24 Hrs. in the Life of the Lord

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Address—T. Roach
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Oh my God.
Take the throne.
Near my constant.
And I can be later.
Want to go and went to third nursing home to visit a man whom we knew to be a Christian, right? Happy Christian. He had suffered a stroke at the age of 39 and he didn't capacitated. He'd been a preacher and he said.
It had a verse on it that John 316 on it and he said I don't understand it.
I don't know how you would react. It really stunned me. Didn't understand John 316.
Said Jordan. I don't understand what do you mean you don't understand John 316, he's.
For God so loved the world to understand.
But I wonder if any of us really understand that. I know I asked some children one time in the little world. That's nice. They understand a little bit about the love of the Lord Jesus. But.
You know we'll be all eternity examining those riches of His grace and wondering about his love. Why did he love us? But I like to look tonight, this afternoon and a little bit of a little portion of the Lords life 44 hours approximately before he gave up his life on the cross. And if we don't understand his love, we can enjoy His love and let it fulfill our hearts and and attract our hearts to himself.
Let's start in Luke 22 and we'll look at those last, I believe about a 24 hour period just before the Lord gave up his life on the cross and then leave him.
On the cross, you'll just go a little beyond that. See it's resurrection and ascension too. But.
We'll start with what may have been just about 24 hours before he gave up his life, Luke 22 and verse one.
Now the feast of unleavened Bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover, and the chief priests and scribes saw how they might kill him, but they feared the people. Then I heard Satan into Judas surname, Hesperia, being of the number of 12, he went his way and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them. And they were glad the covenant had been given money, and he promised them sought opportunity to betray him unto them.
In the absence of the multitude, then came the day of unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat. And they said away him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in.
And ye shall say unto the good men of the house, the master said unto thee, Where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples? And he shall show you a large carpet room furnished there made ready they went and found, as he had set up for them, and they made ready to pass over. And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the 12 apostles with him. And he said unto them with desire, a desire to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Before I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this and divide it among yourselves. They're saying to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the Kingdom of God shall come. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and break it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body, which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also a cup after supper, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood.
Which is shed for you. But behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me, is with me on the table. Truly the sort of man goeth as it was determined with wool of that man by whom he is betrayed. They began to inquire among themselves which of them it was, and should do this thing, and it was also a strike among them Which of them should be accounted to grace. Hopefully we can stop there.
First of all.
You might wonder if the Lord Jesus is going to be the Passover himself and we find out in First Corinthians he is it's Christ, our past sacrifice for us. How can the Lord then eat the Passover and 24 hours later feed the Passover and all be in the right time? Well, I believe if we search out those verses in Exodus 12 and also again in numbers if you look at it in the in the Dhabi translation.
It gives the time as between the two evenings, between the two evenings, so had sun down something that it was Friday night at the Lord Jesus night on sundown on Thursday night, our Thursday night, they could kill the Passover and eat it. And the following day, in our way of reckoning before sundown, there was another property. It was all within that boundary, A proper time to kill the castle between the two eatons.
So this is going to be the early part and it's going to die at the latter part. And I believe it's all right in the right the proper timing of killing the Passover.
How to avoid flipping back and forth? I'm going to just refer to some other verses in. I believe it's Matthew the chief priests when they're trying to.
Plot to do away with the Lord Jesus, it said Among themselves, not on the peace trade as could be an uproar among the people.
And it says in verse 7 here, Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread when the Passover must be killed.
That's what God says. Passover must be filled. And they said not on the feast day. Well, it wasn't hard to decide which one is going to win out, is it? We know that God's purposes will take place in due time, and nothing can frustrate that. This man might plot and plan, but God's purpose is going to be fulfilled as a property kind. And so it was. And then the Passover.
Had to be eaten at a certain place, we know. In Deuteronomy it says that.
You shall not eat the Passover any place that you see, but it must be in the place which the Lord Diljal choose there after that Passover. So when the Lord says to Peter and John going for Paris to Passover, that we may eat, they say unto him, Where wilt thou we?
Is too bad for Christians don't ask a question like that because God is specific directions. He gives them specific direction to find a place that the Lord chose. And it must have been that this good man in the house knew the Lord.
Matthew, you would find that the message is the master set. My time is coming. Where is the guest? My time is coming. So that man must have had some acquaintance with the Lord and that he was going to die.
Well, they follow the directions.
Very specific directions and a very instructive chapter. But we don't want to get sidetracked into the details of the chapter because we'd like to follow through this whole period of time in the Lords life. But I do like the 13th verse, and I can never pass over without commenting on it, because the specific directions were given and you might think of all kinds of excuses why it might not work. Maybe the.
Chambers already been used. It's already worked. It can't be. The Lord sends them there and they went and found as he was set up to them and they ready to pass it so many times. The excuses are made and reasons were given.
That following the Scripture might not work, but what about so and so? Well, if we just try it, we go, we'll find just as you said unto us.
When the hour was come, he sat down and 12 apostles went.
I believe he sat down first.
First one there, and it's nice to see folks try to do it myself. Sit down beforehand before the appointed time and sometimes we get a topic and.
We forget that and the last minute.
Well, it's nice as we can if we have the time that we're able. I know that at home there's some folks, even on the midweek meeting particularly, they barely have time to get home and need a quick supper, turn around and come over to the meeting. And we're happy to see them, even if they do arrive at the last minute or two minutes later.
The Lord knows.
The Lord sat down the troll of councils with him and he said with desire. I have desire to eat this castle with you before I stop. Now I know it's talking about the Passover, but it shows the Lorde own desire.
And I like to think of that particularly when someone just nearly has taken the place at the Lords table, especially a young person. You know, you see them, they're happy in the Lord and when they take that step, they really seem to be extra happy. And then like to tell them, you know, the Lord is happy too. If you're happy, he's happy. He says with desire, I'm desire, deepest Passover. If the Lord desire to have his own around himself.
Well, he does then go down in verse 19 to institute the.
Also the the Lord suffered his suffer from the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup.
A lot of things that we talked about that the Lord is going to do in this 24 hour period is astonishing in one way.
That when we face real trouble and danger or pain in our lives, we generally narrow our thinking right down to ourselves.
We're not so concerned about others.
Subtract from time to other an accident where this man was pinned under a truck. There was no talk about his soul, but it kept us off and kept this off of me until he finally passed away.
Well, it was only the only think of himself. One little narrow thing there, but we'll find that the Lord Jesus will be face the cross. And he knew it. She had it on.
That he was going to suffer and that he was going to lay down his life and be fully treated. He knew He knew all that, but we'll find numerous times. His concern is for others. His concern was for His disciples here, and to give them that peace of remembrance is a.
It's nothing new that they didn't understand because back in Jeremiah 16, it speaks there with time in Israel when things will be so upset, disturbed, that that even if a near relative died, they would not break bread for them or give the cup of consolation.
It was something they apparently did at a funeral or some kind of love, that period of time. And it was, it was something known to do for one who would die. And so the Lord says to do this is passed on to us in Corinthians that we're to do this, not just the Jewish disciples, but we as Christians in this age, we're to show forth His death in the red drinking of the cup.
And it was something that was done, for the death of the Lord is living.
Put that together well, I can use the illustration. I remember hearing my father use that. When men want to remember somebody, Some great hero that has passed on, passed on. They make a statue of that person as he was in life. He or she wasn't like they want to remember them as they were. But the Lord is living. He's living, so we remember him as he was.
That he wants to ask.
That that's to me significant. That we show forth his death and the breaking of dread, and that the slot he given for us is blood separate.
Well, it's just a little by the way.
But again, we have the Lord here, facing these dreadful things, is going to be made sin for us. You'll see that when we come to the garden. But it was a terrible thing to be made thin, and we don't have to appreciate that. But we're not mad.
The Lord was facing these things. You would hope that he would have some comfort from his own.
But he has to speak of what was going to betray them.
