The alarm sounded and every fireman rushed to his post. The driver started the engine, and away we went, our bell clinging, and every man holding on as we hurried through the streets.
Our chief, a fine young chap, champion driver for his home town, was up on top. Presently, as we rounded a corner at top speed he lost his balance, and fell backwards to the pavement striking his head on the curb. Of course we stopped, and we could all see he was seriously injured. However, we had orders to go on while the injured man was rushed to a hospital. But it was too late for him—he died on the way there, I had often spoken to him about his need of the Lord Jesus, and how He had died on the cross of Calvary to make us fit to live with Him in Heaven. But now it was too late for him to be saved—he had gone into eternity never to return.
Dear reader, how would it be with you if you were called suddenly into eternity? Are you ready? Have your sins been washed away in the precious blood of Christ?
If the Lord does not come before, your friends will someday look on your lifeless body, but where will your soul be? We who are saved are ready because the Lord Jesus bore the punishment our sins deserved on the cross. Are you ready?
ML 01/11/1953