A Hearing Test

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Children—Dan Brimlow
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This is a children's meeting, that's what the schedule says, and I'm glad to see so many young men, but I don't see very many young women. I don't see any girls on this side. If we could have, please, I'd really appreciate it, especially for children this morning. Could you please?
Younger children, if you could come to the front row, I'd appreciate it. I'm going to need some volunteers this morning and I I would like.
We're kind of spread out and and it would be nice if we could fill up the front rows.
Yeah, why why don't we have all the boys come over here too and we if we can fill up both sides, that would be good. Maybe even though through this row here too. Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, the more children are coming, we have, especially on the backside, children's hymns, but you can choose the ones off the back or off the any part of this book and if there's something that you would like.
Just saying that's not in the book that you think we know. Let's sing that because I think we're gonna sing it. At least I'm thinking of a song that's not in the book that most of you know.
Why don't you boys come over here?
This is good.
Thank you very much. Thanks, Dave, who has a song they like to sing this morning. Please raise your hand and I'll pick you if you have one. Yes.
Is it this 11 or a different 11? This 11 OK?
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life when the clouds unfold, their wings of strife when the strong tides lift and the cable strings, will your anchor drift or firm remains?
We have an anchor that keeps us so steadfast and sure, while the pillows roll fasten to the rock which can.
Let's save yours long.
Well, your anchor hold in the straits of fear.
While the streakers roar and the reef is near.
Would you girls like to come down a little bit farther? That would be helpful. Thank you. Glad you came over here is good.
Then you're.
Number 11.
Steadfast and pure while the pillows roll.
Sometimes we sing these songs and.
They're fun to sing.
But sometimes, especially, children aren't listening very good. Or they are listening good.
And they get the wrong message.
What is this song about?
Jasper, what is this song about?
What were you gonna say?
I was gonna say that it tells us that we have God to hold us together and that he helps our soul to be together and not to drift away. That's very good. I thought they they were gonna say it's about an anchor and a ship. And my brother used to sing fasten to the rocket that cannot move. Well, he didn't know what he was singing about.
This this is talking about.
It's using the example about an anchor for our souls. How many have been out in the ocean in a boat where you don't know how deep it is underneath you and felt afraid? Raise your hand. I've been out in the ocean and I've you know, it's pretty scary, especially if the wind starts to blow.
And it's dark or it's foggy and you can be crashed into the rocks and everybody drowned.
My grandfather, he was on a ship like that one time he was Umm.
It was a terrible storm and the ship got stuck in the sand and the waves took and smashed the boat, broke the boat apart, took the parts of the boat and smashed it against the ship. What do you think he should have done?
He thought he was gonna die.
What should he have done?
What do you think? Get off, get off the ship, Get off the ship. That's the best thing if there's land around. But it was in the middle of the ocean. It was pretty far from land and.
He needed help.
He got down on his knees and he remembered one verse when he was in Sunday school. Like you, children call upon me in the day of trouble.
And thou and I will answer you, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me well, to tell you the truth, he said. Lord, if you will, you please save my soul?
I wanna be saved because if I die, I'm not ready to go. He learned about the Lord when he was a little boy and he forgot him for years and he said, and if you if you.
Save me so I can live on earth a little bit longer. I'll spend the rest of my life and tell others about the Lord.
Do you know what happened? One of his friends took their shirt, dipped it in umm oil and he climbed to the very highest, highest, highest part of the boat, up the mast, and he lit it on fire.
What do you think that was for?
What was it signal? A signal for what? Help. It was calling for help. Calling for help. Someone far away on the shore that couldn't see it. The ship saw a light out in the storm. They sent lifeboats out and they saved him.
And he spent the rest of his life saved from his sins and telling others about the Lord. This is about if you don't know the Lord as your savior, it's like you have no anchor, and sooner or later you'll be dashed against the the rocks and you'll lose not only your life here on earth.
But the judgment to come after we're going to say the verse. How many people? I just like to know how many people are ready to say their verse this morning? Either the one in the Sunday School paper or another verse. Raise your hand if you remember.
The verse that was in the Sunday school paper last week.
OK. We've got a few. I'd like to give you an opportunity. Good, good. Thank you. Umm, give you an opportunity to say that in a few minutes. Let's sing a few more songs.
Raise your hand if you have a song you'd like to sing.
No, that's good. Oh, happy day. That fixed my choice.
My name is $1000 and there's a lot of problems. I don't know because you're gonna have to take it. Umm, do you get anything where I can? Speaking to the last one, that's my name is a very.
