A Tale of Two Cities

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YP Address—D. Nicolet
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Very well known hymn #82 hymn number.
82 Jesus.
Alone, artworthy.
Take to speak about with the Lord's help.
Two, perhaps we could say 3 cities.
Cities are mentioned frequently in the Word of God, and there are many, many.
Valuable lessons that we can learn from considering the subject of cities, Some of those cities have very.
Negative connotations. Some have very positive connotations and lessons. If I were to use the name, for instance, Babylon, you would get a definite response or thought in your heart. Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho. And so there are cities mentioned in the word of God that carries some very, very solemn and vital lessons.
There are other cities. Nazareth, Bethlehem.
Jerusalem. And so we could go on. And there are very precious and wonderful thoughts connected with them.
With the Lord's help this afternoon I'd like to speak, as I said, about a couple.
But really not spend a lot of time on the cities themselves, but I'd like to.
Speak about really your part, beloved young people and dear Christians.
In the third one. But let's look at those two cities, or at least references to them.
Very well known.
We'll start in Genesis chapter.
Genesis Chapter 4.
And verse 16.
And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bear Enoch. And he builded a city, and called the name of the city.
After the name of his son Enoch.
I'm going to talk about these cities as to their names. This is the first one, first city mentioned in the word of God and its name is Enoch. Now the next city we're going to look at is perhaps referred to by a variety of names, but we'll look at the one that's mentioned in the last chapter of Ezekiel.
The last chapter of Ezekiel.
And I'm just going to read the last phrase.
Of the 35th verse of Ezekiel, chapter 48.
And the name of the city from that day shall be the Lord is there.
Or if I understand properly from Mr. Darby's translation, that could be called Jehovah Shama.
And Enoch. Now we know that this city, this references the glory of this millennial city is Jerusalem, sometimes called Zion.
Called, sometimes called the City of David.
What I want to speak about, with the Lord's help this afternoon, is.
The third reference to a city and beloved young people? That's you.
And I'm making an application of a city as to what characterizes and what ought to characterize our lives as Christians.
The City of Enoch.
Or the Lord is there.
And the happiness and fruitfulness and joy that you're going to experience in your life if the Lord should leave us here any little time.
Will depend very largely this afternoon on whether you can, in honesty before God, say that your life is called by this name or characterized by this name. Jehovah Shama, the Lord is there.
Or by the city that characterizes the world in which we Live Today. I don't want to spend much time on it, but let's go back for just a moment to Genesis chapter 4 and notice.
Something about that city.
Because you have a choice to make this afternoon my beloved young people, and so do I.
That my life is going to be characterized by what characterized this city.
Or it's going to be characterized by?
The Lord is there. We're going to turn to a few other scriptures, but I want you to notice in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 19 that the first thing that characterized the city Enoch was there was no heart satisfaction to be found there.
Lamech needed two wives.
He didn't find.
Satisfaction in what God instituted.
His affections weren't satisfied. Beloved young people this afternoon, are your affection satisfied?
I want you to ask yourself these questions.
I'm asking myself the same things. Is your heart satisfied? Lamex wasn't. He needed two wives now?
The things that we're about to read are not, in themselves, necessarily bad. In fact, I'd say they're needful.
But they're necessarily bad, and they're not needful if they're things that characterize your life as the sources of satisfaction. So the next thing is.
The character of business, if I can just say it that way, I think it's been referred to many times that way. They that dwell in tents and have cattle that characterize the city. Enoch, there was business there.
Nothing wrong with a career. Certainly nothing wrong with working. And I might say, beloved young people that if you are going to work, if the Lord has LED you into some career or profession of some sort, whether it's working with computers, whether it's working on a farm, whatever it is.
Remember that verse. Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, is unto the Lord. You better be the best you can at what the Lord has given you to do, because it's a dishonor to the Lord to be to do your work less than the best you can do. That's not the issue. The issue is the work that the Lord's given you to do. Do you look at us at it as that which is going to satisfy your heart when nothing else can?
That's the City of Enoch. And then the next thing was entertainment.
Is that what you're looking for this afternoon? To satisfy your heart? Is there anything wrong with music? Anything wrong with art? Anything wrong with all that?
Is related to that area.
In itself.
Apart from the defiling ways that man corrupts it, no, and there most certainly isn't.
But if you're looking for entertainment this afternoon as that which is going to characterize your life.
As it characterized this city, Enoch.
You're looking in the wrong place. And then technology and science, all of them that.
In verse 22 every artificer in brass and iron.
We live in a wonderfully interesting, complex and exciting age technologically.
Is there something wrong with that? We can thank technology. We can thank the Lord, first of all for bringing us all here safely. But you would consider the kinds of technology that it took to get you here.
There's a brother sitting here. I don't mean to embarrass him, but I don't know very much about what he does. But I know that he often sits in a room that directs those airplanes that many of you flew here on. And that room that he sits in is many miles away from here. And yet, because of technology, the airplane that you came in on and by the grace of God above all, landed safely.
Or the car that you drove in and we could go on and on and on. Is there anything wrong with that?
Only if you're looking for it to satisfy as the source, to satisfy your heart. Because after this city, Enoch couldn't be satisfied with its affections. After it couldn't be satisfied with profession. The careers after it couldn't be satisfied with entertainment. After it couldn't be satisfied with technology.
It also ended up being a place.
That was a place where people got hurt.
Now that's the world that looks so bright and sparkling this afternoon that's beckoning to you.
And I'm going to suggest, beloved young people, that your life is going to be characterized.
By that city, Enoch and all that it has that looks so good, that is, in essence, if it's a source of satisfaction, so empty.
Your life is either characterized by that board of schooling or it's going to be characterized by Jehovah Shama. But before we get to that and and develop that a bit more.
I want to look at some other verses that relate to the city of Jerusalem that I believe is referred to in the last verse of Ezekiel in its millennial glory when the Lord Jesus Christ reigns there as King Supreme in this world and that city that right now today is undergoing such problems with terrorism and unrest, which is probably causing the root, if I can say it this way, politically, of the terrorism and unrest throughout this whole world.
That city is going to be the center of 1000 years of glory and peace.
And it will be called by the name Jehovah. The Lord is there.
I'd like for my life and yours this afternoon, beloved young people, that our lives might be characterized by that as we walk through this world right now, for however long the Lord has determined you and I are going to walk through this scene, but I want to look at that city.
The first mention of it, as far as I know, is in Joshua. Let's take a quick look at that.
At least the first name in the sense of Jerusalem.
Chapter 10 and I'm just going to read a few words from verse one.
Joshua chapter 10 and verse one.
When atonized King of Jerusalem.
Now I believe that's the first time that this city that is called by the name of the Lord Jehovah Shama.
As its name, Jerusalem is mentioned and it's mentioned as being ruled by a king.
Who is connected with idolatry and hated the children, The people of God.
Now I want you to turn over with me. We won't dwell on that. I want you to turn over with me to. We could turn to a couple of these, but let's turn over to 2nd Quran or first Chronicles.
First Chronicles, Chapter 11.
And then we're going to turn to one more verse before going into the subject that I had on my heart. These are introductory.
So Jerusalem, the first mention of it is mentioned as being ruled by this idolatrous, wicked king who hated and wanted to fight against the people of God.
First Chronicles, Chapter 11.
And we'll start with verse four and David and all Israel went to Jerusalem.
David is a man after God's own heart, a beautiful picture often in Scripture of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Which is Jebus. Now there's another name.
There were a race of people, the Jebusites, who lived in that city, and here's what they said.
And the habitants, verse five of Jesus said to David, Thou shalt not come.
Hit her.
