The young woman who is the subject of our story was the only daughter of her family, and greatly beloved by a devoted mother. She knew not the Lord, and was seeking, like many another, to slake her thirst by drinking at the fountains of this world.
The mother was removed by death, and the bereaved daughter felt her loss to be great indeed. This circumstance was used to give her some insight as to the uncertain and unsatisfactory nature of all things pertaining to this life. Her famished soul was seeking for that which would give real comfort, and satisfy the deepest cravings of her heart. She prayed to God to send something that would add interest and satisfaction to her life. God heard her prayer, as He always does hear the cry of the troubled heart, and answered it in a way that surpassed her expectations.
There were at that time, two evangelists holding gospel meetings not far from where she lived, and she went to hear them. At these meetings the Lord Jesus was set forth as a Savior of sinners, and all were invited to come to Him, and accept Him as their Savior. Our young friend was among those who believed the message to the salvation of her soul. This brought about a great change in her life. She was no longer lonely and sad. She now goes about her work with a peaceful and joyous heart. In accepting Jesus, she has found comfort, and a satisfying portion, and is daily making Him a resource in any perplexity that may arise in her pathway. With a simple trust, she leaves the regulation of her life to Him.
She has not only present peace and comfort, but what a happy prospect is before her, and all those who believe the glad tidings set forth in the gospel.
Believers are made partakers of that divine life which is eternal, and an eternity of bliss is awaiting them, to be spent in the company of One who has purchased them with His own blood.
The enemy often tells exercised souls that in becoming Christians they will forfeit much of the joy of life, and only a gray and monotonous existence stretches out before them. This is a favorite misrepresentation of the father of lies.
The enticement he holds out is deceptive. His promises of pleasure are false. It is not within his power to give any genuine, or lasting satisfaction. He may divert the mind for a time, and seek to lure by his false promises, but at the most unexpected moments this phantom of enjoyment deserts his victims, and leaves in the soul only an aching void.
We once heard an aged Christian relate how, as an unconverted youth, he had spent many an evening of gayety, only to return home with a feeling of desolation in his soul, and a craving for something he knew not of.
This reminds us of the memorable words of the Lord Jesus to the woman of Samaria, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water, springing up into everlasting life” (John. 4:13, 14).
Reader, do not be deceived. The pleasures of this world are quickly passing. Choose rather that which will endure when this earth, and all that is therein shall be rolled up as a scroll.
Accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, and be saved, and satisfied, now and forever.
O Christ! He is the fountain,
The deep sweet well of love;
The streams on earth I’ve tasted,
More deep I’ll drink above!
There to an ocean’s fullness,
His mercy doth expand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land.