“A Lover of Justice;” “I. P. S.,” London. You both deem us one-sided in our remarks on dress in our November issue; and you consider that we ought to have dealt faithfully with our brethren, as well as our sisters. We accept your reproof, and thank you for your candor. But we must say we have not met with many cases such as you name of “brethren,” and “even teachers,” wearing “gold rings and chains,” “gold-headed walking canes,” “white waistcoats,” and' peculiarly fashionable hats.” We can hardly conceive such things in connection with any measure of spirituality of mind. Indeed, we have rarely met with them where there was even sound sense and a vigorous intellect, to say nothing of Christianity and the work of grace in the soul. The most distant approach to foppishness should be sedulously avoided by a Christian man, but more especially by any one who takes part in the service of God. However, as we have said, we have not met with much of this sort of thing; and, besides, we must remember that the exhortations of the Holy Ghost on the subject of dress are all addressed to women.