A Dream.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
As a rule, it is not well to be occupied with dreams, nor even to repeat them.
Sometimes, however, God speaks through dreams and when He speaks, it is well to listen, whether His voice comes to us through His word, through a dream, or in some other way. In Job 33:1515In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; (Job 33:15), He says: “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then openeth He the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.” We see from these words that God not only opens men’s ears to hear, but He sends the instruction home. He has a lesson for them to learn through the dream.
Let me tell you how He spoke to me once, in this way, and what lesson there was for me in it. In my dream I was going down stairs, and the front door, through which I could look, stood open. Something caused me to look toward the door, and in the air, I saw horses and chariots of fire. I called out: “Oh, Mamma, the Lord is coming,” and the same moment I felt myself shrinking backward, a feeling of my unworthiness filling me; but it was only for a moment, then I bounded forward in an ecstasy of delight. With this my dream ended, and I awoke to think and wonder. I had shortly before read that Jesus would come and take His people up to meet Him “in the clouds, in the air,” but I did not understand it, and had not thought much about it. So I meditated with wonder, upon what had come to me with such vivid distinctness. After a time I slept again, but only to have the dream repeated in another form. This time I was out in the woods, walking with a young girl, who, at that time, was my intimate companion. Only a short time before I had besought her to turn to the Lord, and had received from her this answer, “Wait for two years.”
Ah! I thought, “two years”—two years! You may be in eternity among the lost, before two years have rolled their course!
This intention on the part of my dear friend, to delay the question of salvation, had left a deep impression on my mind; and in my dream, this friend was my companion in the woods. As we walked and talked together, I was suddenly parted from her and borne gently upward, as by invisible arms, and she was left behind. Just one moment’s sad thought that she was left, then came to me an indescribable pleasure in being borne upward; then the happy consciousness that I was being taken to Jesus. The joy that then was mine, was great unspeakable—words could not picture it.
Again I awoke, and lo! it was only a dream. But it was a dream whose impression can never be effaced. And how precious the instruction that God gave to my opened ears that night!
Jesus was surely coming, and when He came He would take me, one of His unworthy, but blood purchased ones, to be with Himself. This same blessed truth, I learn from God’s word, but the Lord used this dream to first open my eyes to it.
Can you, dear children, each of you, say, “He will take me when He comes?”
ML 11/25/1900