HOW many boys and girls, especially when they leave school, go out with the desire and hope that they will make a name in this world, or get rich and have all that their heart might wish? It does not take long till most of them are sadly disappointed; the great height they had hoped to reach, has not been gained; or those who have reached it, find they have soon to give it up, but there is another future staring them in the face, which is eternity. They have spent all their time for gain in this poor world that they have to give up so soon.
May each of my readers consider the future that lasts forever. Are you prepared for it? The scripture says,
It matters little whether we get along well in this world or not; the question of all importance is,
“Where will you spend eternity?”
God in His mercy had not only warned us of “wrath to come,” but He has provided the means of escape from it at a great cost to Himself.
If anyone is lost for eternity, it must be his own fault. The fault would be that he had not believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore would perish and lose the grand blessing of having eternal life.
Dear reader, may the aspirations of your heart be for the eternal future of bliss.
ML 07/30/1933