The incident portrayed in our engraving, happened during a naval engagement. A shell with a time-fuse fell on the deck of an English man-of-war. At any moment it might explode and do great damage to life and to the ship. A sailor boy rushes forward, takes up the smoking shell, and hurls it overboard. By this brave deed he saves the lives of many. The thanks of hundreds was bestowed upon him, and his heroism met with recognition from the Admiralty. He was willing to die that others might live. He saved himself in saving others. It reminds us of One of whom it was said, “He saved others, Himself He could not save.” Jesus had to die— “the Just for the unjust to bring us to God.” And yet how little men and women realize what the mighty powers of eternal love has done for man. “He death by dying slew.” He faced death and took away its power over all who believe in Him. He came to save and deliver those who through fear of death, were all their life-time subject to bondage. May God give you to know the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ.