4 Deaths and Their Recovery

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Address—I.H. Klassen
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Not only conference, we've had before us some of those.
Principles and precious foods that were found in the gate.
So we've not been left without guidelines, without.
Without a cornerstone.
And we're very thankful for it. And the Lord gave us quite a few, we might say, instructions in that. And then we also heard that there was such a thing as the Lordship of Christ, which is the very vital and that we have, as it were ahead that we're not left at least in. And then we we've also brought before us as to the priests, the service of Christ, which is going on continually.
And then also that God had provided leadership in the assembly headship, which is a very vital tool and necessary all otherwise we would be at sea. And God has given us to recognize those in leadership and headship. So we're very thankful for that. And then we also had to point it out that there's a way to be fruitful even in this late day.
Maybe things are kind of awry, but would that stop us from bearing fruit for our blessed Lord here after all that He's done for us? If I ever say it's all over with, it might be true. It's all over with to me. But God doesn't think in those terms that things are all over. He's giving us away and a power. And I might add to that tonight.
Being a weak way, but I would just like to add that there are some serious things have happened among us, their souls that have fallen by the way and.
Do they want to give up on those that have fallen, by the way? We really don't want to.
And so I'm on the show tonight if I can. We won't have time to look at many of them, but I like to bring in, we might say, 4 deaths.
When somebody died and the way of recovery from death. Now when I think of death and the way I want to bring it out, I want to bring it out as a moral death. What I mean by that you don't lose your salvation, but spiritually you're going forth close and even from all appearances maybe or dead.
To return 1St to the 9th of John of 9th of March for the first condition and.
It'd be a sad thing to have to speak of a death or a moral death without giving any remedy, because what we have to give up on them? Well, Mark Nine, you know, we'll just read one verse and these places just to get the picture.
Now there's 26 and the spirit cried and rent and shore and came out of him, and he was as one dead in so much that many said he is dead.
But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up.
And heroes now turn the second King 4.
And there's 18.
And when the child was grown, it fell on a day that he went out to these father, to the reapers.
Any children to his father, my head, my head. And he said to the lad, carry him to his mother.
And when he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on his knees till noon, and then died.
Now in the 5th of March.
In verse 23.
And beside him greatly saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death, I pray thee, come and lay thy hand on her, that she may be healed and she shall live.
And there.
32 and straightway in the damper rose and walk, so she was of age of 12.
Now one more in Acts 20.
These are all different so.
And perhaps you might say much different circumstances, but in the 20th of act and in verse nine, and there sat in a window a certain young man named Utica being fallen into a deep sleep.
And as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.
Well, let's just finish that.
And both 10 and Paul went down.
And fell on him and embracing him, said trouble not yourself, for his life is in him.
When all these were real, serious conditions of death, and so far as man is concerned, nothing could have been done. Absolutely helpful.
Another turn to the 9th of John to get this first man and what caused all this to come on him and the remedy again, I say, I think some of you knew Mr. Penfield and he once said why bring in these disaster swings if you don't give them the remedy? So it's nice to have the remedy.
Let in March 9 we have two instances of a father and a son.
Now in the first part of Mark Nine, it's.
The Lord is 3, the Father and the Son and the Lord of Transfiguration. And what a glorious sight that is. It's a Kingdom to which you and I belong.
And in that Kingdom there is love. This is my beloved Son. And in this Kingdom, very light his his, the garments became white and Bush green, and another place shown as the sun. So that Kingdom to which you and I have been brought and are going to enter into in fullness is a Kingdom of life and love. And we might say that we deserve it not at all.
But it's a wonderful, precious thing to get ahold of. Well.
Now when the Lord comes down from the mountain, He walks down the mountain. And so we come to verse 17. Another father and a son that all are different than the one that we notice first.
Verse 17 And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb fear. Now, beloved Saints of God, it doesn't say that I give the right portion. Mark nine, yes, okay.
It doesn't say an evil spirit or a wicked spirit, but it says a dumb spirit. And I don't know of anything harder to deal with in a dumb fear. And today there are many a young man and this young woman that had this young spirit, you could shake them and nothing seems to register. You can talk to them and they, they, they see, see you, but they don't hear what you say. It's a it's a dumb spirit. Well, this has come over this boy and the father is heartbroken about it.