When he mentioned it in John's Gospel, it says that.
Looked one upon another.
I believe that was the first reaction. They looked one upon another. If someone could accurately tell us that someone in this room right now is going to do a dreadful thing. I don't think any of those are good things, Will or I'm probably the one who that could be. Well, that was the first reaction that you're a bit. They must have really gotten down to it. Well, maybe they looked around and similarly beyond.
Here and and they finally said.
Lord, is it I, Lord, is it I? I think that's a healthy exercise for us, Lord of the Eye. And so the Lord had to had the problem of that.
No doubt grieve his heart. And then in verse 24 it says there was a strike among them. Which of them should be accounted the greatest? That wasn't the first time they did that. But that was a terrible thing for the Lord to have to deal with when he had such great problems he might say himself to have to deal with.
This argument among his own and yet.
Talking about that, well, there's so many things that you have to deal with among them.
Well, I guess we'll go on to verse 31, although it doesn't come here in Time Warner, but the Lord had to say to Peter, says Simon, Simon, Behold, Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as weak. So I have prayed for you. If I pray fail not and when thou art converted.
Strengthened by forever. And he said to him, Lord, I'm ready to go with thee both in the prison with death, he said. I tell thee, Peter talks will not curl this day before the thou shall Christ deny and Allison.
Well, that was something that the Lord Jesus had to deal with too, and he never omitted one thing that he had to do. And yet it must have been a wait in his mind, because as a man he he really went through these things. We can't think that because Jesus is God that.
Doing these things as man was easy for him. It was just as much of a trial as it would be an endless he would feel the pain, he would feel the thirst, he would feel the forsaken. He did understand that, just like we do here, appreciate that deal.
You would feel that. And so he deals with Peter here that Peter was going to deny. And Peter doesn't believe it. He had to find out the hard way. Much like ourselves, we have to find out by failure what he really was.
You can hold your place here because we come back and let's go over to John 13.
Doesn't believe this took place. It's often referred to as the upper rural ministry took place.
While they were in that house after the Passover.
Well, it starts out speaking about before the feast of the Passover.
I don't know if I really understand that, except that it may be that the Lord was.
Thinking of this before they actually sat down, because verse two says something being ended is read from verse one now before the feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his hour was coming that he could be part out of this world unto the problem. Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them.
Onto the end.
Suffer being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, signing Son to betray Jesus, known that the Father had given all things into his hands, that he was come from God and went to God. He rises from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself. After that he poured water into a basin and began to watch the disciples feet wipe them with a towel, they would be his burden.
I don't want to just go on and read that whole thing that's familiar to us and we don't have time to go into the details of all of these things, but.
The Lord Jesus would take the time to wash his disciples feet. Please think of what was before Bronx was before him the dreadfulness of being made sin.
Here he is watching his disciples feet.
Maybe 3 Verse seven. And Jesus answered and said of me, and what I do thou knowest not now that thou shalt know Hereafter I believe he was just teaching us.
A lesson. If we were to literally wash one another's feet, he wouldn't need to say that we would know. They would have known. But he said we'll know hereafter there was something.
That did suit for, and we believe now that it has to do with dealing with each other, with the water of the water, the word of God encouraging one another, and so on. We do get our 55. The Lord would take care of that and humble himself and take off his garments and do himself with a towel.
Servant the ability of the Lord Jesus and bear in mind that this is just before he was going to be apprehended or taken to the cross.
And while we're looking at these things, recognize that time is passing. They had killed and took a Passover lab and they had eaten it and they had these discussions. And time is passing and it's getting later and later, and we'll see that when we get to the garden.
Cycles fell asleep, and no doubt was in the small hours of the morning at that time. But here we have the Lord speaking to them in in chapter 14.
Let not your heart be troubled.
In legal funding in 11/12/13 John, his heart was struggled, he was troubled in spirit, but he said let not your father be trouble.
Who's going to pass through some dreadful things, but what he wants for his own?
Comfort his own. Let not your heart be troubled, but just think of him now living for us. He's passed through the cross and he's now reaching for us. If he said it, then so much more now he said. Let not your heart be troubled. Why should we be troubled? He's living for us. These are all powerful. He's out of life, he will say to us trouble.
And many things I said in these chapters. But I'd like to just skim over to the 15th chapter and verse 9. As the Father have loved me, so have I loved you, continued me in my love. If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love. Even as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His life, these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be true.
Expect how loving the Lord wants to be, concerned that the joy of his own will be full. Not half full, but full. And if you see, it's connected here with obedience.
And in the 16th chapter we have the same expression in verse 24.
Either two have you asked nothing in my name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. Now the joy is full, It connects with dependence. Obedience and dependence can bring that full joy. And the 17th chapter in his prayer.
He speaks of in verse 11.
And now I'm no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee, Holy Father, keep through thy own name those whom thou hast given me, but they may be one as we are speaking.
Joy down in verse 13, they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves and communion.
So those three things.
Together would give us full joy, the obedience and dependence and communion.
When another with the Lord.
You know, we go back to John again, but we'll now go back to Luke for a moment and and the 13th, 39th verse of that 22nd chapter.
Mentioned before that it was a little out of time, order, and Speaking of the Lord spoke to Peter.
Both Matthew and Mark, that was after they went out to the Mount of Olives that he spoke to Peter.
After the great deal of difference, so the Lord has spoken these things, and they were about to be. He was about to be apprehended by the soldiers that came with Judas, and he spoke that.
So in verse 39 of Luke 22 he came out and went to see those custom.
To the mount of Olives. And his disciples also followed him. And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that the ender not into temptation, And he was withdrawn from then about a stones cast, kneeled down, and prayed, saying, Father, if thou be willing remove this cup from me, nevertheless not my will but thine be done. And there appeared an Angel unto him from heaven.
Strengthening him and being in an agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
And when he rose up from prayer, come to his disciples, He found them sleeping with sorrow.
And just imagine the time has passed and disciples had been busy to move out the day before the Ghana prepared the Passover, deep the Passover. And they're talking and that upper room. And now they've gone out to the front of olives and it's late at night. And the Lord prayed three times. You know how long the mother prayed?
There, but the disciples fell asleep. You know an amount of transfiguration. You fall asleep too. It's hard to understand how how they would fall asleep there. Because the Lord was transfigured before them and his face was shining like the sun and He had. They seek to fall asleep there too. And it says when they were fully awake then they beheld His glory. But here they they don't. They don't really enter into it. They don't understand.
That the Lord is about to suffer, but he certainly.
Fully understand, it goes over in prayer with the Father. And so when the time comes and he's about to be offered up, he's come. He's at peace because he's already settled it between himself and the Father. This was the Father's. Will he please if it's possible, at this tough pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will but mine began.
It's something I marvel at here. In verse 44 it says that being in an agony, he prayed more permanently.
Says more. I don't understand that. I don't understand how he could pray more honestly because he would be talking about 100% to start with. I believe what it does is gives us some magnitude of what we expect, that it was a dreadful thing for the holy one of God to be made sin and a very feeble illustration of this. I'm sure we all can relate to it, especially with with children.
Maybe there's a crash in the other room and parents come running in to find out what happened. No one wants to get blamed, so the ones who weren't to blame say I didn't do it, I didn't do it. Nor if you were to say did you do that.
We don't want to be blamed for something that didn't do. Understand that. You don't want to be blamed for something we didn't do. And here we and yet we might have done the same thing on another occasion, but this time we're clean. The Lord Jesus universe.
And never had anything on anything. And he was going to be made sin and have the sins of all redeemed put upon him. Because don't be sins it would be so defy it was something he shrunk from it, but he was willing to do the Father's will.
Even though it meant being made sin for us and all, thankfully we can be no wonder Gordon Chapel couldn't understand the love of God because it was beyond it. And can we say that we really understand that it's it's before that we can take in fully one of time he made sin.
Terrible thing, sin upon him.
