A Hymn of Praise.

Isaiah 26:3
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in thee.”— Isaiah 26:33Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3).
Oh God! my way is dark and troubles rise;
Earthly friends fail,
And foes prevail;
I see
No earthly refuge, but I lift my eyes
And see Thee near,
Ready to hear
My plea.
In Thee alone I trust; Thy love I cherish;
Thy gracious arm
Shields from all harm;
I know
Thou canst not leave my trusting soul to perish:
Tempest and Flood.
Come at Thy nod
And go.
Thou wilt give grace and glory; all the cares
That press on me
I take to Thee
Thy grace
All that Thy child can need richly prepares,
And matchless power
In danger’s hour
No ills can reach him whom Thine arms surround;
Disease must fly―
I cannot die;
I stand.
Firm and secure on faith’s eternal ground.
Lowly, but bold,
I firmly hold
Thy hand.
Then peace, my heart! though threatening storms impend,
And blackest night
Shuts from my sight
The sky —
Though heaven and earth may pass away, MT FRIEND,
Even He whose will
The storm can still
Is nigh.
Then will I cast on Him even ALL my cares
He clothes” and, feeds,
And all my needs
He loves to hear my praises and my prayers;
And bids me come
To my blest home,
The skies.
All storms and clouds will soon have passed away;
Then will be seen,
Bright and serene
Thy face.
And, in the light of that eternal day,
Thy child shall know
That ALL below
—S. T. R.
Hantsport, Canada.