A Happy Christmas.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. ―Luke 2:1414Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:14).
WE all know the sweet old story of this song; —the shepherds were guarding their sheep on the dewy hillsides that first Christmas night, when out of the velvety star-sprinkled skies a radiant angel floated down with a wonderful message of joy. Usually the heavenly beings are hidden from mankind, but the overwhelming wonder of the good news snapped the bands of invisibility.
“A Saviour from your sins is born, who is Christ the Lord, the Anointed Jehovah.”
HE came to make peace through the Blood of the Cross. He came to break up the enmity between God and Man, to destroy sin by the sacrifice of His life. He came to give peace to restless hearts, to bring peace into the hovel: to give peace to young and old, to high and low alike.
Thank God, thousands enjoy it. The billows may toss mountain high, His name still remains Prince of Peace.
WE stand only upon the shore of our knowledge of God. There is a great eternal ocean waiting beyond. We praise God for that which we already know or Him, but the best is yet to be. There is more — much more to follow. To call God “Father,” means a great deal to us now. It will mean far more a hundred years today. To know Christ as our Saviour now is unspeakably precious; but He will be incomparably more to us when we get to heaven. If we trust Him He will show us a little more of Himself today.
P. G. P.