A LADY living in Brighton, went to see a lady in London about the character of a servant who had applied to her for a situation.
After being seated the lady told her that she took more interest in servants than she used to, as “a Servant” was the means of her conversion, which occurred in the following way;—
She said, My husband had once to be away from me for a week on important business, and being by myself, I felt very sad and lonely, especially on one particular morning, and I said to myself, “I have got all that this world can give, why am I like this?”
My servant then came into the room, holding a letter in her hand, saying, “Please mistress, will you read this letter from my sister?”
At one time my pride would have resented this, but I believe the Spirit of God compelled me to read it. The letter ran thus; “Do you know you are either serving God or Satan? Will you give your heart to the Lord Jesus? You cannot serve two masters.” These words arrested my attention, and I shed bitter tears of repentance, as I was convinced that I was not serving God.
Soon afterwards I encountered my servant on the staircase, and she said, “Well mistress! what do you think of my sister’s letter?”
I said it was very nice, and was going on, but she stopped me and said, “If I give my heart to the Lord Jesus, will you?”
I told her to come with me into the parlor, and we both knelt down, and gave our hearts to the Lord Jesus, and have been happy ever since, and so completely did I surrender myself to the Lord, that I got rid of all my jewelry and could not bear to go to my wardrobe and see my smart dresses that I used to wear at balls and theaters. When my husband returned, I told him of my conversion. He replied, Is it to be “me or Christ?” I said, “Christ.” No one knows what I suffered at his hands, until two years before his death, when I am happy to say, he made the same choice.
During the above period, we had Bible Meetings, and happy fellowship with fellow believers in our own house. W. S. G.