In a recent tragedy in Mexico, a I church building collapsed and caved in upon those who were inside. Among the many dead was found a mother, her body broken and crushed by the falling rock, but when they lifted her up, they found under her two of her children, unconscious from the weight upon them, but alive. The mother had protected them with her own body. She gave her life to save them; she died that they might live.
The Bible tells us the most wonderful story of One who gave His life to save others, even His enemies. The Lord Jesus gave His life to save us from the just judgment of God against our sins. He died that we might live. But death could not hold Him, for He rose again, and lives at God’s right hand in heaven. Now He offers salvation free to all through faith in Him, and eternal life.
Those who put their trust in Him are saved eternally. But those who refuse Him and His mercy, must bear their own eternal judgment. Are you saved, dear reader?
ML 07/25/1965