Good one.
Somebody I was talking to a lady this morning and she said.
It just spoke to my heart at the conference. Somebody said it's good when you get up in the morning to thank the Lord for washing your sins away every day.
You know, it's just you're not, Uh, There's no more judgment.
You've passed from judgment to life.
The verse just escaped me.
Help me out with that verse. Pass not into judgment. Umm, not condemned, but passed from judgment to life.
Passed from death unto life. What's the first part?
Sorry, it's a senior moment for both of us.
He hears my word, and believeth on him that sent me.
Half ever lasting life and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life. We're gonna read.
Some the verses that some of the children will say this morning, and it's a scary thing when you know you're guilty.
And you deserve Punishment, Judgment. Let's sing in two more songs, then we'll say the verses yes.
#8 please.
Yes, every soul by sin oppressed. That means it's it's like press pressing down on you. There's mercy with the Lord if there's no mercy.
There's no hope.
I'm. I'm sorry. Eight. Shall we gather this coming? Thank you for helping me out.
Shall we gather at his coming?
We'll talk about everything else.
Maybe we can sing one or two more later, but right now let's look to the Lord for help and then we're going to say the verses.
Close your eyes and look to the Lord.
Our loving God and our Father.
To give thanks for the time this morning with the children and the adults here where we can sing about a happy day that fixed my choice.
And now we've just finished singing. Yes, we'll gather at his coming if cleansed or if washed by the Savior's blood. And Lord, we're concerned this morning that there may be some children here this morning that still.
Have not listened to to thy voice.
They don't love thy voice because they've never come to have their sins forgiven.
We do pray that they would be washed in the Savior's blood.
We do pray for a clear message this morning for each one of us that we would hear.
And obey.
Thy words our God and Father and the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for the children of learned the verses that have got them in their minds and can save them out of their mouths. We do pray that they would believe them in their hearts and be saved and trust the and go on their way. Rejoice, date telling others, pray for help for them to remember their verses this morning in the name, and pray for the the talk to Lord did it.
The message would be simple and clear.
The name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.
You do not have to say a verse this morning, but I'd like to give you an opportunity. If you do have a verse, just raise your hand. I'll just start at this side and.
Only the people that wanna raise their hands have to say the verse or can say the verse.
Please raise your hand on this side of the room if you'd like to. Would you please stand up and say your verse?
Come now, let us reading together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 118 Thank you.
Now let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as red, as comes in scarlet, they shall be as snow. So you shouldn't be as Crimson, They shall be as wool, Isaiah.
You wanna see your verse? Raise your hand.
Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins be.
As scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be as red, as red, as Crimson they shall be as wool. Isaiah 118 Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord, Sell your sins, be like scarlet, They shall be white as snow, though ye are sins be wet as Crimson.
They shall be wide as well. Isaiah 118.
Anymore here on this side? Got some more boys over here? Good.
Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though you sins be Crimson, they shall be as well as wool. No they be.
They like something. They shall be as where it is war. Isaiah 118.
No, Your sins via scarlet, They shall be as or just. Know that they be red, light, Crimson, they shall be as well. Umm.
Isaiah 1/8, Thank you anymore here.
Come now Loves reading together. Face slower, though you can speak like.
So you shouldn't be speaking they should be as what? What is snow that you shouldn't be.
Lettuce, cream, and they should be.
As as white as whole as a 118. Thank you.
Girls, do you have any any you want to say the verse?
You you all helped me out because I can't see all the hands.
Come down, let us reason together, saith the Lord, though since he read it, Though your sins be a scarlet, they will be as white as snow, though you sins be as friends, and they shall be as as wool, as they are. 118.
Thank you.
Anyone else will come down this way? Help me out if we have some other ones.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins.
Be like scarves, but they shall be as wide as snow, though your sin be as Crimson, they shall be as whole.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 118.
What's that? Very well, let's umm, that's a pretty long verse. A pretty hard version for little children.
It it is, kind of, I'm gonna say.
Kind of hard to understand what's the problem in the verse and what and what is the solution in the verse? Do you know what the problem is the verse is?
Is there a problem people have?
The problem is that.
Earthen is like red, like Crimson. Yes, the problem is sin.
Is there anyone here that?
Doesn't have.
Sin is any bad thing against God or man.
Has is there anyone here that has never done anything against God or man?
I think it's very clear. The Bible says there is no difference. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
But God doesn't want people to have to be punished for their sin. The wages of sin is death.
You and I are sinners, and this is talking in Isaiah's time, before the Lord Jesus came. Isaiah is warning these people. He says Listen people, please listen to me. You got to get right with God.
God wants to have a meeting with you. This is a children's meeting. Sometimes we go to the meeting. Who do we go to meet?
We go to meet Jesus, the one who came to this earth to pay for sins with his own blood. What Clean sends away?
If you believe on the Lord that he'll wash your sins away, yes, whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The sins are gone. The blood of Jesus Christ, Godson, cleans us from all sin.
Now I'm going to read a few verses here in Isaiah.
There, put my glasses on.
Isaiah 118.
Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. Let's have a meeting.
Why don't you think about it is what it's saying. Though your sins be as scarlet, that's a color of red, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like Crimson, that's the color for WSU they shall be as wool.
If you'd be willing and obedient any the good of the land. If you'd be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. If you listen to what God says, it'll go well with you.
But if you refuse?
And rebel you shall be devoured with the sword.
You know, they didn't have guns or bombs in those days.
But they all understood what to be devoured With disorders you'd be you'd lose your life if you rebel refuse, and rebel you shall be devoured with the sword. For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Let's umm.
God is using Isaiah to call the people to repent. Think about it. God wants you to think about it with him. What are you gonna do about your sins? You know, I meet a lot of people. Some of them are very religious, and I ask them, well, what are you gonna do? How do you get rid of your sins?
And many of them have these plans. Well, from now on you can do this or that. But what are you gonna do about that? God requires that which is passed. What are you gonna do about your sins?
How do you get rid of your sins? They've already been committed. You're already guilty.
God says I want to talk about it. There's a way. There's always been a way for people to repent, and there is a way that people can be saved. I'm going to.
Read the verses at the beginning of the chapter.
Isaiah 1, verse 2.
Hear, O heavens, give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken.
I've nourished and brought up children. They've rebelled against me. Rebellion means they say no, I don't want to, whatever it is, No. You've even seen kids. Their parents say their name and they they put their fingers like this in both errors. What does that mean?
What does that mean?
You know what that means when people put their fingers in their ears?
What do you think it means?
They're not listening. Yeah, it means that not only are they're not listening, they're not wanting to listen. That is rebellion. So.
I've nursed and brought up children and they've rebelled against me. The ox knows his own owner.
The *** or the donkey? His master's crib but Israel.
Does not know my people. Does not consider they won't even. They don't even want to think about it.
Sinful nation of people laden with iniquity or sins.
A seed of evil doers, children that are corrupters. They've forsaken the Lord. They have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger and have gone away backward.
That's what that was the beginning of this chapter.
I have a.
I have cows over at our house and I say here boss, what do you think the cows do? They may have their head down, they're eating grass and say here boss, what do you think they do?
Have any idea? Do you have an idea? You have an idea? I haven't. I haven't. Some of you haven't answered. What do you think they do? They walk over to you? Yes. They put their head up, they look back and forth and then they start coming.
They know my voice if other kids are playing around.
They don't necessarily listen.
But God, our creator, our owner is calling out to men and women and it says even children. He's brought up children and they don't want to listen. I'd like to do a little test this morning to see how good you children are listening. I'd like at least 4 volunteers for a listening test. OK, we've got one.
I'll, I'll, I'll take you. What's your name?
Joseph, what's your name?
Joseph. OK, You stand right. You stand. Stand up right here. Your name, please. Amber. Amber, can you stand up next to him?
Then yeah. Ben, please come up here.
And what's your name? Kylie. Kylie. OK, you stand, Kylie. You stand on this side.
All right, we're going to see.
This is a test.
I want somebody on this side of the room.
I want you to call out Kylie's name.
And I want her to test if she knows who you are. You don't have to know her, but you can know her. Would anyone on this side of the room like to call Kylie's name?
We have two people here. We've got three people. OK, Would you stand up, please, and don't look. Oh, did you look?
Did you know? Did you know that? Who is that? My dad.
Dad, she's got good hearing. You may go sit down. You're gonna get a reward afterwards.
Umm, on this side we'd like, umm, some people. Now Ben is is standing here, and again, you don't have to know Ben. Umm, he doesn't have to know you. But would anyone like to call out Ben's name?
Ah, I see some over here. I see what I'm gonna ask this man over here. Oh, I didn't say if it was a manner. I wouldn't wanna say if it was a woman or a manner or a girl or what Would you please say call his name? Yes.
Do you know who that is?
Yeah, You wanna guess or you you don't know?