Something done he lost the affections of his boy, and he wants them back and so he brings into the disciples. Notice it says he first says what happens verse 18 wherever he taketh him, he tear of him, and he thrown with a gnash with his teeth and pine us away. And I speak to my disciples that they should cast him out and they could not remember being in a certain assembly and sister, well meaning sister came up to me and said.
You know, Brother Thompson, I want you to speak to my son. He's taken up with Yogi and things like that.
If this son would have known that his mother came to me and told me to talk to him, it would have only made better years. So I wouldn't say it. I wouldn't talk to him and like that. But I'm sure not going to poetry on something that I don't know that I just heard somebody else say because it had turned them off more than ever.
I heard that just to say that some not too long ago, she said.
My father went to a well known labor among us and complained about me, she said. And so wasn't wrong. And I got a letter from this lady and I sensed in it that I've been told on and she said he just turned me off more than ever. So we have to be careful as we go to personalities, as it were, to plead for our sons and daughters.
Verse 19 He answered him and says, Old faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?
How long shall I suffer? You bring him unto me now. That's the first step. In this case, there's one that still has power to recover such.
Now we're thinking of Warren and spiritually dead one that once maybe sat in the room here, but not here anymore.
So and bring him to me.
He brought him to the Lord, and as he brought him to the Lord, it looked like from verse 20 that he probably did worse than he ever did before. They brought him unto him and when he saw him straight away, the spirit there him and he fell on the ground wallowing and told me, Oh my, what a sight he was doing that right in front of the Lord. The Lord might have said, young man, get up, they'll stop that.
But you know, he didn't do that. What did he do? He looked over to the frog and each other, How long is it that this has been? See, notice when there's 21. He asked his father how long ago since this came unto him. And he said of a child, oh, you know, there was the root of the problem. The father was the root of the problem. And if the Lord had healed the boy.
And hadn't got exercise to the father. Why then the father might have indulged the boy more than ever before, just to keep him. So he turns to the root of the problem. And so many times in all the things we're trying to recover somebody without going to the root of the problem. We used to run irrigation ditches if the ditch broke out and the water began to clog.
There's no sense in going when they end and trying to build a ****. We have to get right where the brake was and recover that. But you know.
When the father said of a child, I think he was just recanting a little bit, he admitted that when that boy was little, he maybe didn't pay very much attention to him. He maybe gave him some money and said go have a good time with the boys, didn't want to be bothered with him.
Well, she didn't realize the training that that boy needed when he was little. I was in a home maybe a month ago where a father was teaching his five year old boy the Old Testament. He was on that night. They had to be on a chapter where your whole *** and your whole chin and some of those kings were. And his boy could say those names and everything. And after he gave the boys a lesson, he turned to me and he says.
I'm sure he felt pretty good about the boy being able to do that and he kind of is amazing. What do you think about this? And I said, well, I would never interfere with the way you're teaching your boy. But I said.
I wonder if they are some very vital things you might teach that boy now that would stand him good as he later on gets into the ward. And I'm not saying you don't teach him verses and so forth, but I said, supposing what would be good to teach boys like this? Well, to clean off their shoes when they come in the home, pick up their clothes and hang them up.
And be respectful to older ones in the summer on show a little attention.
Those actor all Christ life.
Not in all neglecting the Word, but he felt that if you feel them full enough of the Word, that all those things will come natural, that they don't. They all have to be taught from little on those things. Well, the father gets dead. Yeah, it happens when he was a child, but the Lord graciously goes back to the rush. Now the father explains it to him, and all times it had cast him into the fire.
Water to destroy him. But if thou canst do anything, have compassion on us and help my boy and say that have compassion on us and help us. Now he includes himself in the picture. Well, that's a that's a wonderful step. That's a wonderful thing that he came to that he needed help.
Dear friends, how many fathers are really standing in the way of the blessing of the blessing of the children?
Too many times the father has actually gone as far as turning his children against some of the older ones that could come in perhaps and instruct them if if they were taught to respect them. Now here's another thing you want to do with this boy when he's growing up, to respect all the ones, even some of those that maybe you and I have lost a bit of respect for.
We're allowed to tell our children that way, No, because those very ones might say something that would be a real help to the children. So.
He saw that he needed help and then we might even bring that down to fathers in the assembly. Do we have fathers in the assembly? Maybe stand in the frogs way of blessing. Is there any soul that God doesn't want to recover that has fallen by the faith? We have to say no to that. But why are they not recovered? I can be standing right in front of us.
That child or that man, or that brother or that sister, in such a way that God is not able to work.
