A Pilgrim's Song

 •  1 min. read
Call me not stranger,
I’ve a home above,
Speak not of danger,
My refuge is love.
A Saviour in heav’n,
Who welcomes me there,
To, me He has giv’n
His glory to share.
Then speak not of loss,
My heart’s full of gain,
Earth’s glory’s but dross,
This life only pain.
Think me not lonely
With Jesus all day,
He walking with me;
And knows all the way.
And while I’m tasting
His company here,
Gladly I’m hasting
To be with Him there.
E’en as I’m learning
His absence below,
Deeper I’m yearning,
His presence to know.
Oh Lord! I pray thee,
Draw hearts by thy love,
Bid all ENJOY Thee,
E’en HERE as above.