great House of Christian professor profession. It's Christmas is what we generally speak of it, and I'd like to mention in verse 20 it mentioned Bethel. And of course every Christian is a vaffle, but it mentions vessels of gold and of silver, which are costly vessels which are durable vessels.
Perhaps figurative of true believer, the Lord knows the matter is there are vessels of wood and a verse, those that are not of that much worth, and those that are not so durable. But then it goes on to say, some to honor and some to dishonor.
Sometimes in Latin America, I like to ask which are the ones to honor? Which are the ones to dishonor?
Without looking at verse 21, the answer is given. Oh gold and silver to honor and wouldn't through earth are to dishonor. That's not what scripture says.
Scripture gives the definition of a vessel to honor in verse 21. If a man therefore purged himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. You take an illustration. I don't know that many people have vessels of gold in their house.
But if you would come to my house above and look underneath the kitchen sink and see that for a garbage pail we have a vessel of gold.
I don't think you'll see that, but if that would happen, would that be a vessel to honor in that position?
Absolutely not. But it's the gold vessel, you think? Yes. No doubt the person that made that vessel made it for the table of the king. It's not in its right position there. And so to be a vessel to honor that vessel needs to be taken out of that position.
And scrubbed down and put in its proper place, and in that way it can be.
They have absolute honor, but I think that shows that there are many positions.
That disqualify even a real believer from being a vessel to honor. And so it's something that's presented to us to exercise each one of us brethren just because we're gathered to the Lords name. Sometimes there are those gathered to the Lords name that are going on with things that are dishonorable, that are iniquities.
There needs to be that purging if you want to be a vessel.
That the Lord, when he comes into his house, can say I need a vessel to do something with, right? Then you should be exercised about purging yourself from that which would hinder you from being a vessel ready for the masters use. You know when you go into your house you want to get a drink, you go right to where the clean glasses are, and you use those because they're ready.
You don't look in The Dirty dish files or a glass. Any clean glasses? Maybe you have to pull one out of The Dirty dish pile and you have to clean it up. Then it's ready to use. But the Lord, when he comes into the house in the midst of this confusion, he's looking and he will use those that are ready for his use, that are vessels to honor.
I think it's important for us not to go around placing tags of vessels to honor or vessel to dishonor this. The way this is presented, it's presented to exercise each one am IA vessel to honor ready for the masters use sanctified meat, for the masters use prepared to every good word.
Having a great house and live in brethren is it's hard to separate from our brethren better members of the body of Christ. We believe that there's iniquity there, and we're faced with this from time to time, and especially those that are learning truth. And they're connected with a system where dishonorable things are allowed and there's uncleanness, iniquity and righteousness.
And it's a dilemma that those ask themselves, Must I separate from true Christians that I love?
That's a hard issue. Well, I think that's why the Lord tells us the Foundation stands purely because He maintains that, and we cannot maintain a testimony in its entirety that there is one body by gathering with all of them as they were in the beginning. That's impossible. That's why these instructions are for us in the time of ruined.
I thought it was real helpful that bridges are red in First Timothy about the house, in order, the House of God. God has given us 22 patterns here, one for the house and order. One what to do when the house is not in order, when you cannot meet together with all Christians because of defilement iniquity. The Lord tells us what to do. He says we must separate, and that's where it comes down to the individual, because you can't do it with the whole whole, the whole Mass. They won't do it.
There's been failures. And so individually we have to do that. And how beautiful that then that when we do that, that I so enjoyed that little story of the brother who recognized that those from whom he had to separate were represented in that loath, and that as it were still one way that we can give expression to the wholeness of the body of Christ.
By having just the one rope on there on the table, rather than than many which would give testimony to division rather than to the truth of God. There is one body. God maintains that there the foundation God has maintained. And so we kind of have to leave that with him as he does it, but walks in separation from the violence and then.
They're usefulness to the Lord. But if we stay in that mixture, then the Lord is limited to using us for defiled vessels just as defiled vessels like it's a garbage can that was mentioned. Even if the garbage can was of gold, it was defiled and how could the Lord use that? Well if that garbage can got cleaned up and it could be used like it really was intended.
Would you say that only together things are calling upon the name of the Lord out of a pure heart?
I feel very strong that he had to question herself to think that way. I believe there are many who do not understand what the Lord has given us to understand and.
They do not necessarily call upon the name of the Lord out of his pure heart.
