A Jewel for Jesus

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 6min
 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Memory Verse: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:1616Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
Have you ever seen a real jewel, maybe a diamond? Have you seen how it sparkles in the light? This is because it was reflecting the light. In the same way a Christian can reflect the light or glory of God.
In the book of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament, God talks about jewels. These jewels are people who love the Lord and who tell others about Him. Then He says in Malachi chapter 3 verse 17, “And they shall be Mine... in that day when I make up My jewels.”
Perhaps you think you have to be grown-up to be a jewel for the Lord, but this is not so. Let me tell you about Sharon, a little girl who loved the Lord Jesus very much. She shone like a lovely, sparkling jewel.
When Sharon was very small she loved to go to her grandmother’s house. I’m sure you like to go to your grandmother’s house, too. Grandma had a big Bible which she read all the time. She would read it to Sharon and then explain the wonderful stories that they had read together.
There was the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the sad story of how Satan brought sin and sorrow to that first earthly home. There was the story of Noah and the ark, of Jonah and the great fish, and many others. Most of all Sharon loved the stories about the Lord Jesus.
When she was four years old she started going to Sunday school. Every Sunday when the car came by to pick her up, she was ready to go. Her hair was brushed and neat, and she was dressed in her best clothes. Her big brown eyes showed that she was excited.
Sharon did not say very much in class, but how she listened! When her teacher described heaven and told about the joys waiting up there for those who love Jesus, her eyes glowed with wonder. She thought about heaven a lot. One day she said to her mother, “No one who loves Jesus should be afraid to die. Everyone has to die if Jesus doesn’t come first, but then they go to be with Him anyway.”
Not long after that her mother got sick and had to go to the hospital. Although she missed her mother Sharon was glad to help around the house doing many little jobs that her mother had taught her. She counted the days until Sunday when her mother was going to come home. Sharon wanted so much to have everything just right.
Early on Sunday morning, before anyone else was up, Sharon tiptoed downstairs in her nightie. Brrrrr, it was chilly. Then suddenly she had an idea. Why not build a fire in the fireplace. Then the downstairs would be nice and warm when Daddy brought Mommy home. She had seen Daddy build a fire before and, after all, she was five years old now.
But five-year-olds are just too young to be near a fire. As careful as she was, Sharon got too close to the flames, and her nightie caught fire. Before anyone could come to help her little Sharon was badly burned.
That day, instead of riding to Sunday school in a car with other children, Sharon was raced to the hospital in an ambulance.
When she reached the hospital the first thing she asked Daddy for was her Bible. Then she whispered to him, “Daddy, will you please phone my Sunday school teacher, and ask her to pray for me?”
Day after day the patient little girl lay suffering as doctors and nurses worked to save her life. Daddy and Mommy took turns staying by her bedside. They always found her cheerful and showing concern for others.
Sharon believed in prayer more than many adults do. One morning after a bad night, Sharon told her mother, “Mommy, I couldn’t sleep last night. I wanted you so badly. But I prayed, and then Jesus seemed to come right beside me, so I didn’t cry any more.”
Sharon also loved to sing. Her young voice was often heard in the hospital. The doctors and nurses often came in or stood outside her room to listen. She also talked about the Lord Jesus to anyone who came into her room. Everyone noticed how happy she was in spite of her pain.
But a wonderful thing was happening at the same time. The Lord was speaking to Sharon’s father and mother. They did not know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. But finally, one day they both knelt down and asked the Lord Jesus to forgive their sins and to be their Saviour. A real change took place in their hearts. For the first time they were able to really pray. They asked the Lord to heal their daughter if it was His will. They knew that He always did what was best for each one.
For fifty-three days Sharon clung to life. Sometimes she seemed to improve, and at other times she got worse. On May 9, 1964, two weeks after her sixth birthday, the Lord Jesus gently took His precious little jewel to heaven where she will shine forever and ever.
He will gather, He will gather the gems for His kingdom;
All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
His loved and His own.
Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in His beauty, bright gems for His crown.
Little children, little children who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own.
Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in His beauty, bright gems for His crown.