Years ago I was visiting on a farm in Ontario. After breakfast one morning I went out to the barnyard to have a look around. I heard a lot of squealing, and it sounded to me as though something was wrong. The farmer was busy in the field, so I went to see where the noise was coming from. I soon discovered what had happened.
The farmer had built a concrete pit which he used for cooling milk. The pit was kept full of water, and a young pig had fallen in. He was doing all the squealing, and the mother pig was all excited too, for she could not get her baby out of the water. The little one was paddling around as best he could, but if he were not rescued soon, he would tire himself out and drown.
I could save the little pig, so I got down on the edge of the pit, took him by the ears and quickly had him out on the dry ground. Away Piggie ran with his mother.
A long time ago, the Lord Jesus looked down from heaven and saw poor, lost sinners who could never, never save themselves from sin and Satan and hell. Then the Lord Jesus came to earth; He was born in Bethlehem, grew up as a boy and became a man. He went about doing good, and then He went to Calvary’s hill, near Jerusalem, where wicked men nailed Him to a cross. There the Lord Jesus died for sinners. God said that because the Lord Jesus died to put away sin, if anyone simply believed in Him and confessed in words something like these, ‘I deserved to die for my sin, but Jesus died for me,’ then that one need not perish but would have everlasting life. There is no other way to be saved. Sinners can’t save themselves, and even angels can’t save them.
Working for salvation won’t do it; waiting won’t do; wishing, hoping, crying over your sins — nothing will save you except faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners.