3 John 1-8

Duration: 1hr 10min
3 John 1‑8
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How strong?
And I have a serious.
And a friend where I love you. Thank you for having me on my way.
Read from Deuteronomy 33.
And verse 3.
Yeah, he loved the people. All his Saints are in thy hand, and they said down at thy feet, everyone shall receive of thy words. Our God and our Father, we look to thee.
Desire of our hearts this morning would be to set at the feet of our blessed Savior receive of his words that good part that Mary had. May it be ours this morning. And so we do pray that thou come in and in blessing this morning. Let us know our needs and that Needham encouragement refreshment for our souls as well as.
Those things that perhaps may need correction in our lives as well. And so we pray that thou guide by the Spirit of God to a portion this morning that would meet the needs of thy people, Lord Jesus, that we might receive of Thy words. We think of thy love for us, and it is in the confidence.
That love, we would come to thee and make this request.
And our God and our Father, we would ask it in the precious and worthy name for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I wonder, brethren, if we can take up the third Epistle of John.
I'm not pushing this, but if there's someone else who has something else, that's fine. But I just have been enjoying third John and the need for encouragement for each one of us to go on in the truth, but also to the exercise as to.
The type of believer that we are.
There's three brothers that are mentioned in this chapter and each one of them has different characteristics and I was just exercised myself about this, but I wondered if this epistle would be.
A help to us each one, an encouragement to each one of us. So I just put that fourth, third John, third half of John.
I think that'll be a nice chapter to take up.
The third Epistle of John.
The elder unto the well, beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth. For I rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers.
Which have borne witness of thy charity before the Church, whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well, because that for His name's sake they went forth taking nothing of the Gentiles. We therefore ought to receive such that we might be fellow helpers to the truth.
I wrote unto the Church, But diotrophies, who love to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore if I come, I will I will remember his deeds which he doeth, praying against us with malicious words, and not content therewith. Neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbideth them that would and casteth them out of the Church. Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God, but he that doeth evil.
Hath not seen God Demetrius? Demetrius hath good report of all men and of the truth itself. Yeah, and we also bear record. And you know that our record is true. I had many things to write, but I will not. With inked pen right unto thee. But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be peace be peace be to thee. Our friends salutely greet the friends by name.
Melissa Peso was.
Written perhaps after some of the other epistles that we so enjoy in the scriptures, but.
John's writings were really, I think you came after maybe some of the other epistles because he addressed specific things that were going on in the early church. And as an apostle he had special.
God-given work to do among the early church. He was a gift given by the Holy Spirit, by God and by the Lord. And So what a privilege it is for us to take this up. And may it be an encouragement as we consider the joy that we can bring to the Lord Himself by going on in a way that would be crazy.
It's interesting to see the way this annotation begins. This book is from the elder. We often don't look at the beginning of a chapter. So Paul, John, look at as if it was the elder. So we can look at this too. The elder one who perhaps older, but more so elder perhaps is one who care for the assembly of the flock and he's addressing to perhaps a younger person, Gaius. And I think it's so appropriate for us here that some of us perhaps.
Take on the role as an elder and looking at this as an encouragement to some of you who are younger or a little younger. And we see the phrase there too. That is a joy to see our children walking in. Truth is, you know, sometimes you look at an older one and say, well, you just want to talk. You just want to say this and that and perhaps glorify yourself. Not so. It is a joy, isn't it? And as we look around sometimes I see.
And some of you know that you, we, we're involved when with young people and some we see some of the young people.
Go on very well with the desire to serve the Lord and then there are times that we see some as it see in this chapter wander off into the world, but then this chapter tell us don't dwell on that, but look on for those who want to continue to serve the Lord.
We see in the second verse is an interesting comment on that too. We often do that in our prayer that you think is selfish because we pray to the Lord that our brother and maybe well perhaps some is not in good health. So we see that here, even though the elders presenting it that he could use those phrase above all things. Doctor Mayers prosper and be in health. So it's not wrong to have that kind of natural feeling. Yes, we do know that when we pray.
