"A Bone of Him Shall Not Be Broken"

1 Corinthians 11:24  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
THIS is how we read in the synopsis on 1 Cor. 11 In the Lord's supper—
1. The Lord's death, His broken body, were brought to mind, and, as it were, made present to faith as the basis and foundation of everything.
2. The Lord's body had been broken; wondrous fact,! to which the Holy Ghost was to bear witness, &c.
3. The heart was brought back to this. The body of the Lord Himself had been broken, the lips of Jesus had claimed our remembrance.
4. His broken body was the object before their hearts in this memorial.
5. It is a body broken and not glorified.
6. The broken body was, as it were, before their eyes in this supper.
7. If they despised the broken body and blood of the Lord by taking part in it lightly, chastisement was inflicted. (Synopsis Vol. IV. 256.)