“The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”
I at once fastened it correctly in my mind, and as I walked to my office, I kept “eating” it, turning it over and over, and getting such a sweet taste out of it, and such a sense of strength and spiritual satisfaction
What I Found in the Word
“'The Name of the Lord,'” said I, “why that means the Lord Himself! He is a strong tower.”
“And the ‘strong tower’? In olden time, that was a place of defense and protection, like our forts today.”
“The ‘righteous runneth into it.’ Who can the righteous be, save those who are made righteous through receiving Christ by faith as their righteousness?”
“‘Runneth,’ there is a thought of haste because of the pursuit by the enemy,” and Paul's words came into my mind,
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in high places.”
“‘Runneth into it, and is safe.’ O, the security and peace of the believer who puts his trust in God!”
And so I kept on “masticating” the word, and finding something new in it at every bite.
But that was not all. Before the day was over I needed all the strength I got out of it. There were trials that day, the enemy was on my heels, and how glad I was to run, and to know the place to run to and be safe!