A Lasting Peace

READER, —Peace is a blessed thing. War is an immense evil. Peace ought to be prayed for night and day by all who love their country. But after all, there is only one peace which is lasting, and that is the peace with God, which faith in Christ gives.
There is no happiness compared to that which this peace affords. A calm sea after a storm; a blue sky after a black thunder-cloud; health after sickness; light after darkness; rest after toil; all, all are beautiful and pleasant things. But none, none of them all can give more than a feeble idea of the comfort which those enjoy who believe in Christ, and have peace with God. It is a peace which passeth all understanding.
It is the want of this very peace which makes many in the world unhappy. Hundreds have everything that is thought able to give pleasure, and yet are never satisfied. Their hearts are always aching. There is a constant sense of emptiness within. And what is the secret of all this? They have no peace with God.
It is the desire of this very peace which makes many a heathen do much in his idolatrous religion. Thousands have been seen to mortify their bodies, and vex their own flesh in the service of some wretched image which their own hands have made. And why? Because they hungered after peace with God.
It is the possession of this very peace on which the value of a man’s religion depends. Without it there may be everything to please the eye and gratify the ear — forms, ceremonies, services, and sacraments — and yet no good done to the soul. The grand question that should try all is the state of a man’s conscience. Is it peace? Has he peace with God?
Reader, this is the very peace about which I address you this day. Have you got it? Is it your own? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall have lasting peace.
Bishop Ryle.