A Famine for God's Word

Duration: 1hr 2min
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Gospel—P. Glading
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General Meetings, Des Moines, May 1971. Gospel by Brother Gliding.
14 #14.
Have you been to Jesus?
For the cleansing power.
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb #14?
Have you been to?
Other people.
I think there's a lot of other experiments now. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
What's the answer to this question, friends?
As we hear in the presence of God.
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
If not, you'll stain with sin and you're on the road to hell.
And the only way to get rid of those sins is through the Precious Blood of Christ which was shed at Calvary. And thank God that precious Blood is available tonight. It may not be tomorrow.
The whole now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
I have just come from the prayer room.
And I would guess they're almost about 25 brothers praying there tonight and praying particularly for the young people.
That they might know the joy of having Christ as their savior.
Of being washed in the blood of the Lamb.
And so, dear young people, these dear brothers, have been in earnest prayer before God for you tonight.
And I trust you may be deeply exercised before God as to your position before Him as to whether you are saved or lost, because there are only two classes.
Saved or lost? And that would apply to everyone in this hall tonight, one or the other.
A brother in his prayer this evening.
Quoted and verse, it was very much on my heart before I went into the prayer room.
So I feel constrained to read it to you. It's in Jeremiah 23.
And verse 28.
The Prophet that hath a dream.
Let him tell a dream.
And he that have my word.
Let him speak my word faithfully.
What is the charm to the weak? Saith the Lord.
Dear friends, we have no dreams to tell you tonight we want to speak the truth where we define the truth.
In this blessed book alone, the Blessed Lord could say I am the way, the truth.
And the light no man cometh unto the Father, but by me and, dear friends, we want to speak the truth to you tonight is found in this blessed book.
Our brother this afternoon made reference to the two or three times.
Someone had turned to the book of Samuel.
And I would like to turn to it just to quote one verse that came before me this afternoon when our brother London was speaking. Will you please turn the first chapter of Samuel, First book of Samuel Rather?
And I'm thankful our brother quoted this chapter because I've been looking for this very verse.
And I couldn't find it. But when our brother turned to the scripture, here it was.
3rd chapter, First Samuel.
And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. Now this was the.
Part of the verse I was thinking of, and the word of the Lord was precious in those days.
The marginal reading is or rare or rare. In those days, there's no open vision.
And this reminds me of a little incident I witnessed in Cape Town, South Africa.
I was in the British and Foreign Bible Society for a stock of testaments and Bibles for the sailors and soldiers.
And I was talking to the manager, who was a very dear, bright Christian.
I didn't walk and native where for the filthy in ranks.
He had something in each hand.
He came up to the counter.
And before this year, Christian manager had the chance to ask him what he wanted, He said. I want the Bible.
In broken English. And he repeated it time and time again. I want a Bible service. I want to know something about God, and I understand God is spoken of in the Bible, and I want a Bible Sir, and he constitute coffers on the counter.
Of course, hardly enough to pay for the cover of the Bible, but he'd been saving up these coppers or cents for some time.
And that the African native wanted a Bible.
And he walked Miles to this store to get it. But he had enough money to get the Bible. But he was soon made-up.
The difference? And the manager handed him a Bible.
I'll never forget, as long as I live, that dear man took the Bible and thanked him very profusely.
Put it to his breast and hugged it and hugged it and hugged it and wept over it. Thank God I have a boiled at last. Thank God I have a Bible. He went down the street hugging his Bible with tears running down his cheeks.
The word of the Lord was precious in those days, or rare. It was rare in this case to see a man came from a village where there were no Bibles, apparently, and he wanted a Bible. And he got a Bible and he went down the street embracing it.
Dear friends, do you value the word of God like that? Dear native, it's a challenge to my own heart. We should value the word of God. It's been brought before us so much during these meetings. The value of it, the preciousness of it, the truth of it.
Our brother quoted that wonderful verse which I enjoy so much myself. In Psalm 12, the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified, purified, 7 times divine perfection. That's what God, God's word, is. And that's what we want to bring before you tonight, dear friends, God's precious word, the truth.
The truth concerning yourself. The truth concerning the person of Christ and his work at Calvary. The truth concerning the love of God who sent His beloved Son down here to redeem you to save your soul. And that blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, went to the cross of Calvary. First of all, let us not forget first of all for the glory of God.
And be your eternal blessing. Yes, that was the Lord's primary object to glorify his Father.
And he did it at Calvary. He could say, I have glorified thee on the earth.
I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do, How true, and we can rejoice the night, dear friends, in all the wondrous value of a finished work of work which is satisfied all God's righteous and holy claims, a work which is brought us as sinister God through the person and work of Christ.
And so I felt constrained to read this verse in Jeremiah.
He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. Dear friends, I'm under solemn responsibility here tonight, and I realize it.
I realize that if I do not speak the truth, I'll have to answer to God about it. So I want to speak the truth tonight in all its simplicity. Now you please turn with me to Isaiah Chapter 6.
The 6th chapter of Isaiah.
In the year that King Isaiah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne.
High and lifted up.
And his train filled the temple.
A bombard stood the stereophyms.
Each had each one had six wings. With twain he covered his face, with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
And one cried unto another, and said holy.
Holy. Holy is the Lord of hosts.
The whole earth is full of his glory.
And the post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.
Then said I woe is me, for I am undone.
Because I am a man of unclean lips.
And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.
For mine eyes have seen the king.
My eyes have seen the king.
The Lord of Hosts.
Then flew one of the Seraphim's under me.
Having a live cold in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from all the altar.
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said.
Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and thine iniquity is taken away.
And thy sin purged.
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?
Then said I.
Here am I send me.
And he said go and tell his people.
Here ye indeed will understand not.
And see indeed, but perceive not.
We'll stop there.
Before we look into the chapter, I'd like to very briefly.
Look at the history of King Isaiah mentioned here. Isaiah says the King Isaiah died. You turned a second Chronicles 26.
Like to read a little about his history?
Second Chronicles 26.
First first verse, then all the people of Judah took Isaiah.
Who is 16 years old and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah.
Now I will not read all the verses. Verse 316 years old was Isaiah when he began to reign and he reigned 50 and two years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also is Jekyll ire of Jerusalem.
Now notice and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.
According to all of his father, Amaziah did, and he thought God.
In the days of Zechariah who had understanding in the visions of God.
And as long as he sought the Lord.
God sorry. As soon as he as long as he thought the Lord God made him to prosper.
Dear young people, have you any desire to prosper?
Isn't in worldly prosperity on spiritual prosperity?
Must be one or the other.
If you want to prosper in spiritual things.
You'll have to do what this king did.
Not everything he did, though. He started well, but he ended up very badly.
But he did this, He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and he sought God.
And it says in verse 7 and God helped him.
And dear young people, you can count upon God to help you, if you'll seek him. Indeed you can.
I have proved it. Many of us here have proved it. To seek his face means blessing and health guidance, and keeping God helped him against the Philistines.
And then a little further down, verse 15.
In the middle of the verse and his name spread far abroad. His name This man had a name many people desire seeking for a name. We have that blessed name brought before us this morning in the children's meeting and during the afternoon meetings, that wonderful precious name of Jesus. Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.
I believe the young ones. He would know what Jesus means, Means savior. Dear young people, is he your savior? Do you know this blessed person, you say? Yes, I've heard about him every week. Perhaps you'll have. But is he your savior? I remember dear little colored girl in Bermuda. She was only 5 and she came to us one day. She said I am saved.
Just a leader on, we said, what do you mean dear? She said, well, I received Jesus as my savior and my sins are gone. And she said not only that, I'm going to heaven too, and I'm going to sit next to Jesus in heaven and sing. Jesus laugh to me, blessed little heart, a little girl of five, I am saved, she says now I'm going to heaven too. Can you dear young people say that was truth tonight?
