A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
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A gentleman was once preaching to a large congregation of Christians, and urging them to work for their Master. At the close of his address, a little boy from the farthest end of the hall made his way through the crowded seats to the platform, and touching the preacher’s arm, said, “If you please, sir, what can I do for the Lord? I am willing to work for Him.” The gentleman hardly knew how to answer, so he quietly lifted up his heart to God, and trusted Him to give the right message for this little volunteer.
“Well,” said he, “are you converted?” “Oh, yes, sir!” was the quick answer. “Have you a mother and father?” “I have a mother, sir.”
“And is she converted?” was the next question.
“Oh, yes, sir.”
“And your brothers and sisters?” continued the good man.
“I haven’t any, please, sir.”
“Then have you a companion?” “Oh, yes, there’s Charlie,” was the quick reply.
“Well, my boy, is Charlie converted?”
“No, he ain’t, sir.”
“Then go and try to get him saved, and that will be working for the Lord.”
With a glad heart the little fellow ran off. As soon as he got home he rushed up to his little room and knelt down.
“Please, Lord, convert Charlie. Please, Lord, convert Charlie.” This he said again and again.
Presently Charlie himself came bounding up the stairs in search of his companion. He paused outside the door, quite awed at hearing his own name repeated so many, times, for he understood that Johnnie was praying for him. “Come here, Charlie, and kneel down,” said his friend. Charlie came, and soon he was sobbing as though his heart would break.
“Give your heart to God, Charlie, give your heart to God,” urged the little fellow, and then he continued his prayer, “Please, Lord, convert Charlie.”
“Oh! but I’m so wicked,” sobbed Charlie.
“Never mind that, Jesus’ll take all your sins away if you’ll only trust Him.” Charlie did trust, and there and then the Lord gave him the assunce of His pardon and forgiveness.
The next morning Johnnie went in search of the preacher and found him at home all alone.
“Well! my lad,” he said, recognizing the little fellow.
“If you please, sir, Charlie’s converted,” burst from Johnnie’s lips, and then he went on to say how it had come about. “And now what else shall I do?”
“Go to your neighbors,” said the gentleman, “tell them about Jesus.”
Away went Johnnie, his heart quite full, at the thought of doing this.
One by one, he told the people who lived near his mother’s cottage about the love of Jesus, until he won fifty precious souls for his Master, and today they can praise God for the “little child who led them” to the foot of the cross.
God calls you to work for Him, dear boys and girls. If you have realized that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has cleansed you from all sin, go and plead with your unsaved brothers and sisters, or companions. Do not be discouraged by the chilling words you may receive from those who do not believe children ought to work for Jesus. Ask the Lord Himself to teach you, and to give you the right words to say. “Son, go work today in My vineyard” is addressed to you just as it is to older ones.
ML 10/31/1954