HAVING arrived at a shop recently just as the door was closed for the night, I found myself too late to gain admission.
I had business to do at two other places first, but thought I should be in time for this particular shop, and I specially wanted something done that evening.
Seeing a customer inside, I asked the person who was drawing the blinds if I might come in, but was told I was too late.
I felt perplexed for a moment, but then thought, “Perhaps I can go elsewhere, or I must come to-morrow.”
But it suddenly brought to my mind very solemnly the thought of another door which is about to be closed. The day of God's grace is fast drawing to an end, and then the DOOR OF MERCY will be shut-not just for a night-but Forever.
How many will be just a moment too late?
Dear one, if you have not yet come to the Saviour, come now, without delay. Don't think, “I will just go to this amusement," or "I must just have one more dance, and then I will think about my soul; I shall have time enough then.”
You may be just a moment too late. The door of mercy may be closed, and you (like me at the shop) will have to remain outside—not for one night, but for all eternity.
Oh! the anguish when you see others inside, where you might have been had you come in time!
You will plead in vain for admission then:
“Lord, Lord, open to us"; only to be answered by: "I know you not." (Matt. 25:11, 1211Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. (Matthew 25:11‑12).) You will have judgment staring you in the face, and nowhere to flee for refuge.
Do, dear one, I beseech you, come to the Saviour NOW.
“Ere night that gate may close, and seal your ' doom;
Then the last low, long, woeful cry,
'NO ROOM.' "
C. L. W.