I'm going to heaven to be with Jesus. How you're going to get there, not by your own efforts.
It's only in one way, friends. You must acknowledge yourself a lost, guilty Sinner and accept the Sinner Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Like this deenable girl did.
And to tell it just a little more about her, she was taken I'll soon after and had to go to hospital and when she was well enough to get out of bed she went. She was in the children's ward of course, went round to every bed and pointed their little finger, a 5 year old finger to a little girl. Are you saved?
She went around the ward like that. Are you saying some of them said, what do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about? And she gave them the gospel, five years old.
A little girl went around the whole ward and told all the children in that ward how to be saved. You boys and girls know how to be saved, but are you saved?
Perhaps you say, I hope to be with my dear friend, you may hope to be for 1000 years and never be saved.
The only way you can be saved you've heard of it today, is to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior by personal faith. It's a personal matter, and you must have to do with Him about your sins.
And then to accept him, your savior. You have the joy and assurance of knowing that your sins have been blotted out and blotted out forever and will never. You'll never be charged with them again. They'll never be brought up again. And the God will say, remember now, don't forget what you did on such and such a date. I have a record of it now. The record of those who receive Christ's record in those books have been blotted out.
And your name has been transferred into the book of life, Yes, how precious. We are reminded this afternoon in some little measure what it must have cost the Lord Jesus Christ to put my name in the book of life. It meant the cross of Calvary for him and all the attendants, sorrow and suffering, friends, not only the physical suffering, but the atoning, sufferings and the hand of the Holy God.
Yes, we can never know what it costs the Lord Jesus Christ to go to Calvary, that my name might be in the Lambs book of life, that my sins might be blotted out forever, That I might be justified from all things.
Well, here we read about this.
King and it says.
And his name spread far abroad, for he was marvelously helped till he was strong. Well, is there anything wrong being strong? I was cutting down an apple tree some years ago in my garden. A little neighbor boy, four years of old, looked through the fence. He said I can do that. I said I doubt it, My dear child. Yes I can. I've had my Cheerios for breakfast. I can do it.
And he came coddling round. He climbed on the tree, and he want to saw some of the branches off, but of course I didn't let him.
This man says he was marvelously helped till he was strong.
Well, there's no harm in being strong, as there are brother quoted that verse this afternoon. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The apostle Paul can say to Timothy, Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus, Be strong in the Lord, Be strong in his grace. And John, will you just turn with me to John's epistle? So you want John says to the young man who is strong.
First Epistle of John.
The second chapter of the First Epistle of John.
In the toward the end of the 13th first of the second chapter.
I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one.
Then the 14th verse, middle of the verse I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong.
And the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked ones.
That's the kind of strength to have.
The word of God abideth in you. You've overcome the wicked one. We cannot do that in our own strength, friends.
But what a blessed thing to have the word of God abiding in our hearts that it might bring forth fruit, that we might overcome the wicked one. And so John says, in fact there's no harm in being strong, providing it's the right kind of strength, not physical strength, but strong in the Lord.
And therefore.
Paul says to Timothy be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus.
Now it says, but when he was strong, 26th chapter of Second Chronicles, his heart was lifted up.
To his destruction.
To his destruction, his heart was lifted up.
Doesn't say his heart was lifted up in praise and worship and Thanksgiving to God for helping him.
It sought God's help and it received it, but now his heart is lifted up As much as, say, I've done it all, I've accumulated this strength, wisdom. I can get along right now.
It stands for he transgressed against the Lord. He's gone and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense.
Upon the altar of incense he had no right to do so, and as there are the priests went in after him, and with him four score priests of the Lord.
That were valiant men, and they withstood as I of the king, and said unto him, It appertaineth not unto thee, No, it's for the priests to burn incense. It appertaineth not unto thee, as I had to burn incense unto the Lord. But to the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense, go out of the sanctuary, for thou hast trespassed.
Then as I was wrought and had a censure in his hand to burn incense.