I don't know. OK, well, we'll try somebody else. Maybe someone from this side.
I think I'll try.
This big one over here.
Ben, tell us something else.
Did you recognize that voice? Who is it?
Emma. Is that what your name is, Emma?
Thank you. You've got a good hearing.
Now, again, your name. Amber. Amber. Would someone here? Oh, there's a a man. Sorry, I wasn't gonna say who it is. Would you please, California, call out her name?
You know that that.
Seth Palmer, you got it. Good job. OK, you may sit down.
What's your name? Joseph. Joseph. I'm going to have someone on this side.
Call out his name.
I think I'm gonna have you calling out.
Joseph, what is that?
Joshua. Joshua. Good. You may sit down.
The reason I I, I did that is God has spoken. God has called.
And we.
We know there was a time in Joseph's umm in uh, Samuel's life. He didn't know the Lord yet, but sooner or later.
God speaks once, yeah, twice. And man perceiveth it not. But when God speaks, we want to listen.
And what does he have to say?
Sorry about that.
God in this verse in Isaiah says.
Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool.
If ye be willing and obedient.
You shall eat the good of the land.
Do you know God now commandeth all men everywhere to repent? That means think about it, turn around and take God's way.
What do you think we should repent about?
What's the message this morning? What's the problem with man? What does man need to think about and go to God about?
Yes, then.
Fishing your sins.
I am afraid as you children are growing up, some of you don't understand much about sins to start off with. But one day you're going to realize you have sins and what are you going to do about them? Have you ever?
Gone to the Lord and said I have sins. Can you please forgive me? I'm going to just quote some verses in John 10.
John, Chapter 10.
I'm the Good Shepherd. John 1011.
The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep. Verse 14. I'm the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep and am known of mine.
At verse 15, as the Father knoweth me, Even so know I the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep.
The Lord Jesus had to come.
To pay for sins because we couldn't do it ourselves.
When the Lord Jesus was.
They're in the garden. The night before they came and captured the Lord Jesus. He kneeled down and he prayed. Father, if it if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. I as a man I don't want to have to go to the cross. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done if there was any other way to forgive our sins.
God would have taken care of it, but there was no other way. It had been prophesied that without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sins, and it had to be holy.
Spotless. Perfect. Lamb of God, we can't. The place people pay for their own sins is in hell, and it goes on and on and on and on. But the Lord Jesus didn't have any of his own sins to pay for.
And that's why when he died and his blood came out, that blood can cleanse us or clean us from all sin. We can be made white as snow on the inside.
Holy in God's presence and that's why we can sing Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away.
I was gonna.
Read some other verses in Luke and some other places. There's one that says he that.
Here's my I'll just read it. Yeah, we have two minutes left. This is.
Why call you me, Lord, Lord, And do not the things that I say. Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my things and doeth them I'll show you to whom he's like. He's like a man which built a house. Dig deep, laid the foundation upon a rock. It's like the first song we song we sang fast into the rock that can't move.
And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and it could not shake it, for it was founded on a rock.
You know they're in John 10 it says, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them. They follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand, my Father, which gave them the greater than I. Neither can any man pluck them out of my father's hand. In other words, it's better than a rock. It's in the hands of God. You're safe, and you'll know.
The voice of the Lord you'll want to hear. The voice of the Lord you'll want to obey. The Holy Spirit will want you to. If you don't feel like it and you don't want to, and there's no love in your heart for the one that died to save you for your sins, you're probably still lost and need to be saved.
Come to the Lord. If you're understanding this, please come to the Lord before it's too late.
Umm, let's just close in prayer. And then I'd like those that came up and and helped me with the listening test.
Uh, to come for reward. You heard you, you knew the voice and you. Each one knows when God is calling and He wants you not only to listen and but He wants you to obey and do and you'll be like that man that built his house on the rock. Let's pray.
Our loving God and our Father. We thank you for sending the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Savior of the world. Our God and Father thank you for sending.
Profits and just normal people to bring your words so that people could hear your word, to hear and obey. Lord, we take your word and thank you that we have it.
We do pray for any that is still in their sins, that they would come because of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They would confess their sin and receive forgiveness of sins forever.
We pray for those of us that do know, Thee Lord, that we would hear thy voice and not be rebellious children, but that we would trust and obey.
We pray these things, pray for the rest of the day and for the remembrance of our Lord that's to follow, that we would truly enter into thy thoughts for us the great salvation that's been wrought and the honor and glory that's gone to Thee, our God. We pray it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.