Albert and Arthur are two boys who like to speak to each other about the Lord Jesus, for they know Him as the One who, by His death on the cross, has saved them from their sins.
One day, while out for a walk together, Albert told Arthur of a gentleman who used to say in a loud voice to those whom he met.
“Prepare to meet thy God.”
As they walked on they overtook a mall, who, though a stranger to Albert, was well known to Arthur, as he lived in the village where Arthur was brought up.
The thought came into Albert’s mind to say these solemn words, “Prepare to meet thy God” loud enough for the man to hear them.
He did so twice, and the man suddenly stood still, as if something had struck him, and made Him unable to move. Perhaps he was thinking deeply of the words he had just heard. May God have blessed them to his soul.
Only a few days later, someone came into my room, and said,
“Such a sad thing has just happened. Mr. R. has fallen down dead in the road outside here, and there is a large crowd gathered.”
Wonderful to relate, it was the very same man who, two or three days before, had heard Albert say, “Prepare to meet thy God.”
Dear children, the only way to meet. God with joy is to meet Him in Jesus, whose words are,
“Suffer the children to come unto Me.” Have you come to him yet? if not, come to Him now.
ML 02/23/1936