Now we don't have to limit the power of God, but this father needed to be recovered before his son could be recovered. So now it says Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth and straightway the father child cried out and said with tears, Lord I believe help my boys unbelief. No, now he comes right to the cross helps my unbelievable.
He saw that he was the one that needed help and not his boy.
But again I say, if the Lord hadn't dealt with him the Father in that way, the Father would have continued standing in the way of God coming in blessing to his Son. He might have said, well, you know, I went to the Lord and I had enough faith so the Lord could heal my body well.
The Lord knows how we are that way. And so he didn't quit. He didn't stop until he had. The father recovered. Now this isn't a hard, hard taskmaster on the Lords part. It's the way of recovery.
We often realize or seem like there's no way of recovering, but there is a way. But the Lord gets back to the worth of the thing. How can you recover a building or anything if you don't get back to the foundation to the roof? Well, notice how graciously the Lord worked. Verse 25. When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the fall Spirit. Sing unto him, thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge, become out of him, and enter.
No more into him.
You know, a lot of our conversions today are kind of cruelty because they have been more or less forced in maybe by by emotion or whatever it might be. They might have been forced into the accepting the Lord and.
Some of those are faulty conversions that when the Lord does the thing, it's never faulty. When the Lord did this, he said enter no more into him. Now I think that's a wonderful thing. When God recovers a person, he's recovered forever. Now I might go and recover somebody. I get him back to the meeting. I might even get him back to the Lord's table and maybe a year later they're off where they were before. It's because I was the one, as it were, that recovered them.
That when the Lord recovers a man, it answers no more into him. And so here we have this dumb and deaf fear. And you know, if we can't hear the word of God, we're done. I mean, a man that that is dumb or is deaf, he can't. If he's deaf, he can't hear. If he's dumb, he can't speak. But often, if you can't hear, why you can't talk. And that's what happens if we cannot hear the word of God.
Will never be able to talk right.
And the spirit cried and rent him sore. Now don't ever think that the devil isn't going to be right there if the soul is going to be saved or the soul is going to be recovered. The devil is right there to make a real thing if he can. And if he runs out, well then it isn't a work of God.
Came home he cried and rent him store and came out of him and he was as one daddy and so much that many said he is dead well.
I think that perhaps you've known something of this, that if you seek really to preserve your children and keep them for the Lord, somebody's going to tell you that they're going to die. That is, they're going to fall away when they get to a certain age where they'll fly the food. Well, it's not very encouraging, but that's not a very nice thing to say. But it's it's been said. But then he said he is dead, but.
Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he rolled.
Well, now, here's a picture of a restoration of a boy, as it were, that was dead, it said. And.
The way he was recovered and the love of Saints of God. I don't know any of you. I don't know your circumstances. But the point is, there could be an exercise whether I'm standing in the way of God recovering his soul. Sometimes it would only take maybe four or five words. I'm sorry. Maybe it would only take 10 minutes.
So here, as it were, he dealt with the father, and then when the father was dealt with and was not in the way anymore, why then he lifted up the boy and you know.
God is for us is not against them. And though he had to deal with the Father, it was for the Father's blessing and for the sons blessings. And I believe that from then on the Father was pretty careful that he didn't indulge his son. Or I told him to run with the boys or maybe to give him the world. You know, I've heard lately of some sons that are drifting away.
And you know what the fathers did?
They got a television in the home and sort of to keep the boy or keep the boy.
That's just the opposite of this, that the Father said it says the Lord.
The fault is right here.
How quickly the Lord might have come in and delivered the boy. Now come to.
Yeah, second.
You find quite a different condition.
Now this boy that we read about, let's just read a few lines in.
Second change. For it fell on a day that Elijah passed to Shunham, where was a great woman, and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that is all says he passed by. He turned into the Greek bread. And she said unto her husband, Behold, not perceived as this is an holy man of God, which passes by us, continues, Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall.
Now we had in Nehemiah the wall. The wall speaks of separation. Here's where this woman suggested to build this.
Room for Elijah, and let us set for him there a bed.
You know, we don't have much as Christians really in this world.
Properly, we we don't look for great things here and but there are the necessities.
A bed and a table, and a stool, and a Candlestick. He had this room on the wall, and here was the bed, which speaks of rest. Wonderful to have rest, rest of conscience first, and then rest in our circumstances with the Lord. That is a good conscience before God. And a table speaks of fellowship, and the Candlestick of light. Well, she built this, and then she was asked.
