A Dirty Diaper Is Nobody's Friend

Duration: 43min
Luke 15:3
Children—Bry'n Ross
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Good morning.
Good morning.
All right, everybody's awake, I trust, and had a good sleep.
Yes, OK. Just wanna make sure that we got people out there to sing. Perhaps we could open to the, uh, look at the last page on our sheet here.
And uh.
Start with umm.
Number 42, A little child of seven, or even three or four. How many are 7 here?
How many are 70?
OK. So we got a good range here. That's good. We can appreciate that.
A little child.
There is a little 195601.
Oh, OK, so traveling, we're available right now. That's the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
What a wonderful thought that the Lord reaches out in His great love not to ones who are.
Have great understanding of things, but he makes his message so clear that even the smallest child be able to understand it.
Seven or three or four or maybe even 2.
It's a wonderful message of God's love that he has for us, and hopefully we'll hear a little bit more about that as the day goes through. So perhaps we could also sing number, uh.
43 The next one down.
One door and only one.
1900 and $1000 and all the same. One thing that I think is why I am going to go ahead and call you make it in all right and I'll call you back. Bye bye. How are you doing?
That's a song that asks a question on which side are you? And that's the most important question that I could ever ask you or anybody else, or that you could ask anyone on which side of the door are you? Do you know your sins forgiven by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ? There's many ways to phrase that question. One of the brothers that I know always ask someone, if you were to die tonight, where would you go? Are you sure?
That you would be in heaven with the Lord Jesus and many people have to answer sadly.
I'm not sure. And that opens the door to preach them the gospel of God's love and grace to them. And it's a wonderful thing to be able to do. And we have many in this room that have had the great privilege of speaking the the Lord's love to others and watching the Lord work in their lives and have them receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. And I trust that each one of you little ones have come to that point. And if not, perhaps very soon, because we don't know when the Lord will come, that your lives will be changed by the marvelous grace of a God who loves us.
And cares for us.
OK, how about?
Does anyone have a favorite of all the ones that are left here? Yes.
#30 Oh, OK.
All right #30.
Weeping Will.
But it was not lost by the mirror wishing him well, not very confused.
Oh yeah, fine. Thank you. And.
A lot of work, my soul. And you were getting well, not very, very, very, very.
Quiet and die for me.
And I love to come back and see.
When you say, well, I'm not very many around, like you know anything about my life here in my hair and probably.
It's not like it's $102,000.
We can't really, not very inconvenience.
They extended pride. Well, they had made a million for God's family and goddamnit standing plants right now where I can see any eyes on.
Little bit of oil and body now I'm trying to take around and they they crying. Well they have a heavy headache and they continue and even if it's not my last time I'm going to be in the middle of the cloud for a minute and so on and 335.
It tells us all these things that we can do.
But yet not one of them can save us.
No one can save himself by doing anything.
And God, in his marvelous grace, has provided salvation once again through the work that Jesus did for us.
And what a comfort it is once you come to know him as Savior, to realize what a work He has done, what a marvelous, marvelous work He has done on our behalf.
And how grateful we should be for that, because there is really nothing that we could do to please God.
In any way?
Anyone else have another one? Yes Sir.
Give it a try. Have you been to?
Water on the ground from the bumble bee and rustic hands and his grave and her eyes didn't allow us and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
In January, by the standard of the sun, I knew was in front of us.
It was a little crowded. It is no one's been left brilliant than any.
Wise thing of love and all of the land.
No, hard to do while and not on the line.
A ride and grown comet will be a rumble of being in life, no rest life and blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Red Oak Hill, Columbia Rd.
I don't think it was getting done.
Why are you?
Not so crazy by all the time.
Oh yeah, yeah. And then, uh, let's call it a lot of these thousand. No, I think it's a lot in front of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah, blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah.
You know, as I stand here and I watch all the young people come in, it's a it's amazing to see the looks on their faces when they see their friends. Do you ever notice that? They come in and they look for a place to see now there's so and so and there's so and so. They get so excited about beside each other and just reminds me of the time that we're gonna have in heaven. What a wonderful time that's gonna be, isn't it, brothers and sisters, to be able to.
See those that have gone before us and to be united with them in the presence of the Lord who loved us so much that went on before us to make a place for us in heaven. And what a joyous time we'll have there, singing and praising Him for his goodness and grace to us.
They make another one, yes.
What can?
And thus long as far as I'm going to fall off and I'm going to give you crying and no, no, no.
Now it's not.
Oh crap, John's against all the problem now. I can't hear you I thou snow.
Oh God, there comes by. Ignore nothing, not the world being held.
Another thing and more things are called nothing but the bottom of Jesus. Come on girl, that's not gone now. Nothing like the law in his heart. Woah O grass Joyce and fumble and drink me while I'm.
What a wonderful thought. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Thank you for your singing.
Now we're going to do a little exercising. Everyone could stand up. We'll sing a song that we all know.
Because you said you were awake. So now we're gonna test you and see if you're awake. All right? We're gonna sing a song that says why. Why does the ocean? You know that song? Everybody know that one? Are you ready? Get your arms limbered up. Get ready to roll.
I am not having trouble.
Dealing with her feeling from being.
Last year.
All right, and my sister may die and properly just ignore it.
Thank you, I hope nobody got damaged during that performance.
Before we listen to the message, let's look to the Lord in a word of prayer.
Many times as we walk along the streets or especially in parks and things like that, and many parents have felt this feeling.
And perhaps you as young people have felt the feeling of having your parents, probably your dad, lift you up and put you on your shoulders, put you on your shoulders and walk around. It's a marvelous feeling to be able to be so high and seeing you feel so big and strong. And you look around and you see bigger and better views of what you could ever see if you were down here where your normal height is, right? You ever had that experience, some of you?
And all of a sudden you imagine your father is walking along, and then he goes.
What's that smell?
What's the smell? It doesn't smell too good. And all of a sudden he lifts you off his shoulders and he goes, oh.
It's you. You are smelly and I don't want to have anything to do with you right now.
We've all been there, haven't we? Even from the oldest of us realize what it's like.
To be wearing one of these.
And to have dirtied in it. A dirty diaper is nobody's friend. Nobody wants you when you have a dirty diaper, do they? No. Although they love you and they care for you. But it seems that they want to hold you out in an arm's length and say, do something with this, this smells and I don't want it. So they quickly take you out to the garden, turn on the garden hose and hose you down.
Is that what they do? No, no, they don't. Do they usually they go, OK, I won't do the job. And they put you on a picnic table sometimes and they unwrap you and clean you up nice and, and then they put a nice clean diaper on. And that's a wonderful thing to have a nice clean, fresh diaper on. And I say each one of us from the oldest to the youngest have been in that experience where we've put our parents through that, having a dirty, soiled, smelly diaper.
And the reason I say that is, you know what the thought of that.
Carries through in the sense that if you think of a dirty, smelly diaper.
As a picture of sin.
Nobody wants it, but we all have it in us. We all have the capacity to do it. And especially think of God the Father who loves us and cares for us so much.
Who cannot have anything to do with us if we have sin in US.
And like the scripture says, all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Which is what the word of God says. But we all know that all of us have had dirty diapers too. And if we think about it, like I say, 30 diapers are a picture of sin. But yet thankfully we have loving parents that clean us and care for us. But then our diapers get dirty again and they have to do the same thing over and over until we grow up out of diapers.
And that's fine as far as diapers go, but what about sin in our lives? How do we deal with that? You know, the Lord wants to hold us and keep us close. And there's some scripture verses I want to share with you that will tell us that. But first, He has to deal with the sin in our lives. And I think we sang many scripted, many verses about what that is. How does he deal with sin in our lives?
How does he clean this up?
Do we know? Yes.
By the blood of Jesus. That's right, we sang couple songs. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from our sins.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, had to come down and die.
And take the sins, the wrath of God's hatred against sin.
And he had to put himself in our place and take what was right for yours, because you know what the Scripture says? The scripture says that the wages of sin is death. What we deserve is death because we sin.
Because we're sinners, but yet the Lord Jesus loves us so much.
That he took upon that price of sin for you and for me.
And there's nothing we can do. Have how many of you changed your own diaper recently?
No, we can't do that. So that's why somebody had to do this for us. So the Lord Jesus took it upon himself. Now the Lord like I say.
There's a little story in the book of Luke. Luke chapter 15.
That I want to read.
It tells of the Lord Jesus and how he tells a parable of a shepherd, you know.
The Lord Jesus appears in Scripture many ways as a shepherd, because a shepherd is one who is kind, who is tender, who is a care for the flock that is in his charge. And the beauty of it is that the Scripture also tells us that we're like sheep.
Anybody ever farm sheep here?
Yep, sheep are dumb, aren't they? Yeah, they're very mild and meek animals, but they're very dumb. They need to be guided, they need to be shepherd, they need to be fed. They need to be looked after. They need to be. They're very needy. Very needy animals.
And that expresses what we are too, right? We're very needy.
The moment you're born, you need your parents to look after you until you're so old and then you have to get a job and all the things we're needy, we need things, we're like sheep. But most of all we need the love and guidance and care of a father who loves us. And he sent his son to be your shepherd. So in Luke chapter 15 it says this and verse three, and he spake this parable unto them, saying, what man of you having 100 sheep? If you lose one of them does not leave the 90 and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost.
Until he find it, And when he had found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, and saith, And then rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven.
Over 1 Sinner that repenteth more than over 90 and nine just persons which need number repentance. You know the Lord loves to carry us on his shoulders.
And when we receive them as our Savior, He loves to put us in that place where He can carry us.
So we don't really have to carry ourselves because we're very weak and we need help. And so he loves to rejoice and put us on his shoulders and carry us in a place of strength. And for, like I say, when we're in the natural sense, we can see further because we're on our Father's shoulders as we walk through the woods. And the same with the Lord Jesus. He wants to lift us up, even us older ones. Sometimes we, we don't think of ourselves as sheep, I suppose, or as lambs even. But the Lord loves to put us all on his shoulders and hold us up in a place where we're lifted higher than we could lift ourselves and we could see things in a deeper, richer meaning and the way.
And he can walk with us, and as he walks with us, we walk in the way that he wants us to go.
And we're attached to him because he's holding us with his ever loving arms. And you know, sometimes a shepherd, what a shepherd will do in the case of a sheep that strays is sometimes, and it sounds very nasty, but sometimes a shepherd will actually break one of the legs of the sheep.
To keep it from wandering. Because some sheep just want to wander. They don't care to be.
With the shepherd, but they don't know that that's not that's the only way that there is to live. Because sheep are dumb and they get it in their mind that no, I want to be out there. I want to go out into the world. And we think as Christians, how many of us know brothers and sisters in Christ who have that thought in their heart and mind and say, I wanna see what's out there. I'm not satisfied with just knowing the Lord is my savior. There's a whole world that awaits me out there and I want part of it, something in me driving me to go and enjoy the world.
And yet we see what happens to their lives. Some live very miserable lives.
And the Lord constantly is calling them back to himself, and sometimes like the picture of this little lamb.
He has to break their legs to bring them close to himself because it's just like having a dog on a leash.
He wants him close to him so he can not only control him, but give him the kindness and love that he deserves.
But to keep them in a place where he's safe and secure. And that's what the Lord wants for you and for me, a place of safety and security. And he loves us so much that in order to give us that place, he had to die and free us from our sins, that we would in turn love him and care for him. You know the other time it mentions the shepherds in in the book of Isaiah.
Isaiah chapter 40.
One of the things that astounds me and, and has for a while is the fact that when I asked if anybody had any dealings with sheep, it is really, uh, interesting. Perhaps the older people will appreciate this a bit more, how there's a, a real lack of knowledge of farming and even fishing in people nowadays. Umm, when I was younger and perhaps many were younger, that's where you got your food was from the farm and farms are a little bit closer to the town and the, and you had markets and you'd buy fresh food.
And there was nothing to see cows and, and, and butcher shops where meat was hung up and, and the cuts were made right there or fishing villages where you go in and buy fish from the fisherman right off the Wharf. But nowadays we have super stores and Kmart and Walmart and you just go and buy things and it's all there for you, packaged and pretty. And because of that, we, I think we've lost a lot of the, the things that we find in scripture. The Lord often used very simple illustrations from what he saw around them, like fishermen and.
And umm, shepherds and things like that. And I think we lose an awful lot of that. And it, uh, in some ways I think it's a tool of Satan to remove us from these things so we don't grasp the, the truth of what God has for us. But anyway, and Isaiah chapter 40, it says he shall feed his flock like a shepherd. He shall gather the lambs in his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd.
A shepherd really is very concerned with this flock, especially with the young ones, the lambs. In fact, in the story of Jacob and Esau, one of the things that, uh, Jacob tells his brother, when Esau says, welcome with me and we'll go to my place. And Jacob says to his brother, no, we'll have to leave the lambs and the, and the children very gently because they're very young and we don't want to overtire them. We don't want to overburden them. So they, he used that mainly as a deception, but there's a truth to that.
We can walk sometimes. I, one of my sons were younger, we would walk with them and, and sometimes I'd get walking and, and I'd be almost dragging them because their little feet couldn't keep up with me.
And that's not the way to guide and direct. That's not what a shepherd would do. A shepherd usually walks before his sheep and he calls them by his name. It tells us in the Gospel of John.
And you can see how wonderful that is, that the Shepherd would call you, and how you could walk with him, and he would direct you and guide you, and that you would walk in in the way. And he loves you and cares for you so much that he gave his life. And he shall gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom.
Isn't it nice to know as young people when you were younger that your parents would carry you?
I remember many times walking, rocking my children to sleep in a certain manner because they would uh.
They were kind of fidgety sometimes and and.
Sometimes it was a burden to my my wife because I was would go away on a course and the and the children expected a certain way of me rocking them and going to sleep and they wouldn't go to sleep properly sometimes. So it became a bit of a burden. But in that way, many of us probably have experienced that, that with our children, there's a certain way to rock them to sleep. There's a certain comfort that they find of being in the arms of their parents.
Is that right? Is that good? You like that? Be held and hugged and held, held close and that way you can hear what your mom or dad has to say to you. And sometimes it's a nice, quiet, peaceful time, isn't it? Maybe before you actually go to bed. They hold you nice and close and they say how was your day? Your day was good and it was fine. And they talk about things and plans and dreams. Well, that's what the Lord wants to do to us. He wants to carry us close to His bosom.
And hold us close so we can hear what He has on his heart for us to do. And we can talk to him like a friend in love and in care, so he gathers them in his.
Arms. The other thing he does, it tells us in a little bit further in the book, chapter 49.
And it should give us great comfort in the read of this verse. In a sense, it's a sad verse.
But it should give us some comfort. In Isaiah 49 it says this, Behold, I have grave in thee upon the palms.
Of my hands.
Thy walls are continually before me. I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.
And I often think of this in the sense of how the Lord Jesus died on the cross of Calvary.
And you know the names of each one of us. You know the wonder of God's love.
Is that it tells us in the book of Jeremiah. It says, I have loved thee with an everlasting.
Love and though each one of you may be, however old you may be.
Do you know that before you were born, the Lord knew you? Before you were born, the Lord had already laid out a plan for your life.
Did you know that before your parents were born? He knew them. Before their parents were born, he knew them.
And the Lord Jesus died to save each and everyone of you, and each and everyone of them.
He died on that cross of Calvary, knowing you and your sins.
And he died to pay for the price for those sins.
So wonderful thought that nothing escapes the heart and mind of God.
In our lives and we can never ever hide anything from God.
It's like that old smelly diaper.
You can't hide that smelly diaper.
We can't hide our sins from God. We might be able to avoid them for a short time, but God sees and hears everything.
And before the eyes of man, we might be able to sin and do things, we might be angry with our brothers and sisters, we might want something that perhaps we shouldn't have, right? Those things are sins. And even from the youngest of us to the oldest, we all suffer from them. But yet maybe we don't know that their sins, or don't call them sins because we hide them or guide in some way. But yet the Lord knows them all. But because of that, He's graven us upon the palm of his hand.
And his feet were pierced by nails. Cruel nails held our Lord to the cross of Calvary, but it was his love that actually held him there. Man nailed him to the cross.
But it was his love that nailed him, that kept him there. Because he loved you and he loved me.
There's another scripture verse.
That I want to think of, and it's Psalm 40.
Psalm 40, and it's a wonderful thing to know.
As I mentioned, the Lord's love.
He knew us before we were born.
And he loved us in such a marvelous way.
But in Psalm 40.
Verse uh five it says this.
Many, O Lord, my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts.
Which are to us word. They cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee.
If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. And in verse 17 it says but I am poor and needy.
Yet the Lord thinketh upon me. Imagine from the youngest one here to the oldest, that the very God of glory, the one that created all the universe.
And maintains it, looks after it, controls it, that God thinks upon you.
And you and you. And you.
He thinks about us. He thinks about us. Can you imagine as we run around on this earth amongst so many billions of people, God looks down and says, I see him and I see her. And I'm interested in what they say and what they do so much. And my love is so great for them that I sent my son to die for their sins so that they could come and be with me. They could be cleansed from all their sins and they could be.
With me and spend time with me.
Isn't that a wonderful thought, to think that God himself?
Thinks of us as a parent. I had to think of my children, and I still do, and most parents here.
