3 John 1-8

Duration: 1hr 19min
3 John 1‑8
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All right, crashing 7 hour. Come right in thyself on your own, and our souls begin to die.
Our Christmas Day for a while from our ceiling. No, it's been can come in thou art near.
Uh, drinking umm, thyroid and stuff on your vitamin. Umm, I don't think it's, I don't want to stop.
I agree with that.
I want to learn, please. Umm, I have to see this, perhaps you know.
And I can do it from the bottom of the community.
I wonder if we could suggest to take up the third epistle of John.
The elder unto the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.
11 I wish about all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as I so prosperous. For I rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is, indeed, even as a Thou longest in the truth, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth, Beloved.
Thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the President and to strangers.
Which are for witness of thy charity before the Church, Whom if thou bring forward on the journey after a godly sword, thou shall do well. Because that for his namesake they went forth taking nothing of the Gentiles. We therefore ought to receive such that we might be fellow helpers to the truth. I wrote under the Church, but the atrophy.
Who love us, who have the preeminence among them, receive us not. Wherefore when I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth crafting against us with malicious words, and not content there with neither that he himself received the brethren, and forbidden them that would and have cast them out of the Church. You love it. Follow not that which is evil, but that which is good.
He that doeth good is of God, but he that doeth evil.
Have not seen God Demetrius have good report of omen and of the truth itself. Yeah, and we also bear record, and you know that our record is true. I have many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee. But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face.
Peace be to thee, our friends salute thee. Greed thy friends by name.
John had the privilege to write to.
I'm going to say a relatively younger man than himself, although perhaps John was as old as 80 at this time or older. And, uh, one of the things that John appreciated that didn't go unnoticed and I think many of us appreciated this afternoon is that there's many young men whose souls are prospering. And he wrote it to encourage this young man to continue to prosper. I don't know whether Gaius.
Had good health, but one thing he did is he had that first love that was referred to this morning and he carried it out in a remarkable way. And in contrast to another gentleman that we read in this chapter called Theatre Fees. This was written at the time when most of the apostles the Lord had taken home. Perhaps John was the only one left at this particular time and it would be nice as some others which maybe give a little more summary of the book. That was not my thoughts.
But, uh, rather to consider, umm, how we are to function in the assembly with one another, with the dynamics and the excitement that first love brings, uh, brothers and sisters in Christ. And, uh, you know, John was writing the scriptures and the Word of God had quite a big impact in his life. He was a changed man. They didn't change, umm, when he was younger.
Perhaps he was in his 30s when he came to value the Lord Jesus in a remarkable way. If you read in Marks Gospel Chapter 11, we'd read that John had a brother, James, the sons of Zebedee. And it was interesting that at that particular time, perhaps just before the Lord went to the cross, those two brothers decided to ask the Lord a question. And they said, Lord, do you have a place for us? Do you have a specific place?
A place of prominence.
But it's interesting, you know, John, when he wrote his five books that we have in the New Testament, we don't read of any of the prominence that he looked for for himself, but rather he enjoyed when gay people gave the preeminence to the Lord. And so I think that was the spirit in which John wrote to a young, prospering man in his school, Paul Gaius. I just wondered if it could be of some benefit for us to see how we can interact in the absence of our Lord. We have a spirit, but soon we'll be with him for all eternity.
So what a joy to be able to act with the same spirit that Gaius had with one another.
We have something corresponding to the first chapter of the book of Joshua, I believe here not in every aspect, but I was thinking about.
The Commission that was given to Joshua and the first verse it says Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun Moses minister saying.
And we think of some of the expectations that are given, and these expectations are just as much needed now as they were in Joshua's time. We go to verse six. It says, Be strong and of good courage, For unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance to land. Verse seven, only be thou strong and very courageous. And I was thinking of the latter part.
Of that seven first, which links into the portion that we have, it goes on to say, that they may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee. Turn not from it to the right hand, nor to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. And so we have sole prosperity brought before us.
And this third chapter of John, verse two especially beloved, I wish above all things.
That thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper. So that was the desire of Joshua.
Uh, and here is the desire of, uh, John here as he writes this to, uh, gas and it, it says that gas walked in the truth. One thing to say words, isn't it, But it's another when we have the reality.
Uh, that comes forth in our walk before the Lord and before men.
I wonder how we feel if the brethren, we're praying that our health will be as our soul.
Verse two to trade we have a cow, he's here three that bought the health and it might be a problem to its prosperity to the soul. I've often wondered if the brother of friends in our house might be like our state of our souls absolutely very sick at times.
I was thinking perhaps a little bit differently if if someone were to write a letter about you or perhaps me.
What would they say? Because here is not what you want to hear that what people say. What do you think? Who do you think you truly are? But this is what John wrote about Gaius. Gaius. I believe it means I'm glad he said he was the beloved and we see the qualities that he mentioned here. So if someone were to write about me, not here and particularly about me.
What about you?
Would we see words as such in here? So as the beloved, as the one who walked through, and so on. Now the difference is 6. You can still do something about how someone thinks of you, at least on your walk.
After you die, there's nothing you can do because you do have time to change. If you don't like what you think somebody. And you know, The funny thing is regardless of what you think, someone has an opinion on you. You know, sometimes we try to hide as if it were and don't want someone to say something. Well, whether you are very quiet, very, very local, very shy, we all know that. So we whisper over and someone whisper, oh, that brother is very quiet. Well, that brother or that sister, Oh yes, she laughed. Look nice. And regardless, we have a reputation. So what would yours be if someone provides for you?
It can also depend who's writing about you. Someone who's really close to you, as opposed to someone who just shows you an acquaintance.
That our Lord Jesus is reading open and He's the one that we decide to please. He knows every credits of our life.
And maybe if we bare our heart to Him.
Understand what pleases Him.
Thoughts on motives are exercises.
Our goals is like.
That he would be pleased and that he would meet us at the finish line and say well done.
His first two would it not indicate to us that it is possible for somebody to be prospering in their souls and yet be in poor physical condition?
And there's a gospel being preached today called the Health and Wealth gospel, and the thought behind it is that it one is spiritual. It's going to be reflected in the fact that they have great wealth and they have good health.
I don't believe.
There's any ground for that because you think of how the Lord Jesus himself, when he went about he had to ask for a penny. I don't think we have any place where we see that he carried money.
And as far as health is concerned, what about the Apostle Paul? You know, it speaks about him, is that?
Well, his father's presence was weak, and he did have an infirmity in the flesh.
And it was that which?
He would have liked to live without.
Messenger of Satan to Buffett him. But the Lord told Paul that he could serve him better with that infirmity, with that thorn in the flesh.
We should serve better with it than without it.
So I don't believe we need to find encouragement in the fact that I think generally speaking, God's desires that we might enjoy quick physical health. Just because somebody doesn't have it certainly does not mean.
That they're in poor spiritual condition. And I think that's brought out here in the spirit, one of our early American presidents who was a believer, John Quincy Adams. And one time someone asked him how he was doing, and he said John Quincy Adams is doing fine, but the house in which he lives in is falling down.
So I believe that that expressed his spiritual state. In contrast to that, the physical body that was breaking down very rapidly. It's interesting that John introduces himself as an elder. Wasn't he an apostle? Why does he introduce himself as an elder rather than an apostle? You know that Paul often begins his officials for the apostles, and as such, of course he was.
Had his mind of God and the Spirit of God and that position as an apostle.
And that gave the authority for that which he wrote.
Here John diminishes himself. He's gonna speak to this brother, and there are some things that he commends about this brother. But there is a situation there that also needed some.
Wisdom and guidance and help to deal with that to minister that need. John the Apostle diminishes himself. He says I'm just an elder. And so we we have to think true that if we want to minister to a situation, Can we do it if we're full of our own importance. We have to remember the Lord got down and watched his disciples speak. And then also, of course, I'd like to refer to Philippians 2.
Philippians 2.
Verse three. Let nothing be done through strife or Vainglory.
And in loneliness and mine, let's each esteem other better than themselves.
And of course, the fifth verse, let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus there, of course, we got here. The Lord Jesus Christ, the creation sustainer of the universe, diminished himself in becoming man, having obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. And so the apostle Paul, the apostle John, in ministering to this situation, the first thing he does is dimension himself. He says, I'm just an elder, but I'd like to talk to you about something.
That seems important.
We see John introduces, uh, through his episodes there more about how we ought to walk. So we find in the first epistle of John, they told us to walk close to the Father. The fellowship is with the Father and with the Son. And then when we get to the second epistle, we find that you warn us that there are deceivers in this world and sometimes the deceivers of an enemy because they come at the subtle serpent to draw us away now.
In the third epistle he commanded that this young man gave us that he walked into truth because he he sometimes to learn what the truth is.
But it's difficult to walk in the good of it. So we find in the third verse of our chapter, it says for Ivy Joy freely when the brethren came and testified of the truth that it is, or what a commendation when someone else testified how he is walking the truth. Now I'd like to read in the new translation. Give us a little bit of different sense. Why rejoice exceedingly.
When the brethren came and four testimony to thy holding fast the truth, even as our walkers in the truth, so he was holding fast onto the truth. What? We have told the whole fast too, aren't we? But wait a minute, you can't hold fast for something you don't have. So we need to buy the truth 1St and So what not once we buy the truth, then we can hold fast.
To the food and walk in the good of it. And when we do, our brethren, others will see that we walk in the team.
We hold fast at which we value, don't we?
I at one time used to collect postage stamps and I primarily collected stamps from the British Isles, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
And I recall one specific issue that came out from the Isle of Man.
It showed a post that was thinking and showed a man holding up a parchment.
Above the waves and that stamp was issued in commemoration of the translation of the Manx Bible. He was rowing across, I believe from Ireland to the Isle of Man and the storm came up and he had labored for many years with that translation.
And he wanted to protect that, even at any cost.
So I was very impressed with that particular postage stamp.
We're finding the seven churches that the Philadelphia church didn't have a lot of strength. The Lord said to them, for thou hast but little strength. But what he commanded them was that thou hast kept my word and has not denied my name. It sounds like very simple truth, but yet it's very important, isn't it? So sometimes for many of us who have grown up in the assembly and we use phrases like, well, I go to meeting or I don't like what the meeting stands for, or we make different kind of accusations of lights and dislikes.
Instead of saying why are we here? This is not just a place to come because we have good friends, we need to understand why. Why are we gather the way we are gathered? If you don't understand the principle we are gathered to the Lord's name, then you are probably not in the right state of soul to be here. There are things that we do people with questions until you understand it. Do we hold fast through the word of God?
Do we stand up to the apostles doctrines and fellowships? Do we follow what the word of God say or are we able to bend some of this? You know, it's interesting. Recently there was the news about China, China being trying to force religions out of the communist system. They were fighting for the Catholic Church, that they want Catholic priests and bishops to be sanctioned by the Communist Party. And the and the Catholic are saying that only the Pope can sanction those people. And recently they said.
Good news, they came to a compromise that both can live with. Is that what we stand from the word of God? Do we compromise in order to make peace? Or do we hold fast to what it is that we would keep His word and not deny His name?
There are so many admonitions in Scripture to hold fast and to stand fast.
And I may have mentioned this before, in the book of Judges we see a king mentioned his name was Adonai Visak. And in verse six it says in the donut basic Plaid. And they pursued after them and fought him and cut off his sums and great toes. And Adonai Visak said three score and 10 kings having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table. So forth.
At first I was used to puzzle me and I said what is that application? Oh, without a thumb to work in opposition.
Through the fingers you can't hold fast. Without a great toe, your balance is affected and you can't stand fast. So we think of all the admonitions that are given in the Word of God to stand fast and hold fast.
May we endeavor to do so with the Lord's health today. Just one comment about the elders, not to, uh, talk about them really, because we can go to Titus one and research that subject. Umm, But, uh, it's interesting that John, umm.
He didn't just want to write a letter to Gaius, but we read at the end of the book that he actually wanted to visit him and he wanted to share a lot more than could be ever put in a letter.
And I think when it comes to real elders, I think we see that in the heart of John, that it's one thing to write, but it's possible. And John, I don't think it was on the Isle of Patmos at this time. He was free to go and visit, and he intended to visit.
You know we read this morning in Revelation 2.
The second Epistle to Ephesus.
And, uh, how they had first lost their first love.
It's interesting that Paul in Acts chapter 20, I believe it is, he made a point of speaking to the elders in Ephesus before he departed for perhaps the last time.
And, uh, elders are really important, but the whole purpose was to feed the flock of God. And, uh, that seemed to have, uh, somehow there was a, a mishap, wasn't there? Because when we read in Revelation chapter 2, we see that people weren't quite enjoying the freshness that Gaius has mentioned here. One other example I thought we could just refer to briefly, umm, with the generations that we see here between John and Gaius.
As you go back to first Samuel 23, you know the story well, but Jonathan had a personal relationship with God and he was able to the use of God as a vessel to go and fight the Lord's battles. And as soon as he saw David come and meet Goliath, they had something in common. We call it truth, but really call it the power of God. And that's what I think that John saw here in gates. He saw him not just talking about it, but it says here in verse three, the brethren came and testified.
They saw it first time John and Peter later after the Lord Rosemont said he could say those things that we have seen and heard and our hands of handle of the word of life. And you know when it came time for David in a discouragement, a young man that had a zeal to the Lord, the Lord could send someone like Jonathan without Agps, go into a wilderness of the woods and strengthen David's hand in the Lord. And I think that's what John was doing here with Diaz.
Is to strengthen our beloved brethren in the Lord. John couldn't run like ayes anymore. It slowed down, but he could encourage gays his heart to continue and know that the Lord was faithful who would do it.
We've been thinking a little bit about the relationships that exist.
Between the elder and Gaius and there's a verse in Second Timothy chapter 2 That has a similar relationship. In Second Timothy chapter 2, verse one, you have Paul the apostle and Timothy, and this is what Paul says. Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men.
Who shall be able to teach others? Also, I don't know whether there was a natural connection between the elder, who I think was John and Gaius, or whether it was a spiritual connection like Paul had Timothy. But I think there's some learning here in the relationship. The words that that brother George has just been mentioning, the idea of the well beloved, the concept of whom I love and the truth, the affection that existed between the older and the younger. I think it's important that we develop those relationships.
And that there's a connection between the older generation and the generation falling because the scriptural model here in Second Timothy chapter 2, verse 2 is that one generation learns, it teaches it to the next generation, who passes it on to the generation after. And it's good that in learning something like that, you understand the emotion and the connection. Our brother Dave so has been talking about the value, for example, of being gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. Why are we here?
And for me, one of the things that was incredibly, incredibly educational to me was to see.
The emotional meaning that had to our brother stand odds as he expressed that when somebody challenged whether the Lord was in the midst and he said well, if he's not here, then take me to where he is. I want to be where he is and that made a profound impression on me as a young brother to learn that and I hope that to some measure and me expressing that today. Maybe it passes on to a younger brother in in my circle in my connection, but I think that it's just interesting to see that it's not just head knowledge, but it's also.
A harp, And it's a relationship between the one who is teaching and the one who's learning. And I know naturally in our society we're taught. You associate with your peers, you'll learn from the experts. But what I see in the Word of God is the assembly is like a family. And there's the older, the elders, the father figures, and they have a responsibility to teach those who are younger. And even more importantly, those who are younger need to have the attitude that Gaius had to be willing to learn it, to walk in it, to have a desire to know it and have a love for the same things.
So these are, uh, principles that I see in this, uh, third epistle of John. And I think it's a practical thing to keep in mind. There are brothers that I hadn't closed, umm, connections to me. I was in the assembly in Ottawa when their brother Gordon Hano was there. And as I look back on it, I realized I missed a lot of opportunities to learn and profit from what he had to teach. I'm thankful for what I did collect and gather from my brother Gordon, but.
I feel like I missed a bit of an opportunity. I could have grown that relationship as a younger brother going to learn. And so I put that out, uh, for myself to be ready to teach younger brothers. If there's a younger brother that wants to spend time with me to learn something, to share something. And I put it out to those of you who are younger. And the same thing applied to sisters that, uh, there's an opportunity to learn, an opportunity to grow. And we need that relationship younger to older across the generations. We need to learn to value each other. Don't follow the path of the world.
Follow the model of the scripture.
The assembly is a place should be a place of love, caring, compassion. We're all part of the family of God.
I think you would say.
There look at the fourth verse he says I have no greater joy here that my children walking through. Where did John learn the truth? He learned like the Savior in Papa John is the apostle that in the gospel of John imports what is properly called the Lord's Prayer as you go over to the 17th of John.
Lord's Prayer there.
1St Chapter 17 and verse 20 Either pray aye for these alone, or for them also the shall believe of me through their word, that they all may be one. Thou Father art in me, and I indeed that they also may be one enough, that the world may believe that.
Drawing words of things that the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. So now as an old man he has that desire.
For those who earn his children in faith and no greater joy to hear and to hear my children. I was thinking also in the fossil pier, the 5th chapter of the.
Comment was made that John referred to himself as an elder here in the chapter in Peter, in the 5th chapter of first Peter, the elders which are among you, I absorb you also. I'm an elder and a witness who was suffering a Christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed which is among you. Taking the oversight throughout, not like constraints, but willingly, not from filthy looper, but of a ready mind either, seeing Lords over God's period.
Would be an example of what so Peter like John?
One who had learned is to see the Jesus.
In his hair and his love and his desire, that desire that he's seen in the Lord Jesus himself. His prayer to the Father. God now has that care for his children in the faith.
It says you speak to them several walking at the anniversary even as I'll walk through the truth.
And #4 My children walk in the truth. What is the truth?
One of the names of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the way.
Truth and the light God had no greater joy than he strollered in the face, walked closely the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm pleased to refer to First Peter 5 because there we get the job description of an elder and.
As has been mentioned, it's feeding the flock of God.
Notice what he says there, taking oversight thereof. Not by constraint. Don't. Not as a burden. Not as a burden. It's privilege. Not a burden, but willingly, not for filthy Lucas, don't. There may be a reward when we get to to heaven for that which we've done for the Lord down here, but that shouldn't be in the objective.
But with a ready mind, neither has been Lords over God's heritage. We are not part of the flock.
The slot belongs to the law and we have the privilege of helping to look after it. And so that's the, shall I say, the job description of the elder which we get there. And we find out that John in this epistle fulfills that. What does he do? He looks first, the things he can commend and he finds things he can commend in the life of gas and he commends that he, he, he, he gives that commendation. Likewise, John, of course, when he writes in respect of the.
Seven churches. What does he look for first of all?
To combine and he, he finds that which can be commended, you know, in every church, but uh, but perhaps one, but uh, we, uh, umm.
It's easy to be critical.
John Chioda, the one with the care for the flock. He looks at gas and he sees things. He can come in and that's nice.
Walk into truth. There are often two sides to it. We often just look at get so easy to get on one side or the other in uh, the verses before us of how great it was to see him walk in the truth. But then now we see the practical side that the apostle exalted.
To see that he says he loved thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren. What was that it? He's walking two things faithfully for his brethren. No, I think that's a stop with a comma. And then they said to strangers.
So do we carry the love of God, the principle of the love of God, the truth that we have learned from the Word of God? Is it just for the brethren? No, assist you up. It's the strangers as well, because they are our neighbors.
By simply is about your love the Lord thy God, who all thy heart and all thy might and then if there were the other part is easy. Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself and then we often would raise the question just like they did oh Lord, who is my neighbor? And then we start to.
Put it to our own favor. So here these to learn the truth, walk in the truth and then he is to serve his brethren and strangers. But that's only part of it because we often hear the phrase that we walk a very narrow path and we need to be careful how wide of a path that we go on. So that verse 6 go on, it says, which have borne witnesses of thy love before the church. Wow, isn't that nice that the church is a host. All the love that he exhibited whom if thou wilt forward on the journey after God is Lord.
Thou shall uh do well and then to go on. And it's because that point mainstay. They went forward thinking nothing of the Gentiles. That's an interesting thought, isn't it, that though he serve his brethren and perhaps strangers, but it's a principle here that we will not take any correction. He will not take any money from outside his pleasure. That's a godly principle. We're not to do so. So we learned that not from the Gentiles. I believe here it referred to those.
I'd like to back up just a moment. We were referring in verse three, uh, of the brethren that came and testified of the truth that was in gas.
They were not asked particularly to come up. It was voluntary on their part, wasn't it? And I think of, uh, another scripture. And this is in connection with, uh, a sister that went home to be with the ward in Acts Chapter 9.
In connection with Dorcas.
We first serve verse 36 as a woman full of good works.
And in verse 39 says, Then Peter rose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber, and all the widows stood by him weeping and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them. While that was a practical.
Uh, way of showing.