You're not welcome here, David. Now, there's some other interesting verses in another passage relating to this, but I just want to make this point.
Jerusalem was David's rightful place to reign, and he took it.
And he's a picture of the Lord Jesus.
Who has the rights to reign in this world and has been cast out?
And beloved young people that want him to be cast out of your life as a Christian. And you say, well, I know him as savior.
And I answer what has often been said. You can know Jesus Christ as your savior.
And not allow him to be the Lord of your life to rule.
In a place that he deserves and owns and deserves to rule in.
And so David took this place called Jebus, and it was called the City of David. So there's another name.
It's called the city of David and David dwelled in the castle. Verse 7, therefore they called.
It the City of David. Now one last verse.
You see what we're finding.
No mention of a king in the city Enoch.
Unfulfilled affections.
All sorts of things to satisfy the heart, which really didn't.
And even hurt and fighting.
Lack of peace wounding all of that, but there was number King.
And that's the world, beloved young people that you and I are walking through today. A world.
Characterized by what characterized the people of God. Even in the days of the judges, there was number king in Israel.
For every man did that which was right in his own eyes. What's right in your eyes in terms of morality?
Do it.
What do you really want to do with your life? Don't let anybody hold you back.
Life is short. Play hard and on and on and on. The lies go in Enochs, the city, Enoch.
But there's another city where?
David is going to reign a picture of the Lord Jesus.
And there's going to be a fight to keep him from reigning there.
And if you're a Christian this afternoon sitting here, you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and you want to live for Christ. You want your life to be a city where the it's knowing that the Lord is there, that David, as it were in type, reigns in your life, has authority, rules in your life for blessing.
There's going to be a battle.
I want to read one last verse about Jerusalem, which to me is exceedingly sad. And then we're going to talk a little bit, as time allows beloved young people for the rest of the hour about building.
What the enemy is trying to destroy if you're here this afternoon and you know the Lord Jesus Christ and Savior, I say again.
That there is an enemy that does not want you to have and enjoy and walk in the blessings that the Lord Jesus wants you to have and enjoy.
And the only way you're going to be able to enjoy and walk in those blessings is to see that he and he alone is the king.
The ruler that that city your life is characterized by, the Lord is there.
Not by what characterized the city Enoch.
I want you to turn with me to Luke.
This is a heartbreaking verse. It's the divinely inspired word of God, and so there's something to learn from it.
Luke chapter.
The Lord Jesus has come to Jerusalem. This is great David's greater son.
This is the one that David pictured and typified, and he has now come to be received as king in Jerusalem.
And we heard about that this morning. Had he been received?
The blessings that would have come. The glory of the Kingdom that would have been set up.
But when the rightful king came?
They spit in his face.
And they hung him on a cross outside the city.
And they said as the Jebusites said to David.
You're not coming in here.
Delivered young people. May I speak very plainly.
Are there any of you sitting here who know the Lord Jesus Christ and Savior, but you have reserved a part of your life, a part of that city, And you're saying, in effect, maybe perhaps not in words, but in effect, you're saying to the Lord Jesus this is a part of the city you're not coming to. I've reserved it for myself.
Well, I want to tell you what is going through, if I may say this reverently, When the Lord Jesus came to Jerusalem to be received there as king, to set up the glory of that Kingdom, and to bring that promised blessing and to do all that had been promised, he was there. He was ready to do it.
Here's what it says.
Verse 37 of Luke chapter 19. And when he Jesus was come nigh near even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice.
You know, I don't know if in the city Enoch there was any rejoicing. There were things that people tried to find joy in, but it doesn't say there is rejoicing. It says I've slain a young man to my hurt, to my wounding. That doesn't sound like rejoicing to me.
But here is the real the true king coming now to be received, and the people that in faith recognize this begin rejoicing.
If you turn, allow whatever word you want to use your life that city.
Called by your name.
To be called by the name of the Lord this afternoon. Give him the full rights of reign in your life.
