A Retrospect of the Journey

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Lord, when the journey's over,
And we the road survey,
What grace shall we discover
Has led us all the way;
Where we were once so fearful,
The dangers seemed so vast;
Where we were sad and tearful,
The skies so overcast,
Because of weak faith's blindness
So slow Thy love to learn;
We shall Thy watchful kindness,
In every stage discern.
When we Thy joys inherit,
And all Thy glory share,
And through Thy death and merit
The crown of life shall wear;
When we shall drink the waters
Fresh from the throne of God,
With all the sons and daughters
Redeemed by Thy blood;
When we shall tune our voices
To golden harps above,
And each with all rejoices
In Thy surpassing love:—
Oh, what will seem the sorrow,
When measured with the joy
Of that eternal morrow,
Of bliss without alloy?
How light our heaviest trouble!
How short our sharpest pain!
Gone like a bursting bubble,
Compared with all we gain!
He comes, and we are risen;
We meet Him in the sky,—
One step, as from a prison,
To heaven's own home on high!
The world's vain, worthless pleasures,
Its treach'rous hopes and lies,
Its rusty, worn-out treasures,
As baubles we despise
We look for His appearing,
The Morning Star so bright;
This hope our spirits cheering
Beguiles the hours of night
We know by many a token
We soon shall reach our home;
For our " Beloved" has spoken,
" Behold, I quickly come!"
But, oh, most blessed Savior,
Before we see Thy face,
Grant us each day this favor,
To live upon Thy Grace!
While groaning in this prison,
With many a grief opprest,
To look, with faith's strong vision,
To our eternal rest;
Time's seen-things all are wasting,
Night's shadows quickly flee;
O joy! the day is hasting, Eternity with Thee!