Well, I'm stressed. Go over to John's Gospel again through 18 chapter because we're still seeing him in the garden there.
Again, the Lord could have avoided this confrontation because beginning at verse one is when Jesus had spoken these words He went forth with disciples over the brook Sedrons.
Where it was a garden into the into the which he entered, and his disciples and Judas also would betray him in the place where Jesus often is resorted to their with his disciples.
So we could easily see if you don't want to be apprehended by Judas, you just don't go there. The Lord went there because he'd come to die. He'd come into this world on purpose. You remember the story of this America called the Samaritan?
He came to the place where that wounded man was and he found out his wounds poured in oil and wine. Someone said to me how? How come he had the oil and the wine and the bandage?
Became on purpose. It was his intention to come, and the Lord Jesus came on purpose to wear ourselves.
Came as he became a man, for the suffering of death made a little lower than the Angel. He came on purpose, and so that purpose was to lay down his life in the tent of John, he says He laid it down of himself. No one would take it from him. And the power to lay it down, and he had the power to take it again. And so he came there. I'd like to just look at verse 11.
In the middle of the verse was again in connection with Peter drawn and sword. In the middle of the verse the Lord says the cup which my Father hath given me, Shall I not drink it?
The acceptability of arms will keep.
Completely accepted. The ruling Father shall not drink, so he goes to the cross.
That's AI believe a mark remarkable statement.
He We think of how much men did to the Lord Jesus, but he said the cup.
My father.
Has never forget that. But Father laid this on him. Everything was in control. It wasn't out of control. Looks like it when you see Judas and that band and the thing that the soldiers did, the chief priests did.
Dreadful things, but everything is in control.
I'd like to go back to Matthew now.
Because the Lord was apprehended there in that garden and.
Taken through to the High Priest Palace.
Passover. One little touch, even the 50th verse when Judas came out there to to betray the Lord.
Jesus said unto him, Friend.
What do you think that was melting down? Didn't you think that would touch Judas heart with all the intention that he had the the greed for that money. And it may be that he thought the Lord was somebody miraculously as he done before and Judas would be 30 pieces of silver to the earth, but here the Lord is apprehended and.
By Judas. The Lord called him friend. Friend. Well, Satan had taken possession of him and wasn't going to let this depend on Judas.
But I do like that little touch, Lord calling through this friend at that point.
Well, to go down in this chapter.
There's 57. He's LED away to the high Priest, and even that is a remarkable thing. Here is the greater and upholder of the universe being LED away by a matter of ruffians.
He had healed the ear of that servant. His ear had been cut off, and it says they bound him and.
The hardness of a human heart can we salivate? How to avoid our hearts? To take that hand that has touched and healed that man and by his hands, and then lead him alone? He goes willingly, because it was the cup that his father had given him to drink.
Well, they pressed the Lord to to confess who he was. Jesus was speaking to them when they made the false accusations. But in verse 63, the high priest.
Answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that that tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. But that was the truth, and he acknowledged it. You know, the Lord Jesus was not put to death.
Or falsehood.
Both witnesses did not put him to death.
There were two reasons they had for putting him to death, and both were true. This is one of them. He's the Son of God. He is the king of the Jews.
It's interesting his answer, verse 64, Jesus says unto them.
Said that is he acknowledged being the Son of God. And he said, Nevertheless, I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man.
Sitting on the right hand of the path of power and coming from the clouds of heaven.
It was a remarkable answer in a covered 4 Old Testament scriptures right there, which tells Jewish people those streets knew.
The Son of God Psalm two, Son of Man Psalm 8, sitting on the right hand of power. Psalm 110 and coming in the clouds of heaven, Daniel 7/24.
4th expression of the Lord Jesus. How could they doubt who he was he really was?
And then the high priest rent his clothes.
Who's trying to do everything in the huge Jesus of falsehood? If you read Leviticus 21, you applying that, among other things, the High Priest Who God's chosen High priest who is to be holy? One of the things you would never to do is surrenders clothes to do.
And here he goes. He goes his clothes.
