A Song in the Night.

I THANK Thee, O Lord, for the gift of affliction,
For wounding my spirit, for breaking my rest;
I bless Thee, O Lord, for the sweet benediction;
In love Thou hast done it; Thy way is the best.
I thank Thee, O Lord, for conflict, temptation,
For the harass of Satan, for weariness, pain;
In all Thou hast granted me strong consolation,
In all Thou hast shown me Thy love and my gain.
I thank Thee, O Lord, for my tears and my sorrow,
For frequent chastising’s, for uncertainty’s care;
Thy wisdom forbids me to boast of the morrow,
Thy goodness protects me ‘gainst every snare.
I pray Thee, O Lord, Thou still wilt uphold me;
Thou knowest my weakness; Thou ponderest my way:
Preserve me, support me, comfort and keep me,
Lest I should grow weary, or wander astray.
I thank Thee, O Lord, for the rest of Thy presence!
Strong refuge! Sweet calm of my troublous night!
Of heaven’s own gladness and brightness the essence!
The glory I look for till dawns the true light.
I thank Thee, my Lord, for the gift of affliction,
For wounding my spirit, for breaking my rest:
I bless Thee, my Lord, for Thy love’s benediction;
In grave Thou hast wounded; Thy way is the best.