I'm going to tell you the rejoicing is going to begin.
And it's a rejoicing.
That all of this world, with all of its interesting things, will never be able to supply.
Because it's a rejoicing that begins and has no end but the Lord Jesus, that King, the king.
The one.
That we might say in a coming day will be referred to, and that city is Jehovah Shama. The Lord is there.
Notice verse 41. So sad, so solemn.
And when he Jesus was come, I'm going to misread this verse to emphasize a thought.
When he Jesus was come into the city, he beheld the city and wept.
Over it.
He wasn't welcome there. He came near the city.
Now it's true. Historically, he entered into the city and he cleansed the temple. Make not my father's house and House of merchandise.
But it wasn't long after this that he was carried out of that city. Oregon LED out of that city rather, and hung on a cross.
So he comes near the city.
He's wanting to bless that city.
And he knows that there's going to be rejection, and he weeps over it.
Beloved young people.
There perhaps our parents here who have burdened hearts.
There perhaps our brothers and sisters in Christ here.
Grandpas and grandmas, aunts and uncles, friends, brethren.
Whose hearts are heavy and burdened.
For some of you.
But none of them.
And I speak as a dad and as a grandpa.
None of them.
Come close.
To grieving.
The way the Lord Jesus grieves.
Over one of his own.
Who will not allow him?
To come into that city.
And rain.
We won't turn to it.
But you can read in Acts when Philip the evangelist went down to the city Samaria and he preached the gospel and the Samaritans received it, it says there was great joy in that city.
Is the Lord Jesus grieving over your life this afternoon?
I'm not talking about your brethren.
Our dad and mom, our grandpa and grandma.
Although that certainly.
Is a valid consideration.
My question to you beloved young people is.
When the Lord Jesus has drawn near to you that he might bring blessing into your life.
That he might open those floodgates of heaven.
And bless you with a satisfaction and a joy and a rejoicing and a fulfillment and a purpose of life, such as this world is madly.
As he draws near to do that to you, beloved young people, beloved Christian, sitting here this afternoon.
Does he know as he looks into your heart that there's rejection, that there's a wall built up?
That he's not going to be received.
That he's not going to be Lord of your life, and I say in the application that he is not going to be king.
That your life is not going to be named.
You know, this morning we read in Hebrews about this glorious person.
Perhaps you said in a lot of conferences, and you've heard Hebrews 1 ministered on.
And this morning comments were made, I believe, about.
That most excellent name. I want to turn to that for just a moment.
Back to Hebrews chapter one, because I want to read it directly from the inspired word of God.
Being made verse four, chapter one, so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name.
If we would turn to James, we won't. You would read where James is rebuking.
Those who bear that name, and he's saying that blasphemy is called.
That their actions were causing that worthy name to be blasphemy. That excellent name. That worthy name. And in Philippians, if we return to it, you would read those verses often quoted, that God, every knee is going to bow before that one who's been given a name that is above every name.
So what is it this afternoon, beloved young people? Is it Enoch? Is that the name that morally characterizes you? Looking for some sort of source of affection to satisfy your heart? Looking for something in this world to excite and to give you purpose and getting hurt in the process?
Is that the name, or is the excellent worthy name above every name?
The name by which you are called.
Or perhaps I can say it this way, the name by which you with your heart want to be called.
I hope it is.
I hope higher.
That someone.
No, not someone.
That God.
Can look in his grace and perfection.
And wisdom and love.
At your life as a city, and say the name of the Lord is there.
Excellent, worthy name above every name.
Well, I want to.
Do something very quickly and very briefly.
I want to look at this city.
In between the time that David.
Had taken it from the Jebusites, and that place that was one time referred to as Jeebus, that was ruled by an idolatrous king, an Ibiza.
From that time that David took it and it was called the City of David.
And it was God's center.
In between that time and the time we read of in the end of Ezekiel, when that city.
