My God, my Father, when I first beheld
Thy holy Lamb uplifted on the tree,
My heart at Thy great grace was
That Thou shouldst bruise Thy only Son for
How sinful looked my sin in that pure light
Of righteous grace and sin-condemning
Oh, how Thy grace shone forth in glory
Abounding, all-abounding, sin above!
But now, while resting on that work of
And glorying only in His cross, and
name —
His opened side my soul’s abiding-place —
And sure my hope will ne’er be put to
In my deep peace I oft myself forget,
And gaze upon His face to find out Thee;
And deeper, richer, holier joys I get,
As Thou Thyself art more revealed to me.
His death reveals Thy name, as well as
Thy very Being, Life — and Light is Love;
When my rapt spirit in this ocean bathes,
Or in this heaven wings her flight above;
And when Thy attributes my mind possess,
Thy wisdom, glory, might, all powers above,
And I am lost in my own nothingness —
Here I can rest that God Himself is Love.
J. G. Deck, 1870