Fourth term love and our concern for those widows, wasn't it? So we have a sister commended here and in our chapter we have a brother commended. And again, those that came up and testified were not put under any pressure or duress to do so. They did it out of the abundance of their heart. So that's nice to see. And our brother George was referring to the fact that.
John not only addressed the letter to Gaius, but he expressed a desire to see Gas and meet with him. And I was just thinking of another scripture that we have in Second Timothy. I know I'm digressing a little bit. I believe it's in the third chapter. No, it's in the first chapter. And verse 16 says the Lord give mercy unto the House of Vanessa Forest, for he often refreshed me.
And was not ashamed of my change. But when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently and found me. We don't know what's encompassed in those words. Very diligently. I'm sure Rome was a big city at that time. He perhaps didn't know where the Apostle Paul was being held, but it was his desire to see the Apostle Paul.
To commune with him and.
To encourage him. So that was part of the refreshing that was mentioned, wasn't it?
I'd just like to make a comment to Robert House when he brought up about sharing the Word of God.
I'm going back 45 years ago when I lived in Vancouver, BC.
Was a young man who was no more higher than a grasshopper.
And this young brother had a desire to look into the word, and he went through a number of our brothers.
That man now is named Bruce Edson, which most of you know. Most of you have read a number of his literature. He was a young man 35 years ago. He was young.
I desire to ask brethren about the Word of God. He had the desire to begin the Word. His name is always. Bush asked Vietnam. See the fruit of that?
I think we can see here in John that he was thrilled to hear about Gaius and to know about him. And he says he writes here, he says he lists some things about about Gaius. He says your soul prospers.
Verse three, you walk in the truth.
Verse five, you do faithfully. He was faithfully hospitable. Verse six, your charity, your love before the church. And so these things, it thrilled the heart of John that this young man.
With the words of God and enjoying Christ and and walking in the truth and it thrilled his heart and I I know from working with so many of the the Saints in Malawi in Africa that.
When I first went there, they hardly knew anything. They didn't know. They didn't know how to function as an assembly.
Nothing. And they really knew nothing. But as you go back year after year, you see them learning and studying and practicing and walking in the truth that they do know. And it's a thrill to your heart. And in your assembly, there's some older brothers who are teaching in your assembly. And when they see that you as a young man or a young woman, you're taking an interest in the things of God.
And you want to know what the word of God says and how you can live in it and walk in it. And they see you progressing and walking in the truth. It excites them. It encourages them.
And, and it says here in verse verse four, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Now you may think, well I can't walk in everything and maybe I try to force you to walk in more than you know, but just be faithful to the little bit you do know. Don't try to walk in something somebody else knows. Be faithful to what you know and and walk in it.
7 Second official to John.
Good morning about those that bring false teaching.
And they are not to be countenance, they have to be.
Rejected because of the doctrine that they bring, it tells us in verse.
Nine Second Epistle, verse 9. Whosoever transgressed it, and abides not in the doctrine of Christ.
Death not God, He that abides in the doctrine of Christ, He hath both Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house.
Neither did him. God, steep, thick. That means don't even say goodbye.
Or he that sitteth in God's feet is a partaker of his evil deeds. So we don't want to give the impression in any way that.
What these are bringing is false teaching is acceptable.
And opposed to the person in the work of Christ. And it's not to be accepted, be rejected.
Now I do believe that if somebody comes with false teaching.
We can present to them the gospel if we can control the conversation and present the way of salvation and the value of the God of Christ.
Perhaps that would be a benefit to one who brings full stop, but we just have to be careful that we don't give the impression that what is being taught by these false teachers anyway? Acceptable. But now when we come to the third epistle.
I believe we have just the opposite, and that is if somebody is bringing the truth.
We are to help them underway.
And it might cost us a little bit to do this. We may need to show some hospitality and.
Yet, uh, we see the topic for John says here.
Concerning gated.
Locked out who is basically whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers.
I noticed that Mister Darby's translation.
He says, love thou doest faithfully in whatever thou mayest have brought towards the brethren, and that strangers. In other words, it's possible that there are those that come with the truth of God that we've never met before.
Are we going to reject him just because the fact that?
They're a stranger to us. I don't believe we ought to do this. If they're bringing teaching that's consistent with the Word of God, we need to promote and help them on their way. I.
I believe that's the thought here.
Diwali you might suggest or ask if those coming in versus in the second of fiscal that brought the false doctrine recommended to not love them commanded not to receive them. So I think John's often called the the love apostle. I think because referred to love more often than any other apostle and yet he wasn't suggesting that love is demonstrated in every instance by receiving someone. There's a teaching in called mainstream Christianity Today that Christianity is all about love and success. The love is demonstrated by accepting everyone regardless of doctrine and lifestyle.
But Apostle John in the second epistle talks about love. He talks about verse four of the second epistle is very close to verse four of the third epistle which foster walking in the truth. So in second Epistle we're told the importance of walking in the truth. We told those importance of loving one another. And yet the elect lady is instructed to not receive an individual into her home in the third epistle.
Talking the the cost of talks with the importance of walking the truth, and then he tells chaos or commend chaos for receiving people into this. What's the difference between the categories of people? It's true.
So the love that we show as Christians to one another is a love that needs to be demonstrated by our application of truth. It's and the value of a place on truth.