Is called by the name Jehovah.
Because of sin and rebellion and disobedience.
That city was ruined. The action has been ruined in history many times.
But I want to look briefly at the book of Nehemiah, because in the book of Nehemiah we find something very wonderful and very encouraging. We find that place being rebuilt.
And so beloved young people, beloved brethren.
The one standing here, and all of us in some measure, have known what that is.
To find Christian life, Christian testimony, Christian happiness, wave, or grow cold.
That doesn't have to stay that way.
It can be rebuilt.
And I'm going to go very quickly because it would be impossible in the.
Time left to even begin to go into detail.
But the Book of Nehemiah is a book of rebuilding a city.
Worship had been the temple had been rebuilt in Ezra.
There was a relationship with God reestablished, if I can say it that way.
And now the place where that worship was carried out, That city.
Is going to be rebuilt.
You can't rebuild your lives, beloved young people.
If Christ isn't your Savior.
That's the world's philosophy, that this time of the year we get ready to start making New Year's resolution and turn over new leaves and start again and do better and on and on and on. That's not what I'm talking about.
That the approach to God, the way to worship God, had already been taken care of.
Can say it that way. In Ezra the temple was rebuilt.
There was a relationship, a way to offer sacrifices and praise and worship to God.
And that's what he wants first.
And So what I'm about to say.
I fear to say it in this way, but really the few things perhaps the Lord might give us in the remaining moments.
Aren't directed at you if you don't know Christ as your Savior.
And I'm pretty well convinced I'm absolutely assured of one, and pretty well convinced of two facts.
I'm absolutely convinced, for I know it's true, that God knows everyone in this room.
The condition of your heart as to whether or not you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
And I'm pretty well convinced you do too.
But we're going to leave that and we're going to see how a city.
That had been destroyed by an enemy because of disobedience and disregard for the precious word of God.
Was rebuilt.
And that's what I want for myself.
That's what I want for you beloved young people.
I want you to freshly today before God's say, by the grace of God.
My life to this point has not been characterized as a city with the name. The Lord is there by the grace of God.
I want to rebuild it.
And all what blessing?
In chapter one of Nehemiah. These will just be quick references.
There was one who had a care.
He wanted to know the condition.
Of this city called Jerusalem.
And those that dwelled in it, Beloved young people.
Does it bother you that your brethren are concerned about how you're doing?
Does it frustrate you or turn you off?
To know that your brethren really do care how you're getting along.
Well, they do, and it shouldn't.
But there's one typified here, I believe, by Nehemiah, the Lord Jesus.
Who's infinitely more concerned?
Sometimes our consciences bother us about things that we've allowed in our lives. Why?
Well, can I apply it this way? That it just might be the Lord expressing His concern for what I've allowed in my life? And what is it?
What does it result in?
Verse 3.
Nehemiah 1 The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.
That's a pretty heavy price to pay beloved young people for disregarding the word of God, because perhaps you didn't like the one who ministered it.
Or worse yet, you took a look at the city, Enoch, and decided.
I think I'd like to try some of those things.
I think that would satisfy me.
And if our trip into LA and into other large cities that we've traveled through as any indication, there's a lot that looks very inviting in the city of Enoch.
I don't want to embarrass his brothers, I won't mention his name, but this morning he was talking to me about going down to one of the well known beaches with his some of his family, walking on the boardwalk and walking on the beach.
I'll get corrected afterwards if this is wrong. I think this is the first time.
That they were visited out here.
And this is what struck him, not the beauty of the ocean.
In the sand.
And the trees and the.
Warmth, The weather. But what struck him was the number of homeless people sitting on the boardwalk in the beggars with their hands out. And I'm not saying that sarcastically or in a denigrating way at all.
Because there but for the grace of God.
Go I.
But have you taken a good look at the city, Enoch?
A few years ago, we rode the train in to downtown Los Angeles from Iowa.
