A Dublin Bomb Thrower Shot

Unhappy Ireland, torn and rent as she has been by internecine strife! What terrible scenes have been enacted. The man lying dead in the foreground of the picture has, an immortal soul. In a moment that soul has passed from time into eternity. Where has it gone? Our heart and the hearts of hundreds of our readers have gone out in a deep desire to win souls for Christ in Ireland. I wish I could print all the letters I get about Ireland. That is impossible, but I give extracts now from a few, showing how we are being helped to send Testaments and tracts to workers there. Please read each letter carefully.
I.M. writes: ―I again have the pleasure of sending a thank offering a £1 note for Testaments for poor Ireland
M. C. B. writes: ― Please accept 10/- towards sending God’s precious gospel to the poor Irish.
A.P.A. writes: ― Miss G. and I have very great pleasure in sending you the enclosed P.O. (10/-) for the work in Ireland.
A lady of eighty-five writes from Wexford: ―
Kindly send me another 5 parcel of Testaments for the soldiers, there are some of the Devons in barracks.
M.L.B. writes:―
I enclose cheque £1 11S. Od. towards sending Testaments for our soldiers in Ireland, including the Cadets.
From Londonderry a worker writes: ―I don’t know what to say, or how to begin even to thank you for your never-ending kindness and generosity to me. The large and most valuable parcel has come today.

A worker writes from Dublin: ―
Thank you for the parcel of booklets I received today. I returned yesterday from Co. Fermanagh, where I was for about ten days. There is much need everywhere.... Strange to say, I found Roman Catholics willing to receive books, and one woman with whom I had a conversation and gave a book said, “I am a Roman Catholic, but I will value it just as much as my own.”
E.A.R. writes: ―
Please accept the enclosed check for your Testament and Tract Fund for Ireland. Praying for much blessing in this important work.
G. and A.H. write: ―
Please accept the enclosed £3 Treasury Notes towards your service fir the Lord in Ireland, in sending Testaments to that dark land, with our earnest prayers that the Lord may bless and own His Word.
W.R. writes: ―I enclose you 30/-for your fund to send Testaments to Ireland, and I trust that God’s blessing will rest on your noble work.
E.C. writes: ―
Our little Missionary Working Party have been so interested in your sending out God’s Word to dark, needy Ireland, they ask me to forward to you the enclosed £1 That you may use it for this grand work. The entrance of His Word giveth light, and surely it is the Light which is the only help for that poor, enslaved country. We pray that the Lord’s blessing may be on every copy of the Scriptures sent out there.
M.T. writes: ―
I enclose a 10/- note for your Testament and Tract Fund for Ireland. 5/- of it is from an old saint of ninety-five, who says he believes that Ireland needs more of Christ. We are praying here in our little prayer-meeting for your work.
Thank God for all the prayers and all the help. We are so thankful for God’s manifest blessing. All gifts for Ireland and elsewhere are much needed now.