Whether after she had done this, whether she ought to be spoken to the king, you know, or or the captains, none of what she says in verse 14, he said what then is to be done to her? That's what he said to get his life. But before then she in the last part of her 13, she answered, she answered, I dwell among my own people.
No, dear brother, she built a room on the wall for a man of God. She howls a man of God, and she dwells among her own people. Now she wasn't like this father who who was in the way, He was standing in the way of the blessing of his son. No, she was a godly woman and she, she had done these things. She wanted to call her own people in separation.
And so it says further than verse 14. And he said, what then is to be done for her? And he's my answer very She has no child, and her husband is old. Well, now through Elijah she gets a child. Verse 17. And the woman conceived in their son at that season, that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life. Well, here was.
Some blessing that came into our life.
And through her, what she had done, the blossom came then that honor me, I will honor. And so she got this son. And Elijah, you know, had quite a bit to do with this boy now. I mean, he was more or less responsible and so.
Now what happened here verse 18?
Now I'm in March 9, we feel that the father was the wrong. That was a hindrance there. But now it's something else, a child. And when the child was grown, it fell on a day that he went out to his father, to the reapers. And he said unto his father, my head, my head. And he said, carry the last. He said to a lad, carry him to his mother, my head, my head.
We have some of you here know the harvest field and I've known it all my life.
And it's a pretty rough place. Years ago, you know, they used to be maybe as high as twenty men were running these thrashes from farm to farm. And you'd have to board a room, those men.
Well, think of your boy mixing in with that kind of company.
Many times, you know, I say a boy has gone on well until he's gone out to seek his own fortune and begin getting his own money and being able to spend his money the way he wanted to. Parents, I believe, should still be in control even if a boy makes all the money that he made.
It it's wisdom on their part to be careful how he uses us, But here is he seemed to die, as it were, from the result of going out to the harvest field. Now, when I say the harvest field, I'm not just saying the food field. But when a young man or a young sister goes out in the world to work, you know you need to be a colored vessel, otherwise there's something going to drop in and contaminate that vessel.
And when he had taken him, and you know, a mother can do that yesterday, She can hold her sons and her daughters on their knees. I'm sure I wouldn't be here tonight if my parents hadn't held me on their knees when I went out to seek my own fortune at 19 or 20, left home. Why I began to lose my appetite for the world. And I never could figure out what's happening here. I used to like.
Read read some novels and things and all this sudden I didn't share to read them anymore.
But as I get older and tonight I think back and my mother must have held me on my on her knees well.
Now knows what she does in verse 21. And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out.
What did she do there? You know, she went and put him on the bed of the man.
She might have said, well, I think my son and my daughter need more activity, and so I'll send them off to this activity or that activity. She didn't do that. She took him to that room that was on the wall and to the man that lived on the wall, to the man of separation. You know, sometimes we're afraid to commit our children to those that are walking in separation because you're afraid maybe.
They'll they'll become, as some have called, legal.
We are afraid of that and so we try some something, some others maybe. But she knew that that was the only hope for her boy. Now I'd like to turn back just two pages to chapter 2 and I want to see if we can see something there.
Where there were folks that did not put their children in that room on the wall.
Now Elijah, you know he is headed for.
He had come to Jelly cold and he had made the waters that were bittersweet there. And so apparently that his next stop was going to be Bethel now in verse 23.
Here Elijah comes down the road from from Jericho, and he went up from Samson to Bethel. And as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up the bald head, Go up thou bald head.
Children meeting an old man, older man, you know, usually an older man, they might have said to him, Elijah, you know, we heard about Elijah going to have him and we just like you to tell something of what happened there.
We can't screw up. The bald head grew up there. Bald head. If you think you're so goody, goody going up where he is, why did they say that to him? Where did they get that kind of information?
They got it at home.
The parents that talked the inspiration.
It's a very disaster thing.
Lady came to me with tears in her eyes not too long ago and she said.
My brother and my sister are in the world tonight because of tablet.
My parents turned US against the brother.
My brother was working for a man in the assembly.
And at the table, he was there, three children were there, and he began to.
Destroy the brothers right there from the children and my brother said took him to side afterwards and said no, you're going to ruin those children talking that way in front of them about their brother. You know how he answered them? He says. I want my children to know every hypocrite in the meeting.
