332. Christ the Savior of Sinners Came

Christ the Savior of sinners came
Into the world to save;
Sing His glory, His worth, His fame:
Jesus alone can save.
No name else is given,
Search through earth and heaven — 
Jesus alone, Jesus alone,
Jesus alone can save.
Jesus alone, Jesus alone,
Jesus alone can save.
Tender were His works of grace,
Jesus alone can save;
Wheresoever His steps we trace,
Jesus alone can save.
Death and woe dispelling,
God’s great mercy telling — 
Tears can never forgiveness gain,
Jesus alone can save;
God will ever dead works disdain;
Jesus alone can save.
Hear His blest voice calling,
Blessings rich are falling — 
Call the children, forbid them not;
Jesus alone can save;
He can cleanse them from every spot;
Jesus alone can save.
Now His work’s completed,
Now in glory seated —