A Preacher's Parable

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A celebrated preacher called Billy Bray was once preaching with telling effect to a large congregation of miners.
In that neighborhood there were two mines. One was very prosperous and the other quite the reverse, for there the work was hard and the wages low. Billy represented himself as working at that mine, but on payday going to the manager of the prosperous one for his wages.
"But have you not been at work at the other mine?" the manager inquired.
"Yes, I have," Billy answered, "but I like the wages at this good mine better." He pleaded very earnestly, but in vain, of course. He was dismissed at last with the remark from which there was no appeal: "You must come here to work if you want to come here for your wages.”
And then Billy Bray turned upon his congregation with almost irresistible effect. "Friends," he cried, "you must serve Christ here if you would share His glory hereafter. If you serve the devil now, to him you must go for your wages by and by.”
"Look unto Me, and be ye
saved, all the ends of the
earth: for I am God, and
there is none else.”