7 Utterances of Christ on the Cross Pt.2

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Address—H. Brinkmann
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Golden Mercy, send this song.
To the world.
Give us a time for us to save heart was for them as Jesus song.
Oh the.
Holy Holy Blood.
Shine again.
Pretty long.
Oh, the glory.
All the way.
I'm above him, love.
Holy is a million.
To him must fall.
Oh, the glory.
All the way.
In love.
Favorite face Heaven save love.
God in life.
Christ the Lord will come again.
Once will reign.
Every time.
Will Jesus?
All the glory.
All the way.
Save yourself.
OK, flight. God is love.
The purity of God's nature is expressed in the work that he likes.
And the Sinner has to come to realize that he has to do with the God that is life.
The Sinner has to be brought into God's presence, and that he has to realize that he has to do with God.
It doesn't have to do with men. It doesn't have to do with Christians.
You have to do with God. He has to answer to God, not to man, to any man. Of course, when we're children, we have to answer to our parents.
You know we are responsible to submit to our parents.
And when we work for somebody, we have to submit.
To our boss we have to submit to the authorities, but when it is a question of sin.
We have to answer to God.
God is faithful in His word to expose what we are.
All that sin and come short of the glory of God.
And the word of God speaks of ungodly people. You know, when I was a young man, I thought of ungodly people are people that.
Live in sin.
That are habitual drinkers, wife beaters.
Husband, computers and so on.
But I believe ungodly people are people who don't have God.
Who don't know?
And of whom God says, I know you not.
Nothing. He doesn't know about them, but there is no relationship existing between them and God.
Lord Jesus, you know when those 5 foolish virgins.
Standing outside the door being shot, he said. I never knew you. I don't know you.
What a solemn thing that is.
Knows all about them.
And will be manifested at the Judgment seat, You know when they stand before the Great White Throne, and He knows all about them.
He doesn't know that they're not in a living relationship with the Lord Jesus, and that makes all the difference. Christianity is not that we subscribe to.
A certain set of rules.
Or a certain religion. Christianity isn't even a religion. Christianity is a person, and that person is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. And he's the only one that can bring us into a proper relationship to God.
And that is only possible through the work of Calvin's cross. We need him. If we have him, we have everything. If we don't have him, we have nothing. To stand in the coming day and you'll hear these words. Depart from me. Your work is open, nicked.
People say that, you know, nobody will end up in hell because of their sins because the Lord Jesus for them, but they will stand there because they haven't accepted him. That's not what the word of God teaches. The word of God teaches that they were judged according to their deeds that they had committed.
Of course, one of the most serious deeds is to not obey the gospel. You know what? The gospel is really not a matter of choice.
It's a question of whether we obey the gospel. The word of God is very plain about God.
Not really a matter of choice. It's a matter of submitting by obeying the hospital. No, it's repentance towards God.
And faith in the Lord Jesus.
All says in Galatians that we have are the tongues of God who faith in the Lord Jesus.
You know in the Old Testament an Adam was justified or Abraham was justified because he believed God. God told him that he would have a son of Sarah, although she was now beyond the age of childbearing. But if God said it?
Who believes it?
Although it was contrary to nature, and the Word of God says.
It was accounted unto him for righteousness, you know God is a God that wants to justify the Sinner, and you know.
The word of righteousness and justification in the English language is really convening the same thing.
You know, in other languages we don't have these two terms, but in English we have but it means the same thing. So we find in Romans chapter 3.
That God is just the justifier of him that believeth on Jesus.
The basis for declaring A Sinner just is the work of pelvis cross. It's not that God takes of His righteousness of His justice or the righteousness of the Lord Jesus and put it upon us. You know if it would be the righteousness of the Lord Jesus that He manifested when he was as man on earth, it would still be by works that we are justified.
But no flesh shall be justified in his sight, and it is not going to be on the principle of works.
God looks down and those who by faith accept the message of salvation.
Offered in the person that work with the Lord Jesus when that takes place, God said that's a righteous man. He declares righteous such that by faith accept the Lord Jesus.
