"A Place for You."

John 14
THE above words were used twice (see John 14), by our Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
A certain teacher of religion, used to tell a lot of black girls and boys, they would have a place in the kitchen in heaven, provided they were good, and did what they were told!
One of the boys, in spite of this bad teaching, through divine mercy, was truly converted to God. As a repentant sinner he trusted Christ as his Saviour; and his soul was filled with joy and praise, as he learned how the Son of God had loved him and given Himself for him.
Betaking himself to prayer, and learning to read the Word of God, very soon the Holy Spirit opened his lips to speak of Christ to others. When quite an old man, after long, zealous and happy service for the Lord, he once told us how earnestly he searched the Scriptures, vainly trying to discover what the kitchen in heaven would be like; and then exclaimed, “I could not find one I but, thank God, I found that Jesus said, Where I am, there ye shall be also! That is heaven for me!— TO BE WHERE MY SAVIOUR IS!— TO BE WITH HIM!”
Yes, the one who knows the love of Jesus, desires to be with Himself. His presence there, in His Father’s house, will be the pre-eminent thing for our hearts; and our presence there is what His heart looks forward to; so He said, “I will come again, and RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF.”
Then each shall share His joy above,
Behold Him whom unseen we love.