And while he was wrong with the priest of leprosy, even rose up on his forehead.
That place where we think we have so much knowledge, you know, That's where the leprosy started in his forehead before the priest in the House of the Lord, beside, from beside the incense Alder, And what happened to him?
It says, And Azariah the chief priests, and all the priests looked upon him, and behold, he was leprous in his forehead. And they thrust him out from thence himself hasted also to go out, They caused the Lord had smitten him, and as I had a king, was a leper unto the day of his death, and they buried him.
He started well.
He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and like a good many others have done, they've started well, but sad to say, they do not all finish well. We find in the 15th of Luke a young man started badly, but he finished up well. He came to his father, and what a blessing he received. A robe of righteousness instead of the rags, the shoes, the ring, the fatted calf, communing with the father. What a joy.
Yes, he started very badly, but he finished up well.
Here the king started well, but finished out very badly. He died a leper, maybe Most of you, dear friends, haven't seen lepers. It's been my privilege to work amongst about 230 lepers on the island of Salon, South India, and I can tell you friends is a pitiful sight. Some of them you can hardly recognize as human beings, as though eaten up with a terrible disease of leprosy. It's pitiful to witness.
My wife and I have been sick at half and fell I'll when we came out of those places.
To think of those poor creatures.
Well, now let's get back to our chapter, 6th chapter of Isaiah, because I didn't want to speak all about Isaiah the King and the sad and he came to.
Because there's so much more in this wonderful chapter, the 6th chapter of Isaiah.
Now we find here.
In this chapter we have two very prominent objects brought before us.
That is the throne and an Alder.
And we see.
The action of these two objects on the soul of Isaiah, the prophet.
He says. I saw all of the Lord sitting upon a throne.
High and lifted up.
This reminds me of a verse in the 57th chapter of Isaiah. You'll kindly turn to it.
Isaiah 57.
Verse 15.
For thus saith the high and lofty one, that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is holy.
This was what the Seraphims were crying. Holy, holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. Now we find here it's recorded of this blessed one, the high and lofty one, that inhabiteth eternity whose name is holy. I dwell in the high and holy place.
Now notice with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.
To revive the spirit of the humble.
And revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Now this is exactly what we find in this chapter.
We find here Isaiah facing this throne.
This blessed One sitting upon it, who is holy, holy, holy.
And it speaks of those Seraphims in the second verse. Each had six wings.
Says with 20 covered his face.
With the first pair of wings, he covered his face in token of reverence.
Then it says.
With twain, he covered his feet.
In humility and with twain.
We find further down, it says.
He flew to accomplish his mission of mercy.
With training covered His face holy reverence. We were in the presence of a holy one this morning, friends.
That's why I felt led to read those scriptures.
I'm afraid we do not realize enough that when we meet together, as we did this morning, we're in the presence of one who is holy.
Indeed we are.
And how it should become us then, to sit in holy reverence in His presence?
As worshippers.
And so Isaiah saw this king, this Lord rather sitting upon a throne.
And then he saw the Seraphim covering their face in humility, in reverence in humility. And then, to execute their office, they flew.
With the last pair of wings, well, this is very remarkable and precious.
And then it says in verse three, And one crying unto another, and said, Holy, holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory.
And the post of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.
Now Isaiah the prophet in the next verse it says.
Well, he says then, said I.
Where was I? Die when he said this.
Was he at the foot of the burning mount? No, he was not.
He was present in the moral glories of Christ. He could see a holy one. He stood before one who was holy then said I. He said. After seeing that holy one, he realized what he was.
He didn't, so to speak, draw a comparison. He admitted what he was. He didn't say, Well, Lord, I'm not what I should be. I've come short in many things, in many ways, and we're not told here that Isaiah is any worse than these neighbors.
But when he stood in the presence of one of his holy upon the throne, he cried and said, Woe is me, for I am undone.
He realized he's in the presence of one of his holy dear friends. Have you ever been in that position? Dear Sinner friends? Have you ever felt yourself in the presence of one who is holy? And have you realized what you are in his presence? Isaiah did.
He says. Woe is me, for I am undone.
Because I'm a man of unclean lips.
Just like the lever in the 13th of Leviticus, the lever had to pronounce himself unclean.
Yet it covers up a living cry. Unclean, unclean. What a solemn picture.
And friends, that's your condition tonight if you haven't received Christ as your savior.
I like the turn to reverse in connection with this in the 33rd chapter of Job.
And this is something, dear friends, that none of you can say tonight with truth.
John 33 and verse 9.
I am clean.
Without transgression I am innocent.
Neither is there iniquity in me. Can you say that? No, I can answer that for you. And in the 30th chapter of Proverbs we read there is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, but is not washed from their filthiness.
This dear man stood in the presence of one who was holy. He says. Woe is me, for I am undone. I am a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. Yes, he recognizes awful condition in the presence of one who was holy. And what happened to him? Did the Lord sitting upon the throne that holy onesay away with him? He's not fit to be here. No, indeed not.
What happens? It's interesting to notice these three vens that we get in the chapter.
Well, this verse we just read in Job 33. I am clean. Without transgression, I am innocent. You remember who said that in the presence of the Lord Jesus?
Pilot called for a bowl of water to wash his hands and he said, now I'm innocent of the blood of this just person. What a lie. He's still guilty of the blood of Christ.
Friends, water will never wash your guilt away. Never. Never. Never. It's only the precious blood of Christ. Yet at Calvary that can wash your sins and guilt away.
If you'll pardon me for repeating this story, it's just come to my mind.
I was on the train in Canada some years ago, reading my Bible in a colored car. Attendant came down the aisle with a broom and a dustpan. I heard him say to a person, a passenger just behind me. That's all right, lady, I'll sweep them up. This lady, so-called, had been peeling an apple and throwing the peelings on the floor on the coach.
So this colored car attendant came behind her and swept them up. She said. Thank you, he said. That's all right, lady. Now give me a hose pipe and I'll wash all your sins away.
Friends, I can never tell you. It struck me with horror and terror to hear that colored man say that. Give me a hose 5 and I'll wash all your sins away. Ladies.
So I call that man, I said. Friend, pardon me, I heard you pass a remark just now, and I'd like to ask you a question.
He said yes. What is it?
I said, I heard you say to that Lady, if you give me a hose pipe, I'll wash all your sins away. I said, Friend, do you believe you could do that?
Well, he said my father was a preacher, I said. I'm not asking you anything about your pedigree, your father anything else.
I'm asking you a fair question. Do you believe you could watch that woman's sins away with a hose pipe?
Well, I guess not. So I opened my Bible, the first John verse 7.
The blood of Jesus Christ his Son, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sins.
I read a note to him and I said, now friend, please read it yourself. And he stood there with his brush and dustpan in his hand. He read it. I said Now friend, be honest, do you read anything about in that verse about a hose pipe?
No, he said. There isn't, I said. Do you read anything in the verse about water? No, I said. Well, what did you read? You read it, He said it speaks of blood. I said, yes, friend, it's a precious blood of Christ that can wash That person sins away. But why are you concerned about hers? What about yours? Yours will take you and land you in hell if they're not washed away. But you cannot wash them away with a bowl of water or a hose pipe. You must come to Christ. I said get yours washed away first, friend.
Then go and tell that dear lady how to get hers washed away, and it's only in the precious blood of Christ.
Oh, how people are deceived, poor pilots. And now I'm innocent. Washed his hands in a bowl of water.
You know, truly speaking, Pilate was under trial that day, not the Lord himself.
Pilot was under trial. Yes, he rejected Christ, he said. I'm innocent. He told a lie. The only innocent person present then was the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was the innocent one that stood there, not pilots. Pilot is still guilty and God will hold him responsible for it.
But now we find.
Here it says or, Isaiah said, then said I.
Worries me, for I am undone.
He owns his lost and ruined condition.
I thought I was brought into personal contact with the sacrifice, the altar. The altar speaks of sacrifice. And you know the Lord Jesus Christ was a sacrifice for your sins. Yes, on the cross of Calvary, he gave himself up to God. He was willing to go to Calvary's cross to be nailed without a curse, a tree to die for your sins, my dear friend.
That there might be blotted out that you might have a home in the glory with himself. He desires your company. We've heard that today already. And he does, He says. Oh, that my house may be filled.
The Lord will not be satisfied with a house half filled, the Father's house half filled. He wants you to send a friend to help the Philip, and will He do so not as you are in your sins. You'll never get there that way.
In the restaurant on the way down here, rather a nice young lady served us at the table.
Not often. They're a copy of the messages of the love of God, she said, oh, I'm beginning to think about religion. I said, oh, there's nothing about religion on that paper. What makes you think about religion? She said, well, I've just been to Norway and with 300 young people. And she said it amazed me to see their faith in God. She said I'm beginning to believe in God. I'm beginning to believe in God. I said, well, that's good, but that's not enough.
In the 14th of John the Lord says, Ye believe in God, believe also in me.
You might believe in God, friends, and die in your sins.
Lots of people believe in God. Oh yes, they say, I believe there is a God. But do they believe in the person of Christ, God's beloved Son? Have they received him by faith as their own Savior? Believing in God will hold you very responsible, but he will never take you to heaven, and it will never put your sins away. It must be faith in the person of Christ, the Lord Jesus, God's eternal Son.
And you can put your faith in him just where you're sitting tonight.
Dear friends, how is it with you tonight? There are many here tonight, but how do you stand before a holy God?
Like Isaiah, do you feel like saying, woe is me, for I'm undone, I'm a Sinner. For are you saying unto your brother, I'm not as bad as my neighbor?
That's a popular thought today. I'm not so bad as my neighbor. Maybe you're not, but you're Sinner all the same. You know, in the time of the Lord, the Jews said Abraham is our father. The woman of Samaria said Jacob is my father or something of the kind, but they were still sinners. Indeed there were.
They need his Savior, and so do you. And the Savior is available, and it's the Lord Jesus Christ. He's available right now, friends, but I dare not stand here and say he'll be available tomorrow. Our brother in the Sunday School this morning quoted that verse. I am the door. You notice that's in the present tense.
There's nothing there about being the door tomorrow. The Lord says I am the door now, Now I am the door now. He does not say I will be the door tomorrow morning. He did not say I was the door as too late as shut. Now thank God he still says I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
Well, how do you feel, or have you felt like Isaiah did? Have you been the presence of a holy God about your sins? Have you been convicted of the fact that you're undone, friend, You're lost. You're guilty. You're helpless.
This dear man did. He didn't say I'm not so bad as my neighbors. Now he realized the presence of the Holy God. He was lost and ruined. Yes, the moral glories of Christ shone, so to speak, into his heart, revealed to him what he was In God's sight. You may have a good appearance in the eyes of your friends and neighbors, but how do you stand before a holy God, friend?
You stand like this, dear man did.
Well, now the next fire system. Most exceedingly precious. Here we got the last two pair of wings mentioned.
Immediately is iron said Woe is me, for I am undone, it says. Then then flew the Seraphim, then right away from the altar faces sacrifice.
And touch that very mouth which had made the confession. Oh, how wonderful and precious, read it. Then flew one of the Seraphim's under me, having a live coal in his hand, which he'd taken with the tongs from all the altar, And he laid it upon my mouth. That mouth who just said, woe is me for him undone. I'm a man of unclean lips. Yes. Then flew under the seraphim, Oh, the haste, the grace, the love of God.
How long did the poor thief have to wait on the cross after he said. Lord, Remember Me when thou comest into thy Kingdom.