And because I used to teach commercial art and design, I was quite awestruck by the kind of graffiti that was painted all over the bridges in the city of Los Angeles downtown.
And I have no hesitation to say it was some incredibly talented art that wasn't supposed to be there, but it was beautiful.
And the other thing that struck me.
Was how people could enjoy living under those bridges and cardboard boxes.
I have never seen any billboards advertising in Los Angeles picturing a person living in a cardboard box, have you?
What are you looking for, beloved young people?
Here is a city that because of disobedience to the word of God, that could have been flourishing and.
The glory of the center of the world.
Was destroyed.
To protect it.
Rather wall a wall to protect it, broken down gates to control and allow blessing to come in and to get rid of unwanted things.
Burned and broken down.
In great affliction and reproach.
And so people say I tried this Christian thing, but it's a bunch of legalities and a bunch of rules.
And I'm going to try the world.
You know, you got it backwards. It's because there was a heart that we all have. It's called the flesh.
That reaches out and wants that.
And this is what it gets.
Beloved young people, you know this as well as I do. You don't get what you see on the billboards for trying what they advertise.
This is what you get.
Burn gates and broken walls.
And great affliction and reproach.
And by the grace of God, still this afternoon.
There's somebody.
That wants to help you rebuild.
Here's what he went through. He wept.
He fasted. He prayed.
And he confessed his sin. Now you're saying, wait a minute, Doug, Lord Jesus is sinless.
Yeah, He is the eternal, spotless, sinless, holy Son of God who was made sin for might for me on.
He confessed and bore my sins.
I'm Calvary's cross and if that doesn't qualify him to make me happy in my life, I don't know what does.
Nehemiah confessed.
And wet.
And went back to rebuild.
If you read this chapter, you'll read some of the most beautiful pictures of the Lord Jesus.
How he was at Jerusalem for three days.
That's what it costs my savior.
So that I don't have to have a life called Enoch.
I can have a life with a city called the Lord. Is there Jehovah Shammer?
He was in that grave.
Three days and three nights because of me.
But he's not there anymore.
And he fully entered in because he went out at night and he looked at all the destruction. There wasn't anything that he missed.
And then he comes to the people and he says, let's rebuild.
I want to read those verses.
And I would like my beloved young people for you this afternoon to hear the Lord Jesus gently. May I say, I don't want to fall prey to imagination, but would you imagine him sitting next to his arm around you in love, A heart of love that you could never describe, understand, or express for all eternity? And he's there right now.
And he's saying this to you. Put your name here.
Verse 17.
This is Nehemiah speaking, and you put your name in the word them. Then I said unto them, Ye see the distress that we are in? Do you think it doesn't matter to the heart of the Lord Jesus?
That sorrow has come into your life.
Nehemiah was the King's cup bearer. I say this very reverently and carefully. He had a soft, cushy job.
His job was back in the palace in Babylon I guess, and he just had to keep the king happy.
Just bring him wine and make him happy.
But he is identifying with a condition of ruin. He didn't say. You see the distress you're in, you know, beloved brethren.
Can I say this in love to all of us?
Let's learn how to point our finger less.
At our brethren when they fail.
And identify with them more and learn how to say the distress that we're in.
If one member suffers, the whole body suffers with it.
How about identifying with the distress just as much as identifying?
With the joy.
You see the distress that we are in, How Jerusalem lieth waits, and the gates thereof are burned with fire. Come, let us.
You got the Lord with you. If you want to build a wall around a city that's going to be a city of joy, you've got the Lord with you. He wants to build. I say, Reverend, he wants to build with you.
He's not saying you go out and take care of it. You messed it up.
He's saying let's build.
Can you feel his arm around you this afternoon?
Same to you. Let's be open.
Then I told them verse 18 of the hand of my God, which was good upon me, as also the King's words, which he had spoken unto me.
And they said, let us rise up and build.
So they strengthened their hands.
For this