A Savior for You!

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Afar off from God on the broad downward road
The soul may have wandered 'neath sin's heavy load;
Yet still there's a message for Gentile and Jew,
And this is its purport—There's a Savior for you!

Though burdened with sin, and though laden with care,
E'en now there is hope, so you need not despair;
For Jesus has met all the penalty due
To sin; and in glory—He's the Savior for you!

Oh, why quench your thirst at the rivers of earth,
By drinking from streams of unsanctified mirth?
Oh, why not the world and its pleasures eschew
And heed the glad tidings—There's a Savior for you?

A Savior for you! Oh, how precious the word
That God hath declared Him both Savior and Lord!
He's finished the work God assigned Him to do;
And now, rest assured—There's a Savior for you!

Ah, soon will this day of God's favor be o'er,
When He will forever have shut to the door;
How bitterly, then, all the past you'll review,
In hearing no longer—There's a Savior for you.
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?"