A Boy Crowned King

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
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A little boy, named Joash, became king of Judah when only seven years old. His father, the king, was killed, when he was a baby, and his grandmother, a most wicked, selfish wan wanted to rule. She was a worshiper of idols with no love or fear of God, nor any care to do right, so she ordered all the king’s children killed, and made herself queen.
But little Joash was saved by his brave aunt, who took him from the kings house, and hid him with his nurse in a room of the temple. Her husband was the leader of those who served God, and they kept the child safe from the cruel queen.
This uncle knew that God had said a son of the family of David should rule the people, and the little boy, Joash, belonged to that family. So he planned with others who wanted to obey God, to crown Joash king.
On a certain day they all came to the temple, and stood the little boy Joash in the king’s place. They put oil on his head, as was a custom for one to rule; placed the crown on his head, and the scroll of the law of God, called “the testimony,” in his hands, The trumpets were blown, the people clapped their hands and shouted, “God save the king!”
The wicked queen heard the sounds in the temple and came to learn the cause. When she saw the people standing about the boy with the crown on, she knew they had chosen him to be king. She knew how guilty she was, and crying out against them, she hurried away, but was taken at the gate. Her idols were destroyed, and the people were free to honor God, and there was joy and singing.
Joash was taken to the house for the king, and his uncle and other men taught him what to do.
When Joash was grown older he wanted the temple repaired, for the stones had been badly broken by wicked men. This was a great work, so he had a chest made with a hole in the top for money to be put in, and all the men were glad to give the money, and there was plenty for the work, so the temple was well repaired.
As long as his uncle lived, Joash did what was right, but after his death he made friends of men who had idols and and longer worshiped God.
One day the king and his friends came into the temple, and the son of Joash’s uncle, who spoke for the Lord as his father had, asked why they would not obey God.
King Joash was so angry to be told of his sin, that he ordered the man of God, who was his cousin, to be stoned to death there in the temple. What, a dreadful thing, and for Joash to so return the care of his good aunt and uncle! He did not rule long after that, but was killed by his servants.
Joash was perhaps the best trained boy in Judah, yet when he could decide for himself, he chose the wrong. Do you suppose any now are like him, and do, right only while someone is near to tell them, but when alone, choose the wrong. How much, better to obey God’s words, because He has said them, for He want to keep us front sin.
ML 08/20/1939