And justification is more than to give us a standing before God as if we had never sinned. We hear that kind of an explanation many times. Justification means that we stand before God in a new life that cannot sin, as if we never could have sinned. That's the truth of justification. We have a new life. We are new creature in Christ when we come to the Lord Jesus.
And we stand before him in a light to which sin cannot attach. Wonderful truth, wonderful truth. We have been occupied this afternoon.
With those seven apprentices that the Lord Jesus uttered on the cross.
And I think it is most wonderful to look at his divine sufferer on the cross. We're overwhelmed what we see and hear, you know, And we find that there are seven times that he opens his mouth.
And others things.
And these things are Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Woven Behold thy son.
Today thou shalt be with me in paradise. My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?
At first.
It is finished, Father. Into thy hand I commend my spirit, and in this order I believe these utterances were given. And we looked at the three.
Before this cry, my God, my God, myself say to me, we've seen.
That there is a blurry radiating from that person on the cross.
Which is overwhelming. You don't see it anywhere in the universe as you see it with the person of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Only two of those utterances are.
Connected with his own suffering, the one expresses the agony of his soul. My God, my God, why is out forsaken me, and the other one expresses the extreme physical suffering. I thirst because he was hanging there six hours on the cross.
And tremendous Thursday itself I am, but the other afternoon says.
Had to do with giving words of forgiveness to his tormentors. That's the very first thing that the others.
And he gives words of comfort to their feet on the cross he is concerned.
In love and care for his mother, deservedly Mother and Ed and John Stanford, of all the Gospels that presents him as the Son of God. He doesn't say mother. He says woman. We also have reminded ourselves that in Christendom.
And especially in the Catholic system.
People are occupied with the physical sufferings and they were real. You know, No one can deny that the Lord Jesus felt everything very keenly, and perhaps more so than you and I would feel it if we would be hanging on the cross because his senses were not dulled by sin.
He felt the insults that were heaped upon him.
The thoughts?
And then reach smiting him, he felt all of that very keenly.
But this did not accomplish at all.
What accomplished atonement when in the last three hours, the hours of darkness he was facing a holy God with all our sins upon him? That is the sins of all the redeemed from Adam to the last one, that will be saved before he comes and takes us home to glory.
And what a burden that was.
How could He have formed the eternity of our judgment in three hours of darkness?
He was more than a man. He was God's Son. The Lamb of God is the Son of God, and his person added such a tremendous value to that work. And only because of who he was, he could exhaust divine wrath against sin in three hours.
We not only bore our sins and his body on the tree as Peter says, Paul says he who do no sin was made sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
You know, he didn't only die for what we had done.
The evil deeds we committed, he died for what we were.
You know, not only were sins dealt with by God on that cross, sin itself was judged. The scripture says that sin was put away by the sacrifice of himself.
True things are.
But the thief on the cross at first railed against the Lord Jesus like the other. But there was a change. And if we look at that cross, if we're not saying and really look at that wonderful person, the change that took place.
And that thief might take place in US like picked Centurion and those with him.
They also at the end, after they had observed all of that, they said, truly this was the Son of God.
Apparently their eyes were opened as well as the eyes of.
That thing.
And what changed that seed? What changed that seed? Was he heard and saw something that is unparalleled. He heard words of forgiveness, concerned for his mother. His heart must have been touched. His eyes were opened. He had a mother.
Evidently a Jewish mother, he knew all about the Kingdom.
And he manifests faith in saying, Remember Me, if thou comest into thy Kingdom. His eyes were opened. And this was the Messiah, and it did the Messiah, and no matter how it looked.
It looked like there was hopeless, that he would feed a king because he was crucified to all human observation. He was dying.
He said if that's the Messiah, he'll come and I don't want to lose out. Remember Me and the Lord. Caesar said, you don't have to wait till the Kingdom. Today thou shalt be with me in paradise. Well a wonderful and he addressed him as Lord.
You know he believed with his heart and made confession with his mouth. What does it say? Thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
The Sinner has to believe in his heart. He has to make confession with his mouth. Owning Jesus as Lord, you know.