They don't know any better, but when the truth is presented and acknowledged by them, and they don't fall through it, then we can no longer say that they're calling upon the name of the Lord out of the pure heart. The story has been told that better, Borden, but.
Visiting with a believer, he mentioned somehow and the truth of the assembly and the body of Christ was discussed. And this was new to this man. He had not understood it, and he said that the end of the conversation he wished he had never met him. You know now he was under obligation as to the truth he had learned from Brother Gordon. So there are those who call upon the name of the Lord out of the pure heart, not knowing any better.
And he had to be very careful in.
Classifying stuff is not calling upon the name of the Lord of the pure heart, and if such, comes to the assembly.
Of course we cannot really receive them without them taking a step of separation, I believe. But they do not have to understand all that we have come to see before we receive them. You know, as long as we present the truth that by God's grace he has shown us that we live in separation from that which is contrary to His Word, and they're willing to accept that and identify with it, although they don't understand.
We ought to receive them spiritually. Intelligence is not the conviction for fellowship. We have to be very careful not to just think of ourselves. Gather to the name of the Lord as those that fall upon the name of the Lord out of your heart.
A word sanctified here because that's where the word separation really comes into. It means set apart.
And I'm sure the sisters here did the dishes mainly in the houses. Sometimes brothers do the dishes too, but you take that for granted in your household. If I was doing your dishes for you, and after I got done washing a dish, I put it back with The Dirty ones, you say no, don't do that. And if I take a dirty dish and put it over where they clean ones were?
Don't do that. We take care of those things in our households. But when it comes to God's house, where God's house names when the name of Christ is owned, sometimes we want to not use as much care as we use in our own homes. We make a distinction between what's dirty and what's clean, to make a definite distinction, to make sure that they're separated because, like you say, there's contamination and we need to be careful.
In these things, where the name of the Lord is called upon in a collective way as well, we need to be careful about it.
I used to go a little pilot out there.
I thought about that, brother. I really don't have too much of the comment. Maybe somebody else does.
He said that I made an illustration out of the vessel of gold and said would you comment on the wood and earth?
Go back or and a silver vessel is definitely a system, you know, or two Christians. There's no question about wooden it's not being questioned, but are perhaps not real.
The Master Chief rather than what it made out of it and Joseph.
Life, he said. Take my silver cup and put it in the back of a younger.
Benjamin was not guilty of any minister of guilty. And so that vessel which was clean and was weak for Joseph, was even put in the mouth of his back of someone else. That was seen quite interesting. Then if we turn to Daniel chapter five, we find there that has taken the vessels of Jehovah's house.
And in verse 23 it speaks of dustbin.
Of silver, Gold, Brass, ironwood, stone.
But as he honored them.
No praise to God.
Of gold and silver, glass, silent stone. He is dishonouring God. Domestic Daniel Gibbons is not the God.
Give the message to judgment.
If I may make an application.
There are many deer, young fish.
Being taught to admire the important world.
To Excel and whatever you want to name it.
In Bathmat the World.
Misappropriating Assembly of God Help.
They don't mind if someone.
Take the viewers of these stripes at the end of giving the gold medal.
The only thing in both of his friends has nothing to sell someone else.
Getting back from his views of the ventilation.
We need to.
He vessels made for the massive use.
We talk about devotion to the Lord.
In the fields of white department.
He looked on and two brothers said.
Feel the distress that appears a white new harvest.
The young are going out to the degrees of this world.
Daniel started to run a year round and go ahead and be.
Oh man, going to be lost.
Are we thinking?
Subtitle in this world.
He asked. It really doesn't mean that he's got 20 more versions and there's a very pleasant person that they threatened to the portion. Can we speed up a little bit?
The first would improve play vessel fast so on.
It's it's a real focus here, being clean commit to the man.
I'd rather do the fishing and the vessels up in this House.
Going to be verses at the end of this chapter.
Primarily apply to those who are in the collective tab or whether it is larger.
To also apply in our context with those that are not in that path. That might apply to both cases, but we will find even among those gathered through the name of the Lord Jesus, that there are situations where people are ignorant.
But I don't understand and to some extent even appalled because of lack of understanding. And you better remember the admonitions given here, that the servant must not strive.
And hence to, in a spiritual way, try to help us to recover themselves, so that they would recover themselves, and come to retention and maybe beloved service. The difficulties that we have experienced and where the Lord has humbled us, we have not been able.
In a spiritual way to be of help to those who didn't see certain aspects of the truth they actually opposed and they wanted a wider path. But did we have but it took to really help them. If he had been able to practice what Paul was saying, he at the end of the chapter, maybe some souls could have been rescued.