Really, deep down it should be thy will be done is the Lord's will and understanding that when a brother is put into a certain circumstances, it is still the Lord's will, whatever that may be, and we have to learn from that.
Prospering in the first chapter of Judges is connected with.
Doing according.
To all the law which Moses commanded, and we just read a verse, verse seven of Joshua one.
I would read also verse six, Be strong and of good courage. For unto this people shalt thou, and vied for an inheritance the land which I swear unto their fathers to give them. Only be strong.
And very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law. It's Moses thy servant commanded thee. Turn not from it to the right hand, or to the vast, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. That may be one of the first times the word prosper is used in the word saw.
I'm thinking of the verse in.
Hebrews chapter 10, where we are exhorted to.
Consider one another.
They're in chapter 10 of Hebrews.
Verse 23 to let us hold fast the perfection of or confession of our faith without wavering for the He is faithful that promised and then we have verse 24. Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.
So by our example, as we have in gas here, he was promoting.
Love and good works. He was walking in the truth. One thing to have the truth and there's another thing to walk in the truth. During the Second Timothy chapter 3, the exhortation of the apostle Paul to Timothy.
Second Timothy 3 and verse 7.
14 Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned. That's one aspect, to learn the things.
Of Christianity and the.
And the Paul's doctrine that we have presented to us as.
The heavenly people. But then it says, And then assured of knowing that, and be assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned that. So being assured of the truth is walking in it practically.
Our day-to-day Christian experience in the beginning of the Church's history and acts.
Read The Beautiful.
Situation of how they were of one heart, one soul had all things in common.
And the the bounds and limits of fellowship included every single believer.
But as time goes on and the dispensation really comes into a ruined state in the hands of responsible man, we find that the limits of fellowship have changed. And we come to Second Timothy and we find there is a fagellis and a homogeneous It turned away from Paul, really turned away from the truth that Paul brought. We find that.
There are others as well, Alexander, the coppersmith, who did a much evil. You know, Paul doesn't name by names Gentiles, unbelieving Gentiles have persecuted him, or Jews. He named him because this was a known man had been at least once in practical fellowship with Paul. Demons have forsaken me, having loved this present world and on and on, and the limits of fellowship have changed. They are not at the extent that they were.
In the beginning of the Church's history.
And the third Epistle of John takes up the truth of fellowship, being guarded by the truth.
In the first epistle we have that wonderful circle of fellowship that we have been brought into. Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. But as to its practical expression, when we come to this epistle, it's constricted in our ability to express it in its.
Fullest extent with everyone, and so the truth has to come in to guard the expression of practical fellowship.
See, the apostle told us that in the second epistle. Just trying to play the.
You find that they are not to walk with just anyone. In fact, let's look at the 2nd epistle.
Verse 9. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ? He had both the Father and the Son, if there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine.
Receive them not into your houses, neither bid them Godspeed, for he that bideth him Godspeed is particular of his evil deeds. So we are reminded in that chapter that there are many that come, but they don't have the they're not bringing the gospel or the doctrine of Christ. And what are the position where to take? I remember years ago at the Gospel tent, these couple of men came up, really friendly people.
They were the Archie hover witnesses and we as young people got intrigued by what they have to say and brother Norman Barry came up to us right away and told us to stay away and chase those people out. And he said Godspeed, you don't even say goodbye to them. And we thought at that time it was so harsh of an action, but now we see from the word of God. In fact, in the Derby translation, they give it even clear sweet from that. Is that greed him not that makes it even simpler, isn't it? He's not even agreed them for he who greet him.
Partakes in his wicked works. So we have to not only we have to stay away from things that are not the doctrine of Christ. And as Steve used the phrase, now we've got to safeguard what we have.
That's good, Brother Dave. I think it's really helpful to see that these two epistles, second John and 3rd John, go together and they're complementary to each other.
In second John.
It's also about those who walk in the truth, and it says that as you go through there. But the emphasis is received. Not third John, the emphasis is received.
It's the positive side of it, and the difference is the ones that aren't to be received.
Are those who don't bring the dot the doctrine of Christ? There is evil that would exclude from receiving some. There are others as we go down here, who are the brethren and at the end of verse 5 and so on. Strangers. They are to be received. They're not bringing that doctrine and they are to be received and brought in. And I think that's so important because we tend to maybe go wrong one way or the other on these points.
It's often been mentioned that it's significant even as to the detail as to who these two letters were written to.
As sisters, perhaps?
It might be easy to be very gentle.
And not too careful and just receive and show love. And so 2 John's written to a sister.
Showing that.
A sister in that state doesn't matter with the love, the nurturing attitude still needs to be careful and not receive those who should not be received.
As brothers, we tend to be harder. Maybe we don't want to receive so readily as the sisters. And so third John is written to a brother, isn't it? And he's told you need to receive. So I think it's important you put these two together and recognize that.
Some years ago when we still had the store.
One of our customers came in.
And I think.
I grew up in Florida and I came under the influence of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
He said thankfully I was delivered. A friend of mine sat down and talked to me and presented the gospel to me.
So there is this balance, isn't there?
You can see some that are dyed in that doctrine. You can see perhaps some that are wavering.
And in a measure I think we could try to be a hospital, but we have to be much before the Lord before we do so.
I think one of the keys to the distinction is they become bringing.
You've said died in the Doctor.
When I was a young person, I found the line of things that Steven brought out a few minutes ago very perplexing.
Because neighbors of mine really led me to the Lord.
And yet I could quickly see that the collective Christianity that they were involved with was real confusion.
And I said to myself, well, I don't know what the truth is.
But I know that can't be.
So I waited on the Lord, and the Lord sent somebody to come and put their arm around me and guide me into the wonderful.
Truth of the Word of God.
And yet still it was, it was, it was a challenge because.
By being unwilling to go where my neighbors who led me to the Lord went, they said you're like, you're like a child that's born with a birth defect.
We don't doubt that you're born again, but you don't love us.
And and there's something wrong with you. Well, I didn't know but that they might not be right.
I was just waiting on the Lord.
That especially that first year I came down to visit relatives in this area. Bruce, your uncle stood up in an open meeting. I think it was him, Guilford, and what he said in his first sentence or two was immeasurable help to me we ought to have.
A broad heart, but walk in a narrow path.
And it's just like it clicked.
And so we have a nature, as the first epistle of John develops, that loves. We love because he first loved us and we love our brethren. It's that's what that's the way we tick as believers. But this epistle, the 2nd and the 3rd, it's love in truth.
And there's a channel, if I could put it that way, that God has carved.
And we don't just stand back and admire the channel.
You can do that, but the channel that things flow through it and more truth flows through that that do.
Channel and love flows through it. So it's beautiful to see this love and truth and how much we appreciate rather and our brothers and sisters when we see that divine balance.
Of faithfulness.
And if I could put it that way, belovedness.
The end of Colossians.
Paul's writing to the Colossians and he commends onissimus.
Think there's a brother in this room? That's his name, Onissimo, I learned last night. Onissimus.
And it says of him, faithful and beloved.
So let's not excuse ourselves, especially the men brothers.
Harshness because we feel we're defending the truth.
Let's hold to the truth. That's what Gaius was doing, but there's no excuse for harshness of doing it. And love does need to be constrained. Divine love will always flow in proper channel and in a seemingly way. But it's beautiful to see this epistle. I'm very glad it was suggested.
The elder unto the well beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth I.
I take it that Gaius that John at this time, obviously he's an older, older man. He's a seasoned St. as well as an apostle. And I take it that Gaius was not only younger, but his child in the faith because he says there in verse four, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walking through.
He was so delighted when he heard news of how Gaius was getting on because it was one that he had brought to the Lord Jesus. Yes, I know we apply this to our own children and our own families and that is a joy.
But it's it's wider than that.
And John had that joy, no greater joy. What a statement than to hear that my children walk in truth.
I believe this is a very practical example for the young people. We, we often as young person, we use the phrase say they are Christians. Why can't we do the same thing with them? Why can't we walk with them? They are Christians too. And these three chapters, as it already explained, yes, they are Christian. What does it mean to be a Christian or one who believe that they have been washed by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Sure they're Christian, they are saved. In fact, the nice thing is if they truly are safe, we will see them in glory. But then as we develop into this, some doesn't do not follow all the doctrines of Christ, some more than others, but regardless of how much of A truth they follow is not the path you want to walk with them. I use this example of please bear with me or this story before I'm hoping you'll illustrate something here.
There was a brother that used to be in fellowship with us and he left because of problems. And I think we all know what that means. When people are discontent in the assembly, they leave and they say, well, they're just going to go to another Christian group. And he gone to a church. I don't know what type it was, but he went there. And this brother normally not take much part in the assembly, but when he got to the church that he went to, they realized that his knowledge.
About the word of God was much greater than the rest of the people there.
I don't know how you want to pick that. Does that mean it was very knowledgeable or the rest of them didn't know much? They made him an elder right away that he didn't see that he knew from the word of God that we have no appointed elders. He was fine. In fact, the the glorious side of having so-called higher precision. It was very proud of that. And as an elder they have to take care of matters. Of course, inside churches they got problems too and they made a decision one day.
On something what it is is not important. And then after they decided on that certain action, he said, hey, I don't think that's right. I can see from the word of God is said this is not right. So they agree with him, but on the way out they said to him, next time we have a meeting, don't bring your Bible with you. You spoil everything. Are they walking in truth if they deny the authority from the word of God?
Do you need to depart from them? Maybe they're good people, maybe they're kind and friendly and however you want to see it, but they deny the power from the word of God. Are they Christians? I believe they are. So here we need to be careful. And parents, your children often, I hear that too. Oh, they're playing with other Christian children. Be careful because what do the other so-called Christian family believe? Are they walking in the same truth that you perceive and you walk as from the word of God?
You can't really crossover spiritually unless we have a firm foundation of scriptural doctrine, the doctrine of Christ that has been mentioned several times. Those fundamental truths of the person and work of Christ are foundational, and at this time of John's history there the Gnostics were propounding.
Teachings that were subversive to the.
Essential doctrines of of the Lord's deity and perfect manhood. So really doctrine and and walking rightly go together and this is what the the apostle was was pleased about here that.
Gas was holding.
Tenacious Lizzie the doctrines of of the of the official given by the apostle John, that in earlier chapters.
You ought to hear about the importance of walking the talk and I believe.
This is what really makes impact on those powers, because if we say one thing and do another.
We lose the effectiveness and the truth is not accepted as it otherwise might be.
And so, you know, we live.
In a time where the truth of God is not popular, and the truth of being gathered simply to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, it's not popular and we might be tempted, because of the funess of numbers, to want to join up.
And compromise the principles in the Word of God in order to be more acceptable to others.
We don't do anybody a favor by associating with error and so I believe the important thing is with the Lords help that we might go on in the truth and walk the talk even though we might find ourselves few in number. This is how we're going to be a help to other believers.
That are in the systems of men.
And a verse that comes to mind. Silver in first John.
Chapter 5 and verse two, first John five and two it says here by this we know that we love.
The children of God.
When we love God and keep his commandments. So to walk in subjection to the Lord Jesus and to his Word, is a demonstration of our love for the brethren, even though it might appear as they were rather awful, and we might be considered to be exclusive.
And proud.
To walk in submission that a word of God is humility. It's not pride.
And it's going to have the greatest impact on other believers.
That are influenced by the thinking and the ways of men.
So may the Lord just help us to go on.
And submit to his word. It's a happy path.
The Lord Jesus said, if you know these things, happy are ye if you do them.
Obedience brings happiness into our souls.
And I believe that's one reason that.
Elder here, he says. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth, because if they're walking in truth, they're happy. That's what the Apostle Paul desired for the Saints.
God decides to keep happy praising Christians.
With respect to prospering, another verse comes to mind. It's in Proverbs 28. It says there he that covers his sins shall not prosper.
But whoso confesses and forsakes them will find mercy.
So if I think I can be effective in my testimony for Christ by trying to cover up sin.
And deceive.
But if that's the case, the best thing we can do?
Confess to sin.
We know that you don't have to ask forgiveness.
Because he's faithful and just to forgive us our sin. Don't ask for forgiveness. We just confess to sin. And we're going to find, we get forgiveness and we're going to find mercy and we're going to find that we're going to begin to prosper in our souls and in our testimony and service.
To the Lord.
We've talked a lot generically about the truth.
I'm wondering.
How much of the truth do you have to agree on in order to have fellowship with somebody and.
How do you define fellowship?
We've used the term truth. There's a lot of truth in the Word of God.
How much of that is included when we say that somebody's walking in the truth?
Well, there's an expression that David alluded to a little earlier that might help in Second Timothy chapter 3.
I'm not going to read all of this, but if you glance down.
1St 4 verses you get the character of those that we can't really company with even though they may be real Christians but.
On the other hand.
Fruits like this would lead you to wonder, but I'm thinking especially about the fifth verse having a form of godliness.
They may know the right word.
But when it says denying the power of it.
I would suggest I could also be translating denying the authority of the Bible and it says from such to turn away. Well, how would you recognize them if they're not, as Wally was saying, walking the talk?
We cannot judge motives as.
And others said we are called to be prudent.
I hope that helps a little.
We might want to see the table in response to the question. Excuse me.
We'll have Bruce.
We might say in response to the question that we walk with another until we can't.
And so we meet believers.
I'm in an airport, large airport.
I don't know, 5:45 AM driving a cup of coffee.
And a person grabs their breakfast and bows their head and gives thanks.
And your heart wells up because there's your brother and your sister.
We need believers all the time, don't we? And.
Even in Philippians 3.
Which to me is one of the most exalted chapters in the Word of God from the point of view of Christian experience.
So much so that Paul says I not we, I. And yet after.
He takes you up on that high place that he delights to walk and to run in. He comes back down and he says, but.
Nevertheless, whereunto, I'm sorry, the verse before Philippians 315.
As many as be perfect, as many as be mature.
Be thus minded, and if anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
He had confidence that the Spirit of God that was in him would be in them, leading them along in the same path.
Notice the next verse. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, Let us walk by this same rule. Let us mind the same thing.
So we're all at different stages of growth, but the babe in Christ who's LED of the Spirit walking along.
As John could say to the babes, you have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things you need not any man teach you. And then he kept teaching them.
It's kind of interesting, but we're in the same path and we're all at different levels and some of us are left-handed and some are right-handed and all of that, but.
I believe we should walk until we can't, until there's a.
A path that takes us out of that Channel of truth and.
And we'll know it, but love remains. But two can't walk together unless they be agreed.
I hope that's a little helpful. I was thinking that the testimony that.
That Gaius had here.
Was from his own assembly he he had walked in the truth among the brethren that were closest to him, and it was evident.
To his brethren they gave a report of His activity, and His faithfulness, and His value of the truth.
It really is beautiful to see a commendation here, not by himself, but by his brethren who knew him, and our brethren in the Assemblies, who know us probably better than any others. And.
The testimony that we bear in the home assembly is important.
I might point out that the enemy of our souls would desire to divide brethren, wouldn't he?
And basically there are certain matters that come up, for example.
Baptism has divided some. I can recall a story that was told it was a sister that knew that Brother Darby had a certain view of baptism and Mr. Bellitt had a different view.
And she wanted to get a discussion going that would cause them.
To debate one another.
She said to Brother Bella first Brother Bella, what do you hold on baptism?
And he said I hold my tongue.
Then he turned to Brother Darby.
And he said, she said, Brother Darby, what do you hold on baptism?
I love my brother Bella too much that I will not answer that question. And it was.
Just left there and it wasn't a matter of division.
It's an interesting observation, Brother Bruce, that in your example.
That truth is not just knowledge.
It's a beautiful thing when we look in Ephesians chapter 4 and we read in.
In that 4th chapter of Ephesians.
It says in verse 20, but you have not so learned Christ.
Truth is not just about getting fox in your head about what is right and what is wrong. And the example that you just gave that it wasn't Mr. Ballot had to be right. It wasn't Mr. Darby had to be right. Both of them were willing, as is brought out in this chapter, to walk in love. And what did our Savior say?
About his commandments, this is my commandment that you love one another.
And I think those two brothers understood the spirit of the vision that was trying to make a fight between them and to trying to cause division by making people two sides. And that's important. And there is a path that allows us to walk in grace having differences of opinion on subjects like baptism. And so when we come here a little further down in Ephesians chapter 4.
You find the expression the truth is in Jesus and that's how we need to learn truth is in connection with our Lord and Savior as Brother Bruce is bringing out in the other Bruce in Philippians. That chapter is about having one mind in Christ and knowing and understanding his humility and holding the truth in that form the way the Lord Jesus did to be faithful and loving.
At exactly the same time.
And so it's, it's interesting to observe. Probably if we go on with this chapter, we'll be coming down to diotrophes. And I believe in diotrophies. You see a man who holds the truth for the sake of the truth. And it's probably not even the right truth. It might be the right truth, I don't know. But his behavior became evil. And that's part of the reason why the Apostle Paul in the last times, as we've been describing, brings this forward.
And is giving encouragement to his younger brother Gaius to walk in the truth in spite of what people are doing around. And that truth is in Jesus. And it has to do with the love of Jesus, understanding who his person is, His Holiness and His grace.
Think of what it says in contrast to Moses.
The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth.
Came by Jesus Christ. And so when we're considering truth, we need to consider it in the context of the one who loves us and gave himself for us.
We often think of truth as in how much of my knowledge, how much do I know so I can show you that I know more than you. Pride often comes in. We think of what's in it for me as the typical way of looking at knowledge.
Eternal with each other verse in Proverbs Chapter 9 and for children, you learned this as Sunday school. I think that was one of the Sunday school verse two weeks ago. See if we could remember that Proverbs Chapter 9 verse 10 when it was read out, I think last or the week before last. It really struck me. It's not it's not a new verses. If it were is we know these verses, but let me just read that first. Proverbs 9 verse 10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
You know when that was said, I got, I knew that we say that all the time, but I.
Find for myself anyway, I stopped short right there thinking that that's the verse. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And then we forget. Do we omit the little semi colon there? That means there's more to what you said. And I think the second part is important and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Well, how much do we look at the whole list? What is the holy? Is it a holy place? Is it a holy one? I'm going to let you.
Meditate on that, but we need to dwell on the knowledge of the Holy and once we start to think and talk like as if the language of Scripture, then we will look at things differently. And then I want to share one more portion. Some of you who are Kentucky with us would have this before you last week, John chapter 17 and there were just three times the word Father is used.
Here is the precious chapter that the Lord Jesus is praying for you. He's praying for us, but I'm just taking it out perhaps.
To suit our subject here in verse five he prayed and he said, oh father, have you noticed the word father under the reader from three different sections. So it start off by saying all father in verse 10.
No longer old father, he was able to address him.
Holy Father.
Then can I find the verse further down verse 25?
Oh, righteous father, Christian know God is their father. The Jews of all Israel didn't know him as a father. They knew him as Jehovah God. Christian have that privilege, Father. And the question is for us as Christian, how do you know him as father, whole father? I think that's precious for someone. So when it comes to doctrine.
To the work, the blood, the shed blood of Christ. You're going to find most. I wouldn't say all would agree with you.
But then do they know him as the Holy Father as more doctrine as they were being introduced, you're going to start seeing the difference. John presented this. We find John and Peter have little bit different doctrine. They preach, they teach more of a godly living in this world.
