A Baby for a Nickel

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
A man once told a very little girl that he would sell her his baby for a nickel. Now little Nell loved little babies, and she thought that would be a very cheap way to get one; so she ran home quickly to get the money. Her mother was very busy and gave Nell the nickel, not stopping to listen to what the little girl wanted it for.
Little Nell ran back to the man expecting to claim the baby. Of course, the man would not give up his baby. He did not mean what he said, and the little girl went home crying bitterly.
Little Nell’s mother always told her the truth. She thought that others meant what they said, just like Mother did.
It is wrong not to tell the truth, even though we may not mean anything by it. We often make others feel badly when we say things we do not mean.