That man.
Receive faith. By faith we receive the Lord Jesus. But now we want to think about this utterance. My God, my God, why is thou forsaken me? That's a quote from the Old Testament. From Psalm 22. We reminded ourselves that we only hear 7 utterances on the cross. But there are many prophetic utterances in the Old Testament.
That we can only understand if we read them in the light that they prophetically speak of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus. Take Psalm 69.
For instance, there are many coats in there that you clearly see.
Refer to the Lord Jesus. One statement is that in his first they gave him vinegar to drink. Didn't that take place on the cross when he cried out thirst? And so there are many.
In the Psalms and in the Prophets that give us a fuller insight into what he felt in his soul and what he experienced when he was on the cross.
But when it says my God, when he says my God, my God, why is thou forsaken me? It is not that he finds Paul.
We left. God is to it.
Expresses the grief of his soul. You have to remember that this is a person that from all eternity was in the bosom of the Father, never a moment of interrupted communion, and now he faces this tremendous, awful thing for him to be forsaken. Not only does he not get any help from God, when as a dependent man, he needs it more than ever.
He on Earth.
He doesn't get any help.
On top of it, he's punched by God. You know, when he was in the garden anticipating this.
You know the sweat is great. Drops of blood fell to the ground.
But aids of pain and strengthened him.
But if already in anticipation had caused him such agony, what must it have been to actually be there? And there was number comfort coming from either God or angels. He was alone.
And you find that he himself, in Psalm 22 gives himself the answer.
We find the statement Thou art holy.
God, holy the holiness of God, requires such a sacrifice. It couldn't be given by one who himself was sinful.
You know, no product can redeem his brother, the Old Testament says.
A sacrifice had to be given by a sinless victim. You know when you read in the Old Testament of the offerings that were brought and had to be a land without spots, without blemish, That pointed typically to the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. That's why the lamb had to be without spot and without blemish.
You know, and some of these sacrifices were cut in pieces and the pieces were washed. That doesn't mean that it speaks of what needed to be done with the Lord Jesus, that he himself needed to be cleansed in order to be burned on the altar. No, that sacrifice had to be washed in order that it would be a fitting sacrifice or a picture of the perfect sacrifice that the Lord Jesus would bring.
But what it must have been for his soul to be forsaken of God?
But then he tries to God and none but God, Even when he is forsaken of God. I think there is again a beautiful side of that blessed one.
So he turns to God at number. God, you know, in our own lives.
We sometimes have to go through things.
Which we have brought on ourselves.
You know.
That was not the way with the Lord Jesus. He was wholly harmless, undefiled, separate from cities. That's what the scripture says about him.
He knew no sin, he never sinned, and in him was no sin. 3 Testimonies in the word of God.
About the sinlessness of this sacrifice.
The holiness of God demanded that the sinless victim would die in our room instead.
And from the beginning.
We find this pointed out. You know, when they were driven out of the Garden of Eden, When they found themselves naked, God made them garments of skin. The thickly aprons were to do. They were still hiding among the trees, although they had tried to cover their nakedness, their unfitness, for the person with God, God gave them.
Skin to color their nakedness, he made a garment for them well.
How wonderful. The Lord Jesus went to the cross for the eternity of our judgment in three hours of dying. You know, if anybody in this room doesn't come to the Lord Jesus, he'll end up in hell and he will spend eternity in hell because of his sins, but he'll never come to the point that he pays for his sins.
Because it's only punishment for sin and it's eternal punishment. The Bible is very clear about that.
But the Lord Jesus did not only bear the punishment for our sins, he made the poor amendment.
He satisfies all God's claims as to sin.
We did that in three hours. It's overwhelming.
Overwhelming that he could bear and atone for all the sins of all the redeemed within three hours.
Or that person is the answer why he could do it. The work was intimate and.
So was the law televised? How much more important their sacrifice was implemented? Can you and I measure it? Never. Can you and I measure the value of their sacrifice, never of you and I NFC according to our people, apprehension of us, You're saved. According to what God see in that baptism. That's the basis of my salvation.
