A Little While.

“A LITTLE while!” A little while, O Master,
What is it Thou hast said?
The vast train of expectant years grows vaster,
The deep, dark tide of sin flows wider, faster;
We listen for Thy tread.
Hope watching stands, our storm-tossed vessel steering,
But the dark skies vouchsafe no sign of Thine appearing.
A little while! Faith reads the promise over
While louder roars the storm;
Then gazes, keener eyed than any lover,
O’er the night-blackened surges, to discover
Some vestige of Thy form;
And oft the dreary night-watch to beguile
Repeats “ ‘A little while’—He said ‘A little while.’”
But love, with instinct truer, deeper, keener,
No sign or vision craving—
Garnering Thy precious words up as a gleaner
The golden ears; with heart and brow serener
For all the tempest’s raving;
Feeling Thee near and conscious of Thy smile,
Counts the slow-rolling ages but “A little while.”