I trust think of their children and their welfare and they look after them as best as they can, as the Lord provides for them. So you have to think that the God of glory, the One who created and sustains the entire universe, has a heart and a mind towards us in such a way that he thinks about us that we're on his thoughts.
Isn't that a wonderful thing? How many of you have friends and all of a sudden you say, Oh, I'm thinking of my friend. Maybe I'll write them a letter. Or nowadays I guess maybe I'll text them or Facebook or whatever it is. But in in the old days it was write them a letter. I'll just write them a letter because I think of them and you'd write them a nice letter. Say, dear friend, how are you? I, I was thinking of you and hope all is well and all these things. Well, God has done the same for you and I in this book. He's written us a letter, a love letter from his heart to us.
And it's a wonderful love letter that I would encourage you to read constantly and learn more and more about that one.
Who loved us and gave himself for us, the Lord Jesus his Son.
God loved us and cared for us ever so much.
But sin gets in the way, the sin in our lives. He cannot have sin in his presence because he's a holy God.
So he sent his son to pay the price for our sins.
So I trust that this is a little message. It might not have been the clearest that you've ever heard, but the message I think, was even clearer perhaps in the songs that we sang that there's nothing but the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from our sins. But there's two things I want to do before I close. One is for the children.
And one is for the adults, for the children. I want you to remember three things.
And it's in light of the UMM, the meeting, the next meeting that we have is going to be a, a wonderful meeting, a privilege that we have to remember the Lord Jesus in his death, that death that bought us and brought us back to God, where he shed his blood on Calvary and paid the price for our sins. That we could actually meet like we do and have fellowship one with another as we've been reading in our, in our reading meetings. And that is 3 actions. I want you to remember these three actions based on what I just spoke of. Are you ready?
The first action is hold your nose.
Hold your arm out and say PUPM, that stands for our sins. Our sins think. Now the other thing I want you to do is go like this.
I've been cleansed.
Can you say that I've been cleansed? And the last one is this? Give yourself a big hug and say I've been loved.
Right, that's the story of God's grace PU that's our sins. Christ died on nothing but the blood of Jesus and we are loved by a God who thinks about us constantly. All right now for the adults. It's been my privilege in many ways to umm have written many songs and one of the ones I'd like to share with you today in light of the message coming up and I'll I'll tell you what, though it's very simple. It says.
All I am, you have made me. All I am, all I was. You forgave me all I was by the blood of your son. It is finished. It is done now, just like him.
I will be just like him. Now if you could repeat that with me once or twice and then I'll share the tune with you and we can sing it a couple times and we'll end in prayer, OK? All I am you. You have made me all I am. All I was. You forgave me all I was by the blood of your son. It is finished. It is done now, just like him.
I will be.
Just like him, OK. And the song goes like this.
All I am, you have made me all I am.
All I was, you forgave me, all I was.
By the blood of your son, it is finished. It is done now, just like him.
I will be just like him.
All I am, you have made me all I am.
All I was, you forgave me, all I was.
By the blood of your son, it is finished. It is done now. Just like him. I will be just like him one more time.
All I am, you have made me all I am.
All I was, you forgave me, all I was.
By the blood of your son. It is finished. It is done now. Just like him. I will be just like him.
Our Father and our God, we do indeed give Thee thanks for that marvelous privilege. How we fail to understand and comprehend the measure of Your marvelous love and grace to us in providing Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that willing sacrifice who died as a substitute for our sins. Father, when we look around, all we see is the evil and wickedness of this world, and we thank Thee that Thou has given us protection and care and a heart that thinks of us.
Constantly to guide us, to direct us, to hold us close when we need the comfort.
And peace to put us on the shoulders of One who loves us and cares for us and carries us above the filth of this world. We thank you especially for that marvelous love and grace provided such a depth of mercy to provide for our sins. To be so we would be able to once again to be like Him. It astounds us, Father, that that would be. It would be enough to be saved from our sins. But to be like Him, to have an inheritance in heaven and all those other blessings that we receive is just beyond us.
We thank you once again for this time, thanking you especially for the upcoming meeting. If the Lord doesn't come, we just pray.
For a true spirit of Thanksgiving for what He has done in each and every heart here from the youngest of the oldest. We just trust this message may have touched the heart of the young and also the old. And just ask Thy blessing to continue upon us.
As we continue on our journey, pray that the Lord would be our guide in all things and thanking thee for thy Spirit to give us wisdom and guidance to continue on. Also in Jesus name, Amen.