"A Saviour, Christ the Lord."

(Tune― “Herrnhut.” Hymnal Companion, No. 529.)
CHARMING is the Gospel story,
Love’s tale of Jesus, Lord of glory.
The sinner’s Friend, seen here on earth;
Bethlehem’s lowly manger held Him,
There trustful shepherds sought and found Him,
When angel’s voice disclosed His birth.
Hail! hail! Incarnate Word!
“A Saviour, Christ the Lord,”
God’s Son, in grace, takes here a place,
To seek, and save, a fallen race.
Perfect love marked all His pathway,
As, through this world of sin and misery,
He hastened onward to the cross:
There in grace for sins He suffered,
As unto God Himself He offered,
Our souls to win by His own loss:
The cup of wrath He drained,
The victory He gained,
The crimson wave, His opened grave,
Proclaim Him mighty now to save.
By the Father’s glory raised,
Ascended high, in glory seated,
With joy we see our Saviour now;
Ransomed by His full redemption,
To Him we cry, with adoration,
Worthy of homage, Lord, art Thou:
Both heart and voice we raise
In Thine eternal praise,
In Thee we boast, at endless cost,
Jesus, Thou’st sought, and saved, the lost.
W. T. P. W.