Love anti all accepting love should be there for everyone should demonstrate it. But there's a difference between having love for someone also respecting the truth, ensuring that we apply it appropriately so that those that aren't following correct doctrine or involving sin at the number of recognize that there's still love. That they have a responsibility to speak the truth. And we demonstrate our love by distinguishing between those that are perceived or not received.
That's a good point because we love the individual that we do not love to teaching.
Say that's in what's in the word faithful when he says, well, that doesn't faithfully.
One who is faithful with his brethren, there's something that I'm going on with that is not according to the mind of the Lord, is not pleasing to the Lord. A faithful brother. I think bring that out.
Shove it down my throat but to encourage you belong with the Lord faithful for the things of the Lord unless I do faith I do It's basically what part I do to brethren and the strangers. I'd like to make an application there lawful, faithful, faithful with lawful. Sometimes we those we work with from school with those we associate with. So I know they're not the Lord. So let me pray we'll speak the word for the Lord.
I'm going to seek to be faithful to the Lord and to be faithful to strangers or in this application, those who are.
Sophalore's those who are unsafe and won't be faithful to them, give them a word and speak to them for the love of the state. Warning of judgment come and faithful to strangers giving that warning.
And bring it another spin on Speaking of truth, we go back to.
Back into during the war time, there's the same instant his name was.
Entries like around he was one of the important citizens that built that big bomb. And in the end, it's like mentioned something that, you know, the scientists, they always believe in what they can prove and proving that they can make this atomic bomb. They realize that the atomic bomb was not the most dangerous weapon in the world. He actually claimed that the most dangerous weapon in the world was the truth because by discovering that sick bombs actually created something very different.
Umm, and also in, in a, in a warping war frame warranty. I'm sorry, uh, in between the war, like what is the most valuable thing is the truth. That's why they cover it by all these bodies of life. They made all these tactics. So if you can turn into Ephesians 6.
11Th until 20 we know that we have to be wearing the armor of God and.
Beware that.
Rent licenses and the desired residences proof, right? Umm, So it's very interesting to put that pin because it's by taking the truth and knowing that in this in the world, those scientists find out like that. The truth is what's most valuable for us. We can search into the word and actually cover myself of Jesus and actually speak what he has and realize that he's actually the truth.
First, uh, three here, uh, we want to be found walking in the truth and, uh, having the truth is really important, especially when we live in a world of moral relativism and people having different ideas of what is white right and what is wrong. We need to have something that we can hold on to. We know that about Jesus. It says I'm the way, the truth and the light. We also know that in John 17 in, in the Lord's prayer, as mentioned, it says sanctify them to thyself.
Thy word is truth, so we have something that we can hold on to. What is the opposite of truth? And I think it's worthwhile mentioning this because there's a cosmic battle going on if you look at John chapter 8 and verse 44.
We read about the devil. He said that Jesus is talking as a Pharisee. She says here of your father the devil and the less of the father you will do of the devil. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth.
We want to abide in the truth, we want to walk in the truth, but the the devil does not. And we also see that he is the father of lies. Lies are the opposite of truth. So in this cosmic battle we need to hold on to to Jesus who is the truth, hold on to the Word who is the truth.
Yeah, so, umm, I would also like to mention that.
In in scientists recognize, too, that having a standard for something is important. Uh, something we take for granted, even like the kilograms, uh, we use it in so many different scientific measurements.
But even that, the official measurement for that is actually a, a metal, uh, uh, piece of metal that's sitting in, in France in, in a special laboratory. Umm, and they're, they're gonna come up with a more, something that has a better standard to even redefining what a kilogram really is. But for us, we do have a standard that we can rely on and, and that is survival. And that's, that's either who is the truth And we need to walk in that.
And George Washington, chapter one and verse 3.
Joshua chapter one and verse 3.
We raise every place that the soul of your foot shall thread apart, that shall have given to you. I think it's important to realize that it's only to take them that we walk, and that we're really for that.
For example, the fact that we are an ambassador for Christ. If I walk in it, if it's true in my life that I represent Christ out here, it will be mine. I can't talk about it.
But if I live it in my day-to-day, it will be mine. The people of Israel at this promised land in front of them.
But they have to put the foot off in order to protect.
And the same thing with the truth of the assembly. You know, sometimes we need a Christian. And you would ask us, where do you go to church?
Well, you know they got her to the Lord's name.
Just want to challenge would be involved in our assembly.
Are we going to be like smalls, like Sunday morning only? Are we involved? We go to prayer meeting.
For brother, do we go through the brothers meeting and being involved into the process of the building up of the assembly? So, you know, we can, we can talk about these things, but it's good for us to walk and we can apply the same thing about the truth of the Lord's return.
We can't believe it, but is it something that we think about in our everyday life? When I start my day, the Lord might come today.
And the measure that I walk into it, it will be mine. So may the Lord give us grace to walk in these things so that we can possess for his glory.
The connection with those that have been mentioned earlier, especially for prayer, the younger ones, we know that in the schools we're constantly being challenged as to what the truth is. There are no such standards. But.
Uh, we have of course have mentioned relativism and pluralism and all of these isms that have come in, but there, there is a standard that we can go by if they're not.
I recall a story being told of a a man who.
Passed a watchmaker shop every morning and.
He was always concerned that.
His timepiece would be off by a little bit, so he detoured and looked in the watchmakers window and there was a clock that he knew was very very accurate and so if there was any deviation he would reset his clock by that standard.
