A Journey in Malaya

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 5min
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
PACKMAN JOSEPH was an Indian colporteur whose journeys took him up and down the Malaya Peninsula a few years back. Rubber trees grow there, and there are tin mines. Tamils from India do most of the work on the rubber plantations, and Chinese in the mines. The Mays, who are the proper people of the country, live in houses raised off the ground. They grow rice and coconuts. The women weave wonderful fabrics of silk. They are pleasant folk with charming manners.
Colporteurs do not have adventures every day. They are not always in danger of being beaten and robbed. Packman Joseph’s story is a plain tale showing a packman doing his duty faithfully.
He wrote: “I traveled by train from Ipoh to Kuala Kubu, and there I hired an oxcart. I loaded it with three boxes containing gospels in various languages. I slept in the cart, with the boxes for my bed, a blanket to keep out the cold, and a pillow under my head. It was very uncomfortable. I started next morning at seven o’clock. On the way I met some Tamils.
I spoke to them a short time about the gospel and the saving power of the dear Lord Jesus Christ. I left them and had gone about a quarter of a mile when one of the men came running and said: ‘Sir, I cannot let you go without buying the Book about which you spoke. It has touched my heart. I cannot read it, but my son can. I shall give it to him, and he will tell me more of what is in it.’ So I sold him a Testament.
“Going on, I came to a tin mine, a thousand feet above the road. I climbed up the steep face of the bank by the steps which the workmen had made. They were all Chinese, and were surprised when I spoke to them in their own language. Many of them were pleased to buy gospels. I went on again. I could not buy any food that day; I had nothing but water. I thought I should not be able to stand it, but the Lord sustained me.
“Wherever I went, people ran up to me to buy gospels. Some who had no money borrowed it from neighbors. One man bought a gospel and said, ‘This is not a five cent book: it is a book which God sent to make my soul happy.’
“I reached a Malay village long after dark. I roused the police sergeant and he got me a place to sleep. I got up at midnight and prayed to God to bless the work of distributing the Scriptures, and all. His faithful workers throughout the world. I heard the clock strike two. Then I asked God to give me strength and courage to carry on my work successfully, and went to sleep.
“Next day I continued my joey. I came to a place where a Malay man was working about 50 yards from the road. I called to him and said, ‘This is God’s Book for your soul.’ He stopped his work, looked around, picked up a sword which was lying on the ground and walked steadily towards me. I imagined that the Malays had made a plot to kill me. I thought I would be called upon to give my life for Christ. When he drew near I saw his face lose its firmness; he came with a smile; talked to him about the gospel he gladly bought a copy.
“I walked on seventeen singing, preaching, and selling along the road. I saw a Malay working with his wife and children in a rice field. I stood up on the road and called to him, showing him tilt books. He laughed heartily, left his work and came to me with his family. I spoke to them a few wordy about God and His salvation through Christ. He bought one gospel. I thee told him I was thirsty. He ran to his house and brought a bamboo full of water — about a half gallon, and told me to take it with me.
“Wherever I went, and whenever I had a chance to speak. I always quoted John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) — those beautiful words telling of the love of God and the gift of His Son to save poor sinners. I told them that the Bible, the Word of God, is like a garden of flowers. It is full of sweet stories which gladden the heart. But it must be received by faith into our souk Those who seek the nectar in God’s Word find it sweeter than honey.
“At the end of my journey I found that nearly four thousand copies of Scripture had been sold.”
Well done, Packman Joseph!
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” — John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16).
The Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.
I know My sheep, the Saviour said,
And all My sheep know Me.
My voice they hear, and follow near,
From harm and danger free.
For none shall pluck them from My hand
Nor from My Father’s care,
Till all are gathered safely home,
Eternal joys to share.