JOHN BUNYAN when a young man enlisted as a soldier, and was amongst the number of those on whom the lot fell to besiege Leicester during the civil war. Just as he was ready to go, another soldier begged to take his place. Bunyan consented, and his substitute was shot in the head as he stood on guard. Was not that a noble act towards a fellow-man? for he really gave his life for his comrade, and died in Bunyan's stead. But here is a more wonderful story still. Jesus, the Son of God, died for His enemies. Bunyan was probably that soldier's friend; but sinners are the foes of God and Christ. Yet such was the love of God toward His enemies, that He gave His Son to die for them; and such the love of Jesus, that "He willingly died in our stead.”
“O, 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love,
The love of God to me,
It brought my Savior from above,
To die on Calvary.”
Reader, have you believed the love of God? Have you accepted as your Substitute the One who suffered in your stead? There is no way of salvation apart from this. If you neglect or reject the One who came to seek and save your lost and guilty soul, you will pass on to suffer the wages of sin, and the doom of a Christ-rejector in hell.