And even in measurements, standards are very important in navigation. I recall our story being told of, uh, Shackleton, who was in the process of trying to rescue his men from Elephant Island off the coast of Antarctica. And he set out with a few men in a, a rowboat that had a sail on it, uh, heading, uh, to South Georgia.
And it was said that if they were off in terms of any navigation by 110th of a degree.
They never would have made it to that island, so they had to make sure that they followed that standard that they had to follow that navigation instrument and thankful to say that they did follow it and landed there and eventually saved those, uh, that were left on that island. So God's word is the standard that we have and the only thing that we can rely on and knowing that standard is, is so important because.
It is the way in which we answer the lies that the devil suggests to us, as Sean was mentioning to us. If we look at Luke 4, which recounts the the time when Satan tempts Jesus, umm in the wilderness, we see that each time that a temptation, and they're all very unique temptations come. Jesus answers them with scripture. He uses the standard that we are given that we can use to answer the lies that are suggested to us on a daily basis. And so is that the way we approach the lies that the devil gives us is using.
Our Bibles. Do we know our Bibles? We look at the answers that Jesus gives with Scripture. They're all from the book of Deuteronomy. It's not exactly the place I always turn when I am having a discussion about spiritual apologetics or something. But Jesus knew the Word of God. And so too do we need to know the Word of God so well that we can use Deuteronomy when the Satan suggests lies that come in conflict with what we're called to do in our lives.
And we get back to our chapter here we find that there are only 13 verses in our chapter and the apostles John chose to spend eight of those 13 verses on the one group value and the pressures to command such a one because he walked for the truth and the way examples of the truth. But then the other practical side, what we said the practical side was to walk in it and then the other side is closed where to be follow helper. We commented earlier that.
He knows he's not going to take collections of donations for the outside sources. So there's a practical consideration too, don't we? Well, we know one who works for the Lord, that there is a fellowship that we ought to have. So we find here, it tells us that in verse eight we therefore ought to receive such that we might be fellow helpers.
Christian walk is always twofold. There is a faith and then there is a work.
I will walk now. Faith and works are not the same. Faith is God's word. Faith. We believe that God, and He's the one who gives us the faith to walk in the good of it for His glory and honor the work that we do. And so the world can see that God's Word is at hand. So it's like fire and smoke. When there is fire, we know there is smoke. However, they're not the same. The fire will give you warmth.
They smoke, well, they just smoke. So we have to walk before God in truth. And then the rest of the chapter mentioned a few more people, two more to be exact. And the clock here that we have about 10-15 minutes left to go into the one who oppose this.
That we digress, just for a quick second.
Just about watching the truth, loving the truth. Jesus is the truth, the God of truth. The first and First Timothy chapter 3.
Sounds like, but it doesn't matter.
Let somebody believe, as long as it's according to truth.
That there seems to be the thought that anybody can come in off the street and ask to break bread because the Christians allow them to break bread. Well, that's a dangerous precedent. But here we find in the First Tennessee 3.
Controller and ground of the truth.
But the truth is referring to.
Killer Brown truth. The next verse is that you say as we're going to finish the hour.
That is the truth filler, that truth.
It's, it's important to, uh, for myself, I, I've been looking a lot of relapse to say two years into short, uh, towards, like, uh, what the Lord really means for this assembly and where you walk up. And, uh, I just wanted to, uh, provide ourselves is, if ever we are having questions and we're looking into the word, let's always remember that in the garden statement said to be.
Did God really say that? Then let's always think about that, because if the enemy of ourselves, when we're speaking the truth, always going to try and say that.
Church of the Living God certainly is not the truth. The Lord Jesus Christ said I am the truth. But the Church of God is here in this world to be a testimony to Christ. And I think that's the thought connection is.
Church of the Living God being the pillar and ground of support.
Right. Support truth.
We've had much to say about the truth. I want to repeat something that I read recently.
An article was found in the possession of Brother Wigram after he died and it's attributed to him. The article on heresy and that article, he brought up the different aspects of piracy and he said something very significant that is.
The worst form of heresy.
Is a sect based on purity of doctrine.
Not that a little bit. We insist that every single one of us hold perfectly pure doctrine and exclude all the others.
We are the worst form of heresies, sectarianism. We must distinguish as as you're Speaking of truth, which is there is vital truth, fundamental truth and there's a whole lot of other things that we disagree upon and.
If we.
Refuse people to the table of the Lord for that which is not vital.
Well, we put ourselves in the category. It doesn't say why, Demetrius.
But we put ourselves in that category up to me, sorry, not to meet your theatrics. We put ourselves and his fellowship.
The person says that the truth.
53 they'll be free.
Of truth.
It GI, it binds us. It binds us up.
What happened here was that.
Fellowship. And there was somebody there that had not the truth.
He was promoting himself, giving himself preeminence, shutting out Christ from the fellowship.
And because of that.
They were being bound by this man. It wasn't true.
Wasn't true fellowship as God had provided for us in his Word when there's an enemy that comes in like this one?
There were enemies that we read about earlier on and some of the epistles. There were other circumcision.
And they were coming in, binding the Saints up.
In the loss and deceiving them and putting them under ******* here, it's not the law so much, but it's a a system. It's a person that desiring that people follow him.
And those that refuse to he was putting out of fellowship, out of the assembly.
