There is no such thing in Scripture as an individual taking bread and wine in remembrance of Christ; the doing so would rather be an error to be forgiven. The whole force and blessedness of the Lord’s Supper consists in this, not only that it is essentially an act in common, but that it is based on the truth of the one body of Christ. Being the expression of our common worship of Christ, anything that does not leave full room for every member of His body, walking as such, destroys (as far as it goes) the aim and character of the Lord’s Supper. Not, of course, that even in each city all could eat together in one spot, but, let them eat in ever so many places, it was to be on the same ground and in real intercommunion. The very principle of the Supper embraces all the saints walking as such in the whole world.
W. Kelly, adapted from
The Lord’s Supper