And yet they wouldn't come into the judgment hall of McCann and John. He doesn't come into. They won't come into the judgment hall because they don't want to defile themselves at the holy day. They want to keep capacity.
Which speaks of the death of the Lord Jesus. So inconsistent man is, and yet the Lord will just bring these things before them.
Verse 67 Then did they spit in his face?
In the next chapter we have the Roman soldiers sitting on him, but of those Jewish people, they spit into space.
That was more than just a disgusting thing that none of us would want to have happened to us, but it was a special insult to a Jewish person to have someone spit in the face. Remember the time that Miriam complained about Moses? And she was she became a leper and Aaron said pray for her that should be recovered and she was but positive. Her father that could spit in her face, would she not be unclean? So they had to shut her out of the camp for seven days.
So it was a it was a special insult that they were doing to the Lord here and buffeted him and others smoking with the palms of their hands saying prophecy to us about Christ. Who is he that Smokey. Then we have about Peters denial.
And it's back in Luke where the Lord turned and looked on him. Now we're really getting into something where none of us, I don't think, would be able to keep ourselves under control. And if they're beating us, they're insulting us. And then Peter denies the Lord. The cup grows and the Lord turns.
Time now and all they're doing.
They might be smacking about the very time he's doing this, but he turns into looking.
No wonder people will not work there.
Peter down to think of what the Lord was enduring and he wasn't willing to stand by. You know what was restored. And I think it's Walston that mentions that in theaters 2 Epistles. You see how often the result of Peter's failure and how he has learned from it. And one thing that I find sometimes, I always find those things that people mention in their comments like that. But I I can see one verse.
And it's the first Peter 3.
15 I think it is Sanctify the Lord God in your heart, and be ready always to give an answer to them that asked a reasonable hope within you to make us in fear.
Sanctify the Lord in your heart, Peter, is as much as saying, I didn't do that. I stayed at a distance, I kept away, and I didn't have the Lord separated in my heart, and I failed when I denied it. So he's saying He's pleading with us, the Lord keep the Lord there and don't deny him.
49 Be ready to give an answer. Someone asked. It might take your life. He doesn't mention that, but he said.
And how many times we look back at our own lives, have we?
To speak a word in his favor, you know, it doesn't have to be much. Let's think of a side here, but in the 7th of John where Nicodemus is present among the other Pharisees, when the officers come back and they said, why did she bring Jesus? Why didn't you bring him? They said man, man spake like this. And then Nicodemus says, does our law judge any man before it hear him?
But they detected something in the favor of the Lord. There Nicodemus is taught, and I said, are you?
So they sometimes we we may be afraid to come out clearly and confess in the Lord, but they already know there's some connection there.
They know there's something that makes us strange, makes us different, and we might as well let them know what it is.
And that so many times. But we need to sanctify the Lord in our heart. If we have the Lord right before us in our heart, then when the opportunity comes, we'll be able to answer for Him.
Like the zigzag around too much. If you want to hold your place in Matthew here, we'll go over to John 19 again just.
So the glory of God is to conceal a matter and the.
Glory of kings matter. So God has concealed these things in various places and we have to search them out.
The 19th of John.
I don't know how it is with you, but oftentimes I can read this chapter and I'm way down a few verses from.
Look at the first verse for example. We can pass over about thinking. Then Pilot therefore took Jesus and scourged him.
Spurgeon pull the whip.
I don't think anybody here, including myself, they would want to be whipped even with a nice smooth leather belt, let alone with enrollments and without speculating on what it was like, we have the scripture that says in Isaiah, I gave my back to the smugglers and in the song I had the 129, it says they plowed upon their back and they long their curls. So this was no little beating. This was.
A pilot spurs Jesus.
Doesn't take many words to say it was a awful thing he endured. And then when you think that he was nailed to the cross, I hear this rock tree behind it and he's nailed there. And for every breath he has to move up and sag down in a shrapnel back. That must have been fairly painful.
And then in verse two it says the soldiers cited a crown of thorns and put it on his head.
I suppose at some time or other, everyone of us has stepped on a phone or stepped on my finger, but the big roses and what happens? You get thorns, don't you? And so we understand a little bit about function.
Woven out of these thorns and put on the head, and then it says that they took the rod and they smoked them with it on the head. And so the Lord Jesus had to endure those insults. And again, I believe the thorns crowning him with thorns was another special insult to the Lord.
Because what the forms come from.
And sin. And when sin came into the world, the first sin brought form. And it's just as if it turned around and say there we got the wrench. And it's a terrible thing because they crowned him with thorns. Not only the pain, but they.
The insult behind it, Well, these things are dreadful. What the Lord Jesus endured and at the same time we find him in. This wasn't the first thing that he said from the cross, but in verse 25, the same chapter, next three verses.
He speaks to his mother and says.
And the apostle John he says, Woman, Behold thy son, son, Behold thy mother.
Under that terrible format of the cross, he's able to manner manage this matter of his mother, the care of his mother, commit her into the hands of.
The care that certainly has.
Yes, we go back to Luke before we go back to Matthew.
But the 23rd of Luke will find the first, what I believe was the first statement of the Lord from the cross.
In verse 34 through 23 then said Jesus.
Father and forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Models were given again. He's thinking of others. He's thinking of those actually. He put them on the fence, those who cried out away with them, crucifying him and those who.
Nailed him to that cross, guarded him there.
Speaking of forgiveness.
Someone has said that the blood of Christ is so powerful that it could wash away the sins of women.
Trust in the Lord Jesus to take away our sins too, and I hope that everybody here this afternoon has your sins for.
Which we trust in the Lord Jesus. And then there's this thief crucified with the Lord. And he says, Lord in verse 22, Remember Me. And I cometh into thy Kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Barely I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
So again, the Lord is able to think of others.
You know.
Hope we can understand that that we are in pain or we are in deep distress. We seem to narrow right into ourselves. Is that true? You're about that to be true. And yet the Lord Jesus, his heart is going out to others and he would deal with that, that man.
That thief beside him on the cross, Perhaps the man had heard the Lord. No doubt he could have he heard these things.
Because it was said loud enough for others to hear Father forgive them, He knew that there was a message. And then he heard the Lord talk about his mother and commit her into the care of the Apostle. He knew he cared. He knew Jesus cared, and so he would speak to him to the Lord. And you know the Lord Jesus was dying beside him on the cross.
Acknowledges him as Lord and he asks the Lord Jesus to remember things.
That comes in this Kingdom.
Well, what about that? The king is dying. Does he have a Kingdom?
Somehow he must have sensed that the Lord will rise again, that this wasn't the end because he's acknowledging what we have enrolled in line and almost 10 Nine will be written yet, but almost 10/9.
That's before our mouth, The Lord Jesus shall believe in my heart, God of faith.
But it's often on the walls. We know that first, and this man seemed to believe that even before it was written, and he was with the Lord Jesus that very day.
Now we're going forward to Matthew 27 again because of the worst things that ever took place that this next one we're going to read about the.
We didn't touch every detail of what took place when the Lord was on the cross.
Apprehended in the garden early in the morning and taken to the High Priest Palace, and then at the break of day taken over to pilot and condemned there.
And now he's on the cross.
For three hours.
There's 45 and Matthew 27. Now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land. Into the ninth hour, and about the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli, Eli, Landon Sebastian, as you say, my God, my God, blind thou forsaken me.
That was an awful pride to come from the lips of the Lord Jesus. It shows how much he felt that the awfulness of what took place in those three dark hours, which I believe was someone who was bearing their sins, and the judgment of God was against him there. And he says in Psalm, thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
He doesn't speak, a man doing it and speaking to God and says Styles brought me into the dust of death and he recognized that this was.
John who did this in Isaiah 53 is very plain that.
The Lord hath laid up him the iniquity of us all. It was God who brought those, put those sins, laid those sins upon us. If we had to remember all our sins, and compress them all individually, and never could do it.
Have you forgotten many of them and many things that we did We didn't know they were sins. We thought it was quite all right, but God who knows and we've been on and.
Before the the judgment of God against those sins. And he cried out this font of crying without being forsaken by God. No, you and I as believers will never be forsaken.
The wicked in hell will be forsaken, but you and I, who know the Lord as our Savior, will never have to be for so.
Never forsaken and you wonder why is it that it gives that those strange sounding words that we don't even.
Pronouncing correctly. But there they are, and I think maybe it sequences such an the Spirit of God preserves the very words that the Lord Jesus spoke and the language that is spoken and then translated, so you'll understand it. We want us to get a feeling if you want us to know how awful it was, and he wants us to know what it was said. And he was forsaken by God because he was bearing our sins in his own body on a tree, holding all that after this.
He tried with a loud voice.
It is finished. He bowed his head and dismissed his spirit, and he he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Even that is quoted from Psalm 31 as in the committed spirit of the hand of God.
Well, that is the end of the 24 hour period, but it's not the end of the story because you know.
There were two men that God had in reserve, and one of them was a counselor. That part of that council had condemned the Lord to death. But it says specifically that Joseph was not. He did not condemn, he was not part of that decision, and he came along with Nicodemus and to defend the body of the Lord. Jesus and his story waited on a new tomb, Joseph's own new tomb.
You know the Lord is temple, three enemies. We must have a preeminence. He was the first one will be broken up to him. But I think there's something else about that you might remember. Way back in the Old Testament, there's a little story. It only takes a couple of verses to tell, but there was some.
Men carrying a dead body or what A bury this person.
And they saw abandoned Moabites that had come in to rape Israel. And they were spirit, you know, And they said, what are we going to do? And they said, let's put this body in this grave here. And they just put that body in the grave with the tool of the Elisha. And when the man's bones, when his back body hugs the bones of Elijah, he revives and came to life. And others want anybody to think that the Lord was buried in a tomb where there was a prophet or a king or some great man.
And that falls in 25. He was in his own in that new tomb where never man before replayed. And when he was raised from the dead to his God's power, it is God and grace, that greatest power there is raising the Lord from the dead. Well, I didn't still look at the end of the story. He was buried, and we know the third day he rose again. And that isn't the end of the story, because after 40 days.
And he was seen only of believers after that before, many of them 500 at once.
And then they went out to amount of hours to happening with the Lord and while he was speaking to them and blessing them is carried up into heaven.
Remember what the angels said. Why are you standing here looking up into heaven at the same Jesus which you've seen going to heaven shall come in like manner.
He's coming back, coming back. And even that's not the other story that you're going to be with control and it will take endless ages and everything. Quoted right Ephesians 27.
And in the ages to come.
He might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards Jesus. They spent about an hour talking about a 24 hour period in the life of the world. Jesus. Imagine what the ages.
And I'm sure that many thoughts came to your mind while I was speaking. And you could say, well, what about this one? And what about that? What about the other? And I'm sure that if we had another hour of discussion, you could all bring forth things that we had to pass.
And we would have a wonderful time discussing further. But imagine Holly Kennedy and he will reveal it himself, things that we could possibly think of, the riches of his grace and finance stories.
It was on that night of deepest darkness, grounded, thickened through deep waters. That is still, for our sins are swimming, thou, Lord, to seek that we should be with grateful hearts, remembering thee.
You know, a part decent one here that isn't safe. And what we've been speaking about is the Savior, the Lord Jesus and what he endured. Put away your sins.
This should be a good time to try. It would be a good time to take them as their savior. Then there's something else I can remember A sister back home years ago. She came faithfully to the meetings and she sung the hymns. She would sing a hymn like this and she went to the horse table. She would sing about her with grateful hearts, remanding the well. I'm happy to say that she did, eventually.
Into place the table of the Lord, show forth his death, and maybe that would exercise someone here too, 188.
From that night.
I gave the glory and darkness promises.
Big water.
'S love and soul and for our sins.