With delight the eldest daughter reads the letter from papa to her mother, and the little brother is interested too. We do not wonder at their being so interested. Papa is the one who loves them all and is still caring for them while he is away, so all they have they are receiving through him.
I wonder if each one of my little readers are as interested in hearing what God has written to us, as the mother, daughter and little boy are in what the father has written to them?
This is what God wants from us. He has given us all we have, and we are dependent upon Him for all we need. How good God is to us to provide us with so much food in so many varieties, and also a measure of health and strength.
Sometimes He has to take health from us to make us realize that He is the One who gives us health and to make us thankful. And sometimes He has to put us in positions where we do not have enough to eat, and it may be to teach us to be dependent on Himself. Or it may be to teach us to be thankful to Him and rejoice in Him. If we have learned these lessons we take delight in reading His letter to us, which is the Bible.
Are you glad to read His letter, and meditate on all that He has said to us?
If you love Him, because He loved us so much as to give His only Son to die for us on Calvary’s cross and has given us all the temporal things that we need, then you will delight in reading His letter to us.
What an ungrateful heart many have, they take all the good things God in His grace has given them in this life, but they don’t care to read and meditate on what God has written to them. Which is it with you, dear reader?
ML 02/10/1918