You know by saying that he really postponed his blessing for centuries because the Lord has not taken his Kingdom yet. But the Lord didn't take him up on that. He didn't say. Well, all right, Mr. Thief, I'll think of you and I take my Kingdom now, he says Today. Today shalt thou be with me in paradise? Didn't take long, did it? Did it take long? Here? After the man had made a confession of sin, says then flew the seraphim right to this poor sin. A man who made the confession.
And touched his lips. And what did he say?
Oh, you're poor vile Sinner. No, he says. He laid it upon my mouth and said, Lo, this hath touched my lips, and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged. Oh, what a joy to this dear man's heart, to his ears, to hear this from the seraphim a few minutes before he stood there, and all his sins and guilt now is forgiven. His sin has been dealt with, so to speak.
And now his iniquity is taken away and his sin is purged. So we have here 3 beautiful things I believe. We have a ruin mentioned, we have a remedy mentioned and we have the result.
But dear sin, a friend, if you die in your sins, you'll appear before the Great White throne. There will be a throne there, but there will be no altar. There will be no altar, friends. There will be no life called to touch your lips. You'll stand there, and then all your intense individuality before the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man.
Yes, There'll be no mercy there, no altar there. Friends of the Great White Throne, There is an altar here as well as the throne.
And that speaks of sacrifice and mercy. But I tell your friend, if you land in hell, there'll be no mercy there.
There'll be no blood there.
And there will be no water either.
The rich man, the Hades cried for one drop of water to cool his flame tormented tongue. Did he get it?
No, and he never will.
You've heard me say this before. I'm sure you'll be saying it's a favorite saying of Brother Gladings, 7 Cries for mercy. Six of them received it, and the seven did not, and he never will.
But he was just as much in earnest as the other six who received mercy.
And the seventh was the rich man in hell, he said. Father Abraham, have mercy on me.
Did you receive it? No, Sir, he did not, and he never will. He cried too late. Friends, see to it that you do not cry too late for mercy. Mercy is available right now. The precious blood of Christ is available too. To wash all your sins and guilt away. Will you have him? What are you going to do with him? Have you stood in the presence of a holy God like Isaiah did? And have you come to that conclusion?
That you are in the presence of one who is holy, and you yourself are lost, ruined, and guilty and undone and unclean.
I repeat that verse in the 30th chapter of Promise. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes. That's all in their own eyes, but is not washed from their filthiness. How can a Sinner be washed from his filthiness?
By simple faith in the person of Christ and his shed blood, that precious blood which was shedded Calvary. Oh, friends of you, pardon me, I'd like to tell a little story about Calvary. My wife and I are visiting a native hospital in Africa.
It was a very large ward.
Every bit except one.
For stabbing cases.
There are about 20 men being stabbed some five and six times in the chest and back, and I can tell you there they use the knife pretty frequently. They've all been stabbed, some dying, some very ill, some in agony. And we went around the ward and spoke to these four men about the love of Christ who came to 1 bed. And one man said I'm not stabbed but I'm very ill, he said Sit down and I can chat with you, he said. I'm a Christian.
What a joy.
I'm a Christian.
There's a little African boy sitting on a stool at the side of the bed. That dear bright little Facey hand. He'd be about 9 years of age.
And after we had a conversation with this dear man about Christ, and what a grand thing it was to know him as one savior, and to know the sin question had been settled forever and we cleansed by the blood of Christ, which he enjoyed himself and was sure of. He said to this little boy, I forget his name. I wish I'd taken a picture of him. It'd been priceless, he said. This little boy, stand up and sing that chorus to these people I taught you.
This dear little African boy stood up like a little soldier, quite erect, with a bright beaming face. He started to sing this chorus I'd never heard it before.
But each verse ended up with Remember Calvary?
How do you think we felt?
A little African boy reminding us of Calvary. The nurses came around to listen. Some of the patients raised themselves up on the elbows in the bed to listen. This dear little fellow singing this Taurus several verses and it ended each time with Remember Calvary.