Well, it turned out that he didn't only lose his children, they lost himself. And it's been long gone. Well, let's not be likely with it.
You know, if Aisha had come to the door of these fathers and mothers, why he'd knock at the door and they'd come out and say, well, hello, Elijah, I'm glad to see you. Haven't seen you for a long time. But you know, the children are the index of the home and they go out with what they hear in the home. The parents, you know, they can put on this, this awkward show of things and act like they're glad to see it when they're not glad to see you at all.
But they can put that on. But the children tell the truth.
Well, how different from this woman that took her son and she laid him in the room on the wall. He wasn't afraid of separation of the man of God.
Think of the 42 of these children being torn.
Where they come home and father says.
So whatever happened to you where you know the man that you were talking about? The end of the day to us.
Is because and who she bears came out of and tore out.
You know, some of these children, they might have gone on with the Lord afterwards, but they're injured, they're poor. Now the Yellowstone Park was when the bears, you know, they come right up to the, the cars and especially people began feeding them candy until you rolled on your window and you'd give them some candy. Well, it happened to perhaps more than once where a bear reached in and he just came down a man's face and a woman's face and just.
Pardon me. Well, those stars.
Stayed there and so we can injure our children.
Know that there are children today maybe that won't pay any attention to you because their parents have turned them off and all the things of God. Somebody said the other day you'll, you'll take in your children away from the very brother that could help them well.
Now let's go back to our portion here, the 4th chapter. And we're still, for the sake of time, the woman goes to Elisha.
And she doesn't stop until.
She finds him and so Elijah says to be Hazel. I take the staff in your hand and put it on the child. Well, the staff, you know, speaks of the word of God and Sarogi takes the staff and he goes ahead to this boy and.
Verse 31 And gave I passed on before them, and said, Us, and laid the staff upon the face of the child.
And there was neither voice nor hearing, wherefore he went again to meet him and fold in things. That child is not awake. That's as far as the Hazel. He just comes to the decision that there is no hope.
Well, the staff is the word of God.
So sometimes we go to these people that are there and we use the word of God on. We say the Bible says to do that. The Bible says to do that.
The Bible says that you don't go on this is going to be the result and no light on. Well, why now?
Maybe that person knows more about me than than I think he does, but with his eye. And we learn in the next chapter that he wasn't an honest man at all. He liked to use the word of God and all that, but he cooked it on a child's face and there's no results. Nothing happens.
And so he says, well, you got to give up on that man. There's no hope. Well, in life, you didn't give up on anything, so it says. And Mercury too. And while Elijah was come into the house, behold, the child was dead and laid upon his dad.
He went in, therefore, and shut the door upon them clean and prayed to the Lord. You know there's a time like that where you have to shut the door. You'll get all kinds of advice from this side and from that side and from the front.
But you have to shut the door and meet the Lord again. Like they brought this, this boy, the son to the Lord, they bring him to me. And now Elijah brings him to the Lord, the only one that really can recover life. And we sometimes leave him out. It isn't that we don't pray, but the obstacles are not removed. And he went up, and he lay upon the child and put his mouth to his mouth.
And his eyes to his eyes, and his hands to his eyes, and he stretched himself upon the child. And the flesh of the child lack warm. Jeez, I said no hope. So here's the man.
What happens what is the difference between what bees I did in laying with staff on his face or what he liked he did well he forgives love to his mom. It isn't only.
A sketch of Earth.
Elijah practiced what he proved that made all the difference. The boy knew it. The boy knew that it liked you did the very things he said. The Lord said I do all those things that I say, all of those things I I say. And then he put his hands on his hands. That is that service that Elijah did was a real service. It wasn't thinking. He's like kind of service.
But it was something real and it says he put his eyes in his eyes. That is what the what what Elijah talked about seeing. He really thought he didn't just say, well, the Bible says this and it says that no, it's the difference between the living word of God and the dead word, as it were. You know, in the in in Luke 4, four, they marveled at the gracious words that proceeded out of the Lord's nose.
No, I didn't even say they marveled at the gracious words that he said. No, it was those words that came from His very heart out of His love and the marvelous those gracious words and those words affected the people that every eye was passed on the Lord Jesus.
He stretched himself on the child. Now that's a kind of a strange statement.
But I suppose it's identification, No, You know, there's all kinds of things that might fall by the way, some. But I was like, well, sure, some that are very English, some that are in between, well, to stretch themselves on them, will try to meet their conditions. Like I noticed in the house today, don't find fault with an engine until you've gone in these moccasins for a mile.