But we also find that to try out.
I thirst, I curse.
The wretchedness of the human heart is manifested in the way they responded to them.
You know when he made him to the cross in the password while they were doing this, they were trying to give him something that would stall the pain and he wouldn't take it. You know he would not face the sufferings of the cross, even the physical sufferings, by being in any way helped.
Or relieved.
But here now he has been six hours on the cross, dehydrated.
Feeling a tremendous thirst.
And he said, I cursed. And what did he do to give the vinegar to break? They give him something which only intensifies, greatly intensifies this thirst. Really good. And you know, I look at it this way, it shows me what the human heart is like. It shows me what my heart is like. You know, it's not touched by the grace of God. If I would have stood there, I would have done the same thing.
I was incapable of doing the same thing. I chose the wretchedness of man. You know, when you think of all the goodness and kindness of the Lord Jesus.
The way he.
Dealt with.
Man, while he was on this earth.
He did good. How did he reward this?
You know they work him with evil, and then you see on the cross. Here he expresses his need, his thirst.
And they give him vinegar to grape.
In German I remember we have a hymn and I like to mention that, which is a somewhat different thought.
For him, right there expressions that when he said I thirst that it was expressing his desire and his thirst for the soul of man, that they would be saved. I think it's a nice thought that even day after had it can be seen that way.
That the Lord Jesus was longing for you and I to be saved, and that that would give him.
Satisfaction that suffer very much not only from the hand of God, from the hands of his creatures.
You know, when we hear from the beginning this cry away with him, we will not have this man to reign over us.
I think the proper way for us is to see ourselves in that crowd at Pilots Hall. There's him today.
Because you and I would not have acted any different than those people. And we see how changing men are. One day they cry, Hosanna blessed he that comes in the name of the Lord. The next day they cry away with him. We will not have this man.
Reign over us.
But then we hear the words of the Lord Jesus.
It is finished.
It is finished. That's the victor's cry.
And we by faith accept that statement coming from the Blessed Lord. As far as our salvation is concerned. The work is finished, nothing to be added.
No one can take anything promised.
Neither do we have to add anything. You know, we had a dear woman, We bought our first house from her.
In Moseley, Wisconsin, she was used to a school teacher.
Then later on we bought a building adjoining that property where I had my business and she lived upstairs. I became a landlord, so we had a lot of contact with that woman and she was taught from child on that.
Yes, the Lord Jesus died for us. He died for our sins.
But there are some sense that we have to atone for, and we try to labor with her to show her that the word of God, the blood says the blood of Jesus Christ, God Son, cleanses us from all sins.
Well, and the Lord Jesus said it's finished by faith. I rest on a finished work of Calvary's cross.
You know, God cannot accept anything from a sinful creature.
In payment for sin.
The only thing he can accept is the Lord Jesus when it was in the Old Testament, a question of the Jews bringing sacrifices, or even Job who was not a Jew. Remember, he brought sacrifices, and sacrifices were brought before long before At Sinai the law of Moses was given, which included directions as to.
How sacrifices were to be brought. Our sacrifices were before that, you know. And the first sacrifice that was brought God proud when he closed Adam and Eve. But then we find that.
Abel brought a sacrifice.
And it was more excellent than Cain. God couldn't accept pain, sacrifice, but he accepted Abel's. Why?
Cain brought from the cursed earth the laborers of his hands. God couldn't accept that. But when Abel, who must have listened carefully to what his parents said, how God clothed them when he brought a lamb, God could accept it because it spoke of his son.
That spoke of his son. There's a verse.
In Romans that I like to read.
Verse 23 For God all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace to the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, who God has set forth to be a propitiation to faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God. What does that mean? The sins that are passed?
Some people think that that sins that are passed before we were saved. No, I believe that refers to sins committed by those who died in faith.
You know, and God.
Only at all for these sins. When the Lord Jesus died. The Lord Jesus did not only die for the sins of those who lived after he came on the scene and after he went to the cross. No God accepted his sacrifices in the Old Testament if they were brought in obedience to his word connected with faith.