I tell your friends there are not many dry eyes in that ward, including my own. I got a fresh vision of Calvary that afternoon. My thoughts went to Calvary, where my precious Savior hung and died for me, where he bore all the awful judgment of a holy God against sin on my account.
I could picture that Blessed One being nailed to that cross being split upon being jeered and scoffed at. And then what was the response from his heart? He says Father, forgive them. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Oh friends, that just broke us down to be reminded in Africa of Calvary. Friends, do not forget Calvary and what happened there.
Jesus died for you on the cross of Calvary for your sins, my friend.
Where are they now? Where are your sins? Have they been washed away with the precious blood of Jesus?
Or are they still upon you? If you die in your sins, you will be raised in your sins to be judged for them, and you'll be You'll stand before the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man of the great White throne, not the judgment seat of Christ. No, that's the Saints.
Great white throne. And I tell you again, friends, the throne will be there. It speaks of government. The throne will be there, and the judge will be there. But there'll be no altar, no altar of mercy. No, not a drop. Oh, what a solemn picture. So we find Isaiah here. He made this confession, he says, Then said I. And the next verse begins with, Then again. Then flew the serpent.
Right to this dear sin of man who D made his confession, and touched his very mouth that had made the confession, and he was forgiven. And then what? He was ready to serve the Lord, Ready to serve the Lord, he said. Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom should I send?
And who will go for us? Then? Said I. Another. Then then said I, he said.
Here am I send me. Here am I send me?
Dear young people, dear young believers, if you have a real desire in your heart to serve the Lord.
My direct your thoughts to Matthew 21. Now read it to you the verse that spoke to me very forcibly.
But do not forget what we said or what the Scripture said yesterday about service.
It has its place and a most blessed place, but never the first place.
Matthew 21 and the end of verse 28. Or we should read the whole verse. But one thing ye a certain man had two sons. He came to the 1St and said son, go work today in my vineyard.
We must be sons before we can be servants. Oh yes, there are many attempting to serve the Lord, and they're not sons. They know nothing about relationship. They're trying to serve the Lord in their own way, according to their own thoughts and opinions. But here we find the word is son.
Go Same word we get in Isaiah 6.
Then he said, go and tell his people.
And so we find here in this verse in the 28th verse of the 21St of Matthew.
Son, go work today in my vineyard. The place is appointed and the time is arranged in my vineyard today. Oh dear young friends, if you want to serve the Lord, do not put it off. Do not pray the Lord of the harvesters and others into the harvest and save it. Not me, Lord, not me. Send somebody else.
Not me.
In the 9th chapter of it, we have some solemn verses mentioned. There we find three types of followers mentioned.
The Lord said to one Follow me.
He said, Lord, I'll follow you with us forever. Thou God and the Lord said, Foxes have holes, the birds of the air have nests. The Son of Man has not where to lay his head. Will you serve me under those conditions? Will you follow me? We hear nothing more about the man.
Again, he said to another Follow me, he said. Suffer me first.
To go and bury my father, me first.
And he said to another, come follow me, he said, Let me first go and say farewell to those at home, me first.
No, the Lord says. Here, stand, go work today in my vineyard. And dear young believers, now is the time to do it.
If you have any desire to do it, Isaiah did he said. The voice of the Lord said, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then? Said I.
He reminds then me, he said. Go and tell his people.
Have you done that? Take courage, doesn't it? Moral courage? Indeed it does. I've known what it is to stand outside of a soldiers camp in Shanghai and travel from head to foot.
To contact the thousand soldiers of the rough type, British soldiers do. I've stood outside that gate week after week, month after month, for nearly five years.
Cry to the Lord to give me courage to go ahead and hand the word of God after the soldiers.
And the Lord has given me a word of encouragement.
He says, All power is given unto me, both in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore.
He didn't say, I'm going to give you the power, he says. All power is given to me. Now you go and strength of that for what a comfort it was. And then I went. But what a hell, what a comfort it was. Well, I was thinking now as soon as this dear man as I had made the confession, then flew the Seraphim right to him.