A Glad Welcome

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
O ye who are weary and wandering astray
In the path which the prodigal trod,
The husks of vain pleasure, your comfort and stay,
In the land of far distance from God,

O seek ye the Lord! for in mercy He waits
To respond to the penitent's cry.
It is you that He loves—your sins that
He hates! And He pleads with you—"Why will ye die?”

The work of redemption was perfectly done
When His life for a ransom was given;
The claims of God's justice were met in His Son,
Who is now at His right hand in heaven.

Soon, soon will the day of salvation be o'er,
For the moments are hurrying on;
The Lord will arise then, and shut to the door,
And your last hope of heaven be gone.

O come, then, to Jesus! come just as you are—
In your sorrow, your guilt, and your sin;
O come! as the prodigal came from afar,
And you'll find a glad welcome within.

He has pardon and peace for the sin-weary soul,
And a cup of salvation to give;
O doubt not the love that can now make you whole
But believe in His mercy, and live.
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”