He accepted them because he knew in due time the blood of the Lord Jesus would be shed and then and then only can put away sin. We know in Hebrews it says that the blood of bulls and goat cannot put away sin.
So the sins that are passed through the forbearance of God refers to the sins of the believer that live in the Old Testament. And then it goes on to declare, I say at this time his righteousness.
That he might be just to justifier of him which believeth.
In Jesus.
See now God is the basis for justification.
Has the work of the Lord Jesus and those who believe on him and his work will be justified or declared right as we have in the 4th chapter 2 examples in the life of Abraham and in the life of David.
You know.
David is quoted from Psalm 32.
And Abraham's faith in the promise of God? God declared him righteous. But as far as the sins of these Old Testament Saints are concerned, they were atoned for, just like you and my sins when the Lord Jesus died.
How wonderful the work of atonement is.
Now the work of atonement.
You know atonement has two sides.
Substitutions and propitiation.
And there are people who are not clear on this wonderful truth. And now I'm speaking to believers.
Is God's side of the sacrifice that I may put it that way.
You know, God's holiness was insulted. He was dishonored by any sin that was committed.
And God's honor and glory has been maintained in the death of Christ as to any sin that was ever committed.
That's propitiation. That's why we have such scriptures as he died for all.
The propitiatory site of the death of Christ is to any sin that ever has been committed, but the substitutional side has to do with.
The sins of the redeemed before the sins of many need.
You know people say he bought the sins of all. If he bought the sins of every human being in the substitutional aspect of the death of Christ, then God in righteousness could not send any Sinner to hell.
But the substitutional side of the death of Christ.
Is for those who by faith come to the Lord Jesus. You know we have that picture in the Old Testament on the Day of Atonement. There were two animals that were brought.
As sacrifices the One.
Which speaks of.
The propitiatory side of the death of Christ. The animal was slain and the blood was shed, and that is propitiation. But the other animal, the sins of the people, were confessed upon that animal. The animal was sent into the wilderness to perish, to die. It's a picture of the death of Christ, but it is the substitutional.
Side of the death of Christ.
And how wonderful the work is complete.
And sinners can come.
And had their sins forgiven, come under the strengthening of the blood.
You know that's when that plot is applied to us individually.
No, how wonderful.
But we have to see that the work is finished and as far as the salvation of our souls is concerned, we cannot do a thing.
The only thing that God can accept is that which his Son has done, and he has done it, and he himself says it is finished.
And I rest on the work.
And Word of the Lord Jesus.
Finished work now there have been people that have really done damage to the truth of God. There was one man that said, you know.
When the Lord Jesus said it is finished, it wasn't really finished because.
The high priest had to take the blood and had to bring it into the inner sanctuary on the day of Atonement.
Now the Lord Jesus was number priest on earth. He was only priest when he entered heaven, so he couldn't present his blood until he was ascended.
And what this man failed to see that it says in Hebrews doesn't say that he entered with his blood. He said he entered by his blood in virtue of his blood. You know, if I mistake make that statement when we were in Hebrews not long ago that he entered with his thought. Not that I didn't know about it, but I made a mistake and a young brother corrected me. He said, you know, that's not what the Scripture says it says.
He entered by his block in virtue of his blood.
And how wonderful that is. You know, we see that the whale rents from top to bottom. Right after he died, God himself gave the testimony that the entrance into the presence of God, that's what the inner sanctuary spoke of.
Was made open by virtue of his blood. The Lord Jesus has entered, you know, And then another man had said.
Well, the blood test flowed from the Savior's side, and it wasn't that many years ago that that doctrine sprung up had no atoning value because it flowed after the Lord Jesus said it is finished.
You know, that's the only blood that Bible mentions.
It's true that when he was nailed to the cross, when the crown of thorns was put on his head, I'm sure there was blood flowing. But the Bible doesn't say anything about blood flowing. The only blood that the Bible mentions is the blood that flowed from his side. And when you read in John chapter 20, you see how much of an effort is made that we believe that, and that the testimony as to the flowing of that blood from inside is true.
Because dead blood had all the value of the atoning sufferings of Christ in it, and it's all one word of atonement. I was helped very much when I got Adrian Roach's ministry on that subject, and he said there are three things that have accomplished atonement, the atoning sufferings in the three hours of darkness when the Lord Jesus suffered from the hand of God.
When all his sins were put up, all our sins were put upon him. And when he was made sin, that's the atomic suffering. And then?
Laying down of his life as an atonement for sin.
The Precious Blood, the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, Francis, and all sin.
So we have to be careful that we do not, with the human mind, go into the truth of God's Word and distort the truth. There's one word.
And you know the blood there float there from God, from his side is as much for us as it is for God, and especially for us that we believe that that block was shared. And there isn't Savior when he comes into the midst of his own. He doesn't say that he, a spirit, doesn't have.
Flesh and blood.
As he had, he said.
Doesn't have flesh or bone. His blood was sheer.
I think one of the prominent Bible teachers in years gone by, I think it was doctor. Beyond that, believe there was some blood.
There. Otherwise, how could he have been a living man? I don't know the exact details of his daughter, but the mind has to be guarded when it comes to the truth of God. The blood was shed.
And a blessed person in his resurrection body that was a body that was number longer subject to the loss of nature as you are. My body is, you know. He came into the midst of his own behind closed doors. They were gathered together there. The Lord Jesus stood right in the midst. He had a body that could he could eat, but they need to eat to sustain that life.
How wonderful.
It's a finished work.
Nobody can add to it, nobody can take from it. But then this last utterance.
And to die handed I Clement my spirit, And he addresses God as his Father. The only time that the Lord Jesus addresses God as God is when he makes that crime. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why is that He is in the place of sinful men himself, being sinless, but taking their place before God, and being punished All men sins.
We find him saying my God, my God, but after these sufferings are over now and he can say it is finished, he again addresses God as his Father, as he had done throughout his earthly life.
And the confidence expressed in him committing.
His spirit.
To his Father. You know, there are people that have actually denied that the Lord Jesus was fully man.
Spiritual and body, they have dared to try to explain the mystery that no man can understand.
How God and man could be in one person, holy God, holy man, spirit, soul and body. They have said you know the spirit of the man files Jesus was his deity.
Where they tried to explain the mystery that the Lord Jesus himself says nobody can understand, which remains a mystery to us. No one knows the Son but the Father. Matthew 11, You know.
Nobody knows his Father, but the Son and to whom he will reveal, but the mystery of the person of Christ. How there can be.
Two natures in one person.
It's uncomprehendable to our minds. We cannot explain it and we dare not to delve into it. We accept the statements of Scripture without.
Claiming that we understand the mystery of it. You know when he says into thy hand, I commend my spirit.
He's obviously Speaking of his human spirit and how wonderful this is what was characteristic of the Blessed Lord throughout his life.
Perfect confidence and trust in God. His father, you know, he complaints. He expresses his grief that the Father's trusted in God and they were delivered. He trusted with perfect confidence. But he was not delivered. Even his enemies said he trusted in God. Let him deliver him. Now they had to give the testimony that his life had been characterized by trusting in God.
But the Lord Jesus continued to trust in God even when he was under the punishment for sin by God, he turns to him. Notice this verse in the Old Testament? Then I think it must be in Proverbs or a joke. 14 One of the books it says is the righteous structure in God even in death, trusted even in death.
Is that illustrated in the person of the Lord Jesus? You know, if you and I have to go through death, and many Christians have gone through death for the person of the Lord Jesus, did they give up their confidence? Did they give up their trust? No, they continued to trust in God, but they might have been shaken for a while. Like who's 100 years before Martin Luther? You know, when he was?
Standing there before his judges.
And he asked, And he recanted, And then he.
Again, repented, confessed his faith, and he was burned at the stake. Well, how wonderful to look at this being even demonstrated in the lives of many believers. But how perfectly it was demonstrated in the Lord Jesus, and he commits his spirit to his Father.
You know and beloved.
We trust.
God for our salvation.
We accept the truth of the word of God for our soul's salvation.
Certainly not all to trust him for any circumstance that might come up in our lives.
Should we not be encouraged by what we see in the Lord Jesus, what we see in many believers?
Who prove trust and confidence in God.
You know, remember those friends of Daniel when they were facing the king? They were very bold. They said. Whether God will save us from the fiery furnace, we don't know. But one thing is for sure, He's going to save us out of your hands, you know. So even if the king would have burned them up, where would their souls have been? You know, they were not at all afraid to die, you know, because.
Death is nothing but a servant that ushers the believer into the presence of the Lord Jesus. All things are yours, Paul says. And in that list that he gives, he says death. Death is a servant. For the unbeliever, it is the King of terror. There can be nothing worse happening to a man than to die or for a woman, you know, if they have no hope.
But if we know Lord Jesus, they had something much better to look forward to than what they could have possibly had in this world. Eternity in the Father's house with the Lord Jesus, like the Lord Jesus with all the believers, Whoever has faith and died in faith. You know what I'm taking great comfort in that verse in Thessalonians, that all our gathering together unto Him.
It's a great comfort for me because all my brothers and sisters in five that I can't practically walk with who go in different paths, they'll all be there.
That one will be missing. I'm looking forward to that. You know, to be there with all the radiation, nothing hindering the praise and worship of things, is not going to be wonderful. And then to be for all eternity there nothing can ever.
Rob us of any joy or mar that bliss and happiness.
The Lord Jesus has made all of that possible by going to the cross.
You know, if God would have dealt with me, with you or with anybody in this room according to what we had done, where would we end up?
The holiness of God is seen not only in how he dealt with the Lord Jesus on the cross. I believe that gives you the best demonstration of the holiness of God, but the Garden of Eden.
What I'm saying is he dealt with his son.
The way he did, because he took you in my place, he couldn't spare him. He had to punish him. It's a demonstration of what the holiness of God requires. But in the Garden of Eden, what made Adam and Eve lose their innocence?
And put them into position of sinners and the whole human race descendant from sinners, they're all sinners by nature to eat over forbidden fruit.
Like you might say, why you said such a big thing.
That is in the side of God.
It's sufficient in the sight of God to separate Adam from him.
Driving him out of the garden and the only remedy for Adam.
Were those skins, those covers that God provided? Well, a lot of garden there.
I'm so thankful.
That God in his grace has touched my conscience, showed me what I was. I wasn't any better than any Sinner that is still in his sins.
And if I've been kept from doing some things that others have done, it's only because the grace of God kept me from it. I have the capacity to do what anybody else has done.
But God in disgrace brought me two sons. He wants you to come to his son. He wants to be attractive. He wants you to be attracted to him.
To love him. To be a lover of God and an enemy of God. To be reconciled to God. What does it mean? Was God ever our enemy? Did he need to be reconciled to us? No. We were enemies of God, But he has reconciled us by the death of the Son. If you're not going to be reconciled to God by looking at what God has done in the person of his Son, nothing else will change your attitude.
Nothing else will make out of an enemy of God, a lover of God.
Well, I trust there's nobody in this room.
That will neglect or refuse to accept.
God's love and grace.
Let's sing.
Pin number.
I've learned that him from Lemoyne Smith and I don't know if you know that melody that I'm going to start at song by but if you don't know you can learn it because a big beautiful to the words.
Oh, the love of God is false.
No one more that loved me.
Love the soul, soul. Oh my blessing.
Long distance itself on me.
Love that gave them spotless.
Wicked and long ago that Calvary.
Holy Cross.
The Christ is Wanderers.
Made a silent evening darkness.
God is.
Like I also see.
Holy cleanse of justifying.
Full expression.
In the sea.
Light and love.
Love. Life, I'm telling.
One of the.
Flowers offering me.
All the signing, heavenly, glorious man in righteousness is there.
Once every time, now victorious Jesus.
Lives in glory.
Him and the Prince of Glory.
And the seed of fluent man on the.
Water story.
God has served my hand.
Oh, what? Right?