When you stop presenting Paul's doctrine to other Christian, I'm going to find difficulties because they may say how can you not let the woman speak in churches? You are so prejudice against women. Why do you have to have them head to head cover and so on. And we know the answer is simple. Scripture tells us that and that's separate. So that's just the beginning. Pause doctrine and when we go through Paul has many doctrines and it's not a thought here to go on to it.
And then as we grow more in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, then we recognize Him as the righteous Father.
I think it's important to see here, too, that none of us are at a standstill.
We are either progressing in a.
Our knowledge of the truth and the enjoyment of the of the truth and of the person of Christ or we are retrograding, we are not standing still and so the apostles really was encouraged by the progress there was in in gas.
Look back at First John chapter 2.
Verse 6 John chapter 2 and verse 2728. And now little children abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. Well, the those that labor for the Lord amongst the.
Brethren, and they see growth and and desire to.
To walk in obedience to the word of God. It's an encouragement to them and.
That there'll be a reward at the judgment seat of Christ.
John's first epistle he makes the statement that he that loveth him, that begot loveth him that has begotten of him.
So John reasons there that they might have a firm grasp on the characteristics of the new life that we've now received. It's a life that loves, and it loves the one who begat. It loves those begotten of Him. All of us that are older have had the experience where we know brethren, that we've known 203040 almost 50 years. And then we see some. We need some Saints.
Somewhere and we find out their names and we find out they're the children of someone that we've known and love for so many years. And it, there's a certain feeling with that. So it is even with strangers that we might meet, whether it's in the workplace or school or there there's the love, the response of love from our, from our life, from our nature. And so we see this in Gaius as we go on a little in the chapter.
That Paul could, John could commend him that what he did in bringing the brethren forward in their journey, that we're seeking to serve and be amongst the Lord's people was something that was good. And these brethren were brethren apparently, that that they didn't know. They were not brethren and strangers, as I take it. They were brethren who were strangers to them in the sense that they had not known them, but the bond of fellowship.
In Christ, a person that loves the truth, loves others that love the truth, and they're happy. And it's natural to the Newman to just want to do what we can to help them along. And in the face of what we'll read, if the Lord leads us that way into the end of this little epistle, He commands that which is good and normal and wholesome in the Christian life. Bring the dear brethren along after a godly sword.
Perhaps it's a practical.
Exaltation. Sometimes we see perhaps one is not walking.
And the truth that you mentioned, and we have to be careful because are they just growing? Are they new? Because we all learn. And I see one of my problem is I learned something new. And I look at you and say, how come you don't understand that? And then when I look deep down in my unto myself, I say, oh, I just learned that a few months ago. So we have to have the patience too for our brethren, especially the younger one, that it takes time. It took us sometimes fifty, 60-70 years to learn something.
And it's the same. I'll tell you a story just to reinforce that. One of our grandson came to me, he's about 8, and he said to me, grandpa and I won't name the other grandson. The other grandson is 4. He said I explained to him the chess game three times already and he won't listen to me.
Well, in his mind that the younger one should have listened, but he didn't have the capacity a four year old to understand the rule of the chest. By the way, this one sort of learned the chess game, but I don't think you know what that well. So that's an example for us to be patient too with our younger brethren. What is your younger younger perhaps in faith. And there are many truths that we learn. I'm we're still learning, aren't we?
It's a question perhaps of.
Seeing somebody part way into the ditch.
And the question is, is the person going down into the ditch or are they coming up out of the ditch? You know, it takes discernment to know where souls are. And if somebody is walking contrary to the word of God, they know it. They've got a bad conscience, you might say they're going down into the ditch. We're going to treat them different. And somebody that's learning the truth.
And you're making progress and they're coming up out of the ditch.
So we have to look at each situation and.
See. Where's this person coming from?
Where this person going?
And I would say we're not going to help somebody by going down into the ditch with the purse. I know years ago.
You're walking down the road. And my daughter, she stepped off the road.
And the next thing is she's actually sinking down.
I don't know if it was quicksand or not.
But she was sinking.
And our first impulse is, well, let's jump in and get her out of here.