Well, it's to enter into their their feelings. Then verse 35.
Then he returned and walked in the hall to improve. What do you do that for? Where did he walk to? And so in the house. Maybe he was looking for what might have caused the death of the child.
You know, there's sometimes things in our homes that cause the death of the children or the death of a grown up.
He went up and stretched himself upon him and the child sneezed 7 times and the child opened his eyes.
You know, my mother, when we were in bed, maybe we used to have pools that kept us down. I don't know if people can run all over the place having pools today, but we had to go to bed for three or four days. But when my mother heard her squeeze, well then she would say stunt height that meant.
You're getting well.
Well, you see, when you sneeze is trying to throw off the chopsticks in your system that have caused your thickness. And so here is a man that's throwing, you know, just the opposite. I like to know young men, you know, you better quit some of these habits you've had and you better stay home more and don't run with a boy. Well, no, this all was a work within. He saw the Foley, we might say.
Of his course. And so he sneezed.
Just a complete number.
Again, I like to say, when the Lord doesn't work, it's done forever.
Enter normal into it here 7 times he sneezes.
No, He opened his eyes.
And he called me his eyes. Now why did he call me his eye? Why didn't he just call the woman? Well, I think it was just to to exercise disease. I could behave like I said, there's no hope for that boy came back. He's an honor. So he calls me, right. And when she was coming in unto him, he take he said, take up my son.
Then she went in and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son and went out.
Now, if there's any change here, I'd like to say this, that she now takes up her boy on resurrection ground. Teach me, she takes up a boy in the new creation.
I hope you don't mind me mentioning my mother, but she says, you know, she says I try bailed twice for you children.
I want to bring you into this world naturally, and the next time to bring you in spiritually. I wonder if we're willing for this travail. I wonder if we wouldn't rather send our son to somebody else that can teach them. It never works. People send sons out to our farm to the that the boys might be kept, but they weren't kept while they were there. They read with us, they went to meeting with us and all those things. But when they went away.
They want their own way, not every all of them, but then for the most part so.
It isn't that.
That we can think lightly of this. But anyway, here we see how this boy was recovered.
Now let's turn to the face of Mark.
You know, every case is different. That's the reason each case has to be handled. This, if you can't say this is the way we did it last year, this is the way the brethren did it 40-50 years ago. No, you have to meet every case on its own merit. And that's done by getting into the presence of the Lord. So the Father here in verse 23 of Mark 5.
And verse 22 And behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jareth by name. And when he saw him, he saw his feet, and he saw him greatly, saying, My little daughter lies at the point of death, I pray thee, come and lay thy hand on her, as she shall be healed, and she shall live. Now here's the Father.
Dear, dear man, you know, he senses that his little daughter is dying. You know, I sometimes said, some of these lovely little girls, they know the answers of the Sunday school. They, they can quote the verses better than average, but they get into a certain grade in school around 12 years old where they begin.
Seeing and the world begins to register.
Maybe they come home one day with a little the appearance of the world on them, whatever it might be, and immediately here was a father that sent a death is setting in until he goes to the Lord right away.
He said my little daughter is dying. Is a father willing to do that or will he say, well, you know, my sisters were the same way and now they're in the meeting.
My wife too, you know, she was kind of this way in that way, but now she's in the meeting and going on. No, the father didn't take that for an answer. He saw that she was dying and so he he goes to the only true soul. Well.
Verse 35.
While he gets faith, there came from the ruler of the synagogue Charles Circle, which said Thy daughters dead wife almost thou the master any further.
I wonder if there hadn't been a lot of things settled for death from the children so well.
Source of children The godly man, His children in the world. There's no use.
Your daughter's dead and that's dead. You've got to face that. Well, the Lord saw the pleading of that father, and He wasn't going to overlook that until in verse 40, there were those that lasted to score, and there always are those that discourage and disheartened. But when He had put them all out, those kind have to go out of their life.
Starting to have to go out of the room out of the picture.
No one Israel there were certain qualifications for battle but the one of them the last one of the qualifications was anyone that was fearful and afraid was to go home the lock ship for the guy well those kind I think we have plenty of those that are fearful and afraid and they say well they.
Yes, it can't be done. No, no way. You can win the battle. Gideon, they said with 300 men. Well, there's no way. And yet he, he wrote it. I don't know how many thousand men just was the 300.
