A Letter to a Seeker for Joy.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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DEAR FRIEND,—I feel so distinctly that the Spirit of God is especially appealing to you at this time, that matters of eternal importance are pressing themselves upon you, and that the Lord is seeking to draw you to Himself, that I cannot help being deeply concerned as to your welfare.
I have no doubt that you are familiar with the Scriptures, accepting them as God's Word, and that God's glorious plan of salvation on the ground of the finished work of Christ—and that alone—is not unknown to you.
At the same time, I fear that the great enemy of souls is doing his utmost to offer a strong counter-attraction, and if successful, he will deprive you of all true happiness for this life and of the eternal blessing of your soul.
Now I do not attempt to deny the tremendous attraction this world has, nor would I seek to condemn everything that you might mention as naturally pleasant. On the contrary, I would remind you that it has ever been God's desire that His creature, man, should be happy; and take it that happiness is exactly what you are seeking. I feel sure you have no intention of going in for what is wrong or positively sinful, but you are anxious to spend a happy life, and you are loath to give up what has already begun to afford you a kind of pleasure, although your conscience is not quite at rest as to it.
You will admit that two things are necessary in order for anyone to be happy: (1) the cause of dissatisfaction, unrest, and dread of God must be removed; and (2) a spring of joy must be found which can fill the heart.
Now the death of Christ is that alone by which the first difficulty can be solved. Every believer in Him is entitled to know that God has been fully satisfied with the work of Christ when He "was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification." The simplest believer in Jesus is "justified from all things," and hence fear is removed.
The second necessity is met by the ONE Who has done the work becoming known, loved, and adored by those who have trusted Him, and thus He becomes the Spring of Eternal Happiness, incomparable and supreme.
Will you let me contrast for you the two great circles of interest which are within your reach?
The first is called "this present evil world," and is composed of people who, under the influence of Satan, are trying to be happy without God. Of them the Word of God says, "The god of this world is blinding the minds of them that believe not, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the Image of God, should shine in upon them." One of his many methods is to make the world as attractive as possible by a ceaseless whirl of ever-varying pleasures (!), and so keep people occupied, and to a certain extent pleased, away from God. It matters not whether there is any "harm" in the pleasure or not, if it is part of the devil's plan to keep souls away from Christ. The effect is fatal, and it may well be shunned.
There is a very simple test by which "the world" can be detected. Let anyone mention the name of Christ in sincerity in any of the various circles of pleasure. The effect will betray the true character of the gathering. Invariably the speaker would quickly be told: "It is no place for that kind of thing here!" while the sneers and the cold shoulder confirm the truth: "Christ is not wanted; He has no place here!”
If Christ has no place, then "it is not of the Father, but is of the world," for Christ is the Son of the Father—His well-beloved; and the decree of God is, that "all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father.”
There is a further weighty consideration as to this world. It is a passing, changing scene, full of death. The best it can afford is only for this life, uncertain and brief as it is, and then for the worldling nothing but a lost eternity. "What shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" To spend an eternity of remorse at having been duped by Satan with a few paltry passing trifles, which even at the time do not afford real, true and pure joy.
But there is another side. There is a circle of pleasure which has the Lord Jesus Christ as it center; and its circumference encloses millions of people on the earth at the present moment who gladly testify that they had never known joy until they knew Him. He is their Savior, their Friend, their Lord, their Hope, their Joy. He is the Son of God, God's Eternal Son, Who fills God's heart with delight, Who is presently going to fill the universe with joy, and Who today would fill your heart with overflowing happiness if you would bow to Him.
Dare you suggest that there is less joy, less true pleasure, less satisfaction found in the circle which has the Son of God controlling it than there is in a world which is under the control of Satan? God forbid the thought!
Will you not surrender unconditionally to Him? As a lost sinner, dissatisfied and without hope, fall at His feet, and He will so gladly receive you, welcome, bless you, and make you supremely happy in the knowledge of Himself. Then will you find yourself in that circle of pleasure where there is not only present enjoyment, but joy which all eternity will not exhaust.
Believe me to be,
Yours to serve for Christ's sake,