This is something that you read about here that started, but it had developed into a greater thing throughout Christianity up to the day when we find these kinds of things of professing Christianity, but it's not normal Christian fellowship.
And so we need to know as it says here.
In verse 11, we need to know what to follow.
The glove is followed not that which is evil, but that which is good.
And so we we find out what is good by reading what God's Word has to say for us.
Most times we know what is evil when we look around. Even the world knows things that are evil because when man disobey God and ate of that fruit.
He knew good and evil, free of the knowledge of good and evil. So Mad knows when he's lying isn't right. He knows the ceiling's not right. He knows all sorts of things that are wrong. We're talking about spiritual things.
And if we want to know what is right spiritually, we need to look in the Word of God, and we will then know how to refuse the evil.
It's sad here when we read about this little fellowship, that this man.
Theocracy was.
I say deceiving the people. And he was doing it for his own exaltation. It's no different than Satan did when he wanted to have God's seat and have worship. We have that pride. Each one of us have that pride in US, and we need to be careful. I think this one we're speaking about here as it was brought out in Acts 21.
The Apostle Paul.
Gave an address, you might say to the elders that there be those that that would be without, that would come and scatter the flock, drawing disciples onto themselves. And then there were those that were within. I think this man was one of those that were without.
Because it says just one person, Matthew.
Matthew, Chapter 10.
Verse 40.
He says he that receiveth you receiveth me and.
And he that receiveth being receiveth, he that receiveth thee receiveth him that sent me. So here was one that was presenting.
That fellowship from receiving others.
Into that fellowship.
He was, he had set himself up and so he was actually an enemy of the Lord by doing what he was doing.
And so we need to be careful, but the truth will set us free.
And then we will be free indeed.
Are seeking to guard us against this sort of a situation where some individual takes a prominent position a place of self importance. And the reason I'm saying that is because what I'm looking at on the wall can't help but see the scripture that in all things he might have the preeminence.
Soocracy. He wanted to have it. And then I look over there, it says they saw no man save Jesus only.
And these are beautiful prescriptions, and Christ is the center of the assembly.
And we need to keep our focus on him.
And what a privilege when we come together to exalt no other man, no other individual, but Christ.
To magnify his name together.
There is one other uh thought just to share. On receiving enrollment 15 and seven, there is much that could be said about receding.
So I would like to really refer to, uh, verses 5:00 and 8:00 because I see this is the heart of the whole book of what John was writing to Gaius. Well, in Romans UH-15 and seven, it says receive you one another as Christ also received us to the glory of God. I think if we can carry that Scripture out.
Of your wonderful, uh, victory that the Lord will be honored. But what I see here in the big part that Gaius did and the atrophy didn't, if we could have put it simple.
Gas is going to, as someone mentioned earlier, is going to be well done now, good and faithful servant, the atrophies will be at the judgment seat of Christ and he's going to see a lot of stuff get all burnt up. If you can come with them, it was left behind. And so from an examination, diatrophy has got enough.
And Gaius gave something to the glory of God. That's what it really comes down to. And I think really what Gaius was exhorted and encouraged to do, we read in Romans chapter 12.
Uh, if you could read Romans 12, just verses 9 to.
13 But really 9 to 16, you see in the book of Galatians, you're told how Gaius, first of all, he walked in the truth. But you know, we all have been given the spirit to live in, in Galatians 6 and or five. And 25 if we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. Let us not be desirous of Vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.
You know the Lord has said in Ephesians 2 and 10 we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus on to good works that.
So do we umm, deserve to be able to glorify God and ourselves by our own doing? No. Which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. And I think Jesus was one that wasn't really living out something he learned from intelligence, but rather he was just walking in the joy of his salvation. I think that's what Ephesians 2 intent is telling us, that God has given us something that's joyful, something that's practical, something that reaches our wives, our fellow men, our families, and that's himself. And so he says here.
Inverse our Roman swallow nine that love be without hypocrisy or dissimulation. Verse when kindly affection 1 to another with brotherly love and honor, preferring one another. 11 fervent and spirit serving the Lord, continuing instant in prayer. Verse 12. Verse 13 given to hospitality to the necessity of the Saints, which is mentioned near the start of the meeting. And so we see, I think JS is through.
Why? He was encouraged.
Was because the Lord was in total control and the Lord was working in the hearts of these strangers or fellow brothers. And John, I know unspeaking term said carry out your Christianity practically. Throw your arms around them and help them whichever way you can and bring glory to the Lord. So I find it very encouraging that he wrote this to Gaius to encourage his heart. And you know, we need each other. The Lord didn't give us different generations.
Uh, because one is old and one is new. Rhea Bone had that problem. We do need each other. And it's the word of God that has the light and the love. And to think that if there's one first place.
And geographies missed it. Hey, it's got it. That meant to show love first. Have you? Are you gonna be the first one to be able to wrap your arms around someone and show your love? Are you gonna be the last one? Heaven's gonna declare that there's a lot of first places. First place finishes. Because someone not only was living in the spirit, but walking in the spirit, and they threw their arms around someone and loved them. That's what gays did.
This question was that earlier about First Timothy 3 verse 15.
It says there without controversy graded the mystery of godliness. God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit scene of angels, preached on the Gentiles, believed on the world, received up in glory. Jesus said I am the truth had the Bible put before us as the truth. And what's that book about?
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Yeah, we could pray.