When he had put them all out, he taken the floor and the mother and not very vital that the floor and the mother deserve of the damsel and then that were with him. That would be Peter, James and John. A little picture of the assembly. You know, it's wonderful to have all in the assembly as it were in in some of these things unlevered home. That was the assembly. Is it the boy 12 years old that wasn't even in the assembly. That is he wasn't Breaking Bad.
Because they had an interest in him that they wanted him spared.
And the mother was in favor of she was a.
Do you want to see what's alone? And she had this boy.
You know he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her to lose to neither Kumar, which is being interpreted dance by three, and the arise and straightway the danza rules. And what?
Oh thankful my father must have been for the effort he put forth here is his little girl that was he could see her dying and finally she died and now she gets up and she walked in a lovely not just to say well I'm saved and I'm restored but to Warcia was a major 12 and then verse 43 and he charged them strictly that no man should know it that customary of Luke.
Mark he was the servant, but notice commanded that something should be given her to eat.
Now perhaps that was partly the cause of redemption because she hadn't really got things to. Maybe she'd been told the word in a kind of a mechanical way and so forth. But now they saw or he, he brings in the need of that life would be sustained with food. And I think it's kind of lovely too, that there was food in that house the Lord couldn't assign, like give it to eat because.
And many times we have an abundance of our food in the house and maybe the children are starving. Maybe we don't have time to to give them this food. I was just thinking today of a sister that.
And it had four children. And there's no question in my mind but what she must have said. Those children when I came to dinner, 3035 years old and going on with a long word. Now, they must have been fed at home. Now bear with me once once more with that Act 20.
Now we've noticed, you know, maybe the cause of these deaths.
And we don't stop the beloved Saints of God. I think we have found the remedy in each one of these cases.
Now we might say, what is the cause of this man's death? Verse 9.
There sat in a window a certain young man named Utica. Now, his name was mean, fortunate. And you're very fortunate if you're in a, in a room where there are many lights, you know the lights, both of the guests, no doubt there in that upper room. And this man was fortunate enough to be here in that room.
Being falling asleep as Paul was long sweet.
Now you know, I've heard even since I'm in this area that souls are questioning, are we really gathered to the Lord's name? Where do we fit in here or there?
How is it that we say that we're in the place of God's appointment and so forth? Well.
You know.
Paul has been long preaching. Now when I say Paul, I mean the things that Paul thought he he Paul took up the heavenly side of the truth.
And for all is their long future, you know you're looking at a man that never dreams he would ever see 84.
I remember when the coming of the Lord became a reality to me. I was. I was 19, I think 1929.
At that time, 1928, there were plenty of had come to Aberdeen, ID where I lived at that time and he had meetings for six weeks and not only six nights a week, but seven nights a week. And we had snow that was that deep and we went to meeting in the bobsled. But somehow God used that unreasonable such a situation.
To stir in me the reality of the Lord's coming. And it was so real to me at that time. And I don't say it's more not more real to me today, but in a little different way at that time it was it had a certain effect that was maybe somewhat emotional or that type of thing. But anyway.
Here I am in 1984, fifty years later, more than that, but I'm still here. So Paul has been long preaching and the man fell out of the the loft there and was taken up dead. Let me encourage you. You're not you're not going to have much longer to go. We know it couldn't be possible. Many very much farther.
There are those that are finally given up, as it were, and falling because all has been long preaching away well.
This man fell, but the lovely thing is verse 10 and Paul went down and fell in embracing him, said double monsters, all for his life and.
All the long distance people just had the idea Paul get the preacher and he he's heartless, but it was true he was down in engraved in there if we would know for.
So just a little bit, the affection, of course, the affection of the truth, the cause of all things, it can go down and embrace the man.
And say all his life is still in.
And so it says, he was brought up. And when, therefore, when he therefore was taken up again, and had broken bread and eaten, and talked a long while till break a date, so he departed. That's the rapture.
And the IT adds here and they brought the young man, alive or not, a little comfort with my What a joy that must have been to the Saints.
Let that young man that had fallen from the third one.
Taken up, we're dead.
And now he's brought back.
There. What a joy it must have been to the thing.
And I don't love the boy at the sat in the window again. I believe it's one of these ways that God does the thing when he does it, he gets done forever. Whatsoever God do it, God be done forever. And so here was the young man brought up and.
Was comfortably connected with it. Most of all, we need the Lord. So let's say in the last two verses 256.