That most distinctive ball instructs Timothy to avoid strike it is. It is really remarkable how often in first and Second Timothy we don't have time to go through them now, but just in this chapter. Notice verse 14 of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no prophet, but to the subverting of the hears. Verse 16.
Shun for vain and vain babbling, so they will increase into more ungodlyness, and then, as it's been mentioned in Virginia 3rd, 23.
Foolish and unlearned questions of boys. Verse 24. The servant of the Lord must not strive. You need to avoid strife. We we, we gain nothing by strife. It really is remarkable, and I think it's something to notice in these last days of the Christian death.
The fight will work.
Only by the flies, some of the contentious.
Horrible attitude for a child. Applause.
An angry match served as driving all these other aspects of the nature coming out.
But be gentle unto all inclined to teach.
Those are the rules themselves.
I think of the children of Israel in Egypt building treasure. That is the payroll.
Here, dear believers whom references been made that are walking in all like they have, they are posing by strengthening the very system that keeps them in *******.
But God has to give repentance. I cannot save my brother, to whom I can have a measure of brothership, who is not gathered in the Lord's name. You must get out of that. I must minister Christ, walk in the truth, and a way to give him to realize.
Oh, I've been instructed religiously wrong and I've seen from the word of God a path that would take me outside, but.
Seek to bring one out without administration of the grace of God and the truth of God is to put him under law. He won't, He won't do it any favor they can mount which he's given his energy that still keeps him in *******. So I really have entered into my own soul.
The principle of being gentlemen of all, and not seeking to bring them out under any other principle of a diagnosis of the word of God.
Well, it's looking out right through the word all the way through. You have the word twice in the Psalms. You have it in the beginning of Isaiah, and it's always that order, separation from evil and then doing good.
In First Corinthians 15.
There's some verses, but one of them says simply be not the key. Evil communications corrupt good manners. And we can understand that. And if you want to find out what it was under the law, read the book of Haggai. We haven't got time to turn back on if I could, but it's such an easy principle to try to remember these hurts from ears he claims. To bear the vessels of the Lord was under the law too.
And it's the same person, just departed from evil then doing good.
To serve the living in true God and to wait for something. What a what a marvelous instruction to all of us.
Returned to God and they had to go to currency. So it wasn't hard to leave up there either. And if we can see the truth of Christ and the grace of Christ, we can give up associations that we file.
That relations all his furs used to come through and then bumped, You know, he sometimes reversed that order. Go unto him outside to him the same principle, and in our context with fellow believers who have not come into the enjoyment of what the Lord administration has given us to see, we can bring the scriptures before them, but the early brethren did.
Many times.
They had cottage meetings, reading meetings in homes where they brought the food before home. We can still do that.
May be thought will not always as a result of his efforts to gather to the name of the Lord, but even if they come to a full understanding of some scriptural truth, it's a worthwhile effort. And to go there and to just trying to force down their throat, come out from the system as we added to the name of the Lord.
Well, bring the truth of God before them, and so that they come to a greater appreciation of the Lord Jesus and the work that He has done, and everything perhaps, will fall into place. There's a possibility for us to reach out to souls, not just inviting them to the essentials, visiting with them, and bring their sisters before them, but he murdered me in chapter 3.
You were mentioning to others that you can and the Old Testament. That's all Timothy has, right? He didn't have the New Testament, yet he was admonished to continue in those things that become a child had learned. How much do we learn from the Old Testament and all scriptures is given by inspiration of God. We may be perhaps at times have neglected the Old Testament.
The offering and all that gives us such a better understanding of the various aspects of the death of Christ. And we better do not neglect the Old Testament because we will not have to say some of the New Testament if we don't have the Old Testament background. And we won't get the spiritual lesson from the Old Testament without the news. Well, the word of God is such a treasure.
We're only skipping or we're only on the surface of your mindset. There's so much to be enjoyed and may the Lord help us that we do not neglect this.
Daniel and a few others in the Old Testament.
The Lord Jesus Christ be with Zions here.
Briefly, with what could be more blessed than this?
Some of the endings of other epistles.
And you start to sit down through you see that this verse?
Is the richest beautifulness the Lord Jesus Christ? Be ready, Christ.
Lord God.
I save your heart.
Where, Lord?
We will go.
At all.
I need.
If not when?
Hard worker.
Oh boy, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, granddaughter.