But then we thought that would not be a smart move.
So what did we do? We stayed on a solid ground and we reached out as far as we could reach. We actually were able to get.
A grip on her and he pulled her out.
But you can imagine if we thought, well, we're going in there to help her.
People that in fake trouble, they're going to help somebody by staying out the ditch, I believe.
Even that depends on the situation though, doesn't it, Brother Wally?
The Good Samaritan got down in the ditch.
It really depends on what the situation is. And galatians 61 you are spiritual.
Restore such a one considering thyself there is a way to get right down where our brethren are when that's needed, and be a help to them. And it's in the spirit of meekness too, isn't it?
Thank you. That's a good point.
Most faithfulness is so important, isn't it? Rather than that you look at?
First Timothy chapter.
The Second Timothy, chapter 2.
Where the obstacle?
Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and the things that thou hast heard of many of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also. So it's not a question of giftedness.
Having a great knowledge of the word, but faithful men, you see that in the book of Nehemiah through certain ones are spoken of as being faithful above many. So this is something that God values faithfulness equals.
Ask that the Lord has marked out in the Word for us.
Is something that is is is an example to others like we have here? Verse 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren and to strangers. God values faithfulness in the day of ruin. Is that right?
Now that we've considered the context of these verses 3-4 and five, I'd just like to go back to two just for a minute and point out something with regard to prayer. We often pray for people that they would do well in their jobs and be recovered in their health and all of these things, and we forget sometimes to pray for that which is most important. I think you get a right emphasis in these verses. The whole emphasis really is no greater joy than that. My children walk in the truth.
And that's exactly what it says in verse. True too. I wish above all things, or that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health. That's that's something that we can wish for for one another and pray for. That's really the point.
But he doesn't end there, even as I soul prospered.
That is the most important thing, and you go through the New Testament prayers, Ephesians chapter one, Ephesians chapter 3, you see the emphasis there is that for one another. Paul's praying that we would be.
Increasing our knowledge and our understanding of the love and that we would come into that which is spiritual. And I just, I don't want to belabor this, but just make that point that we need to remember to pray for one another spiritually. That's actually more important than the health and the welfare.
Is that we do well in our souls.
And if someone prayed for me, that my soul would prosper.
Or my health would prosper as well as my soul. Would my health go downhill?
Just wonder one verse in regard to your comment, Tim, in Colossians chapter four we see a prayer of that professor Colossians 4 verse 12. He said a profess who is one of you, a servant of Christ, salute you.
Always laboring fervent for you in prayers. Again, I find for myself that I stopped there. That ends with a comma. There's more to it. What was his prayer? He said He sets here that that he may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Let me just read it from the new translation to save some confusion that that he may stand.
Perfect and complete in the full will of God.
Just like to make one comment.
We could turn to Hebrews Chapter 11, verse five. So we've enjoyed about Gaius the first part of this meeting and how he had a tremendous testimony. I've just been enjoying this little phrase at the end of verse 5, Hebrews 11, the end of verse five, Speaking of Enoch who lived.
Thousands of years ago.
But God in his word has reminded us this little expression he had, this testimony that he pleased God. And so I just want to make a comment for the children that are here and young people.
Each one of you has a testimony, whether you both you know it or not.
Those of us who are a little older, we've watched you as you were a little kid, and we've watched you grow up. And we are delighted to see the Spirit of Christ in each one of these, and may it grow. May you grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ like we've had this morning. But Enoch, in his whole life, he had this testimony.
That he please God and that's really what's important for each one of us to be to go on to please God in this world to live for him to give our lives for him on a daily basis and we're all we all have a testimony and.
May it be that we all have this testimony that Enoch had that he pleased God. And if there's somebody here today and you don't know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. That's one of the purposes of these conferences is to have the gospel and then if we are believers that we might live in a way that we're a testimony leaves the.
Hey, Cortana.
What I want to say?
Understand revolution.
Let's turn to one verse before we pray in Second Timothy chapter 2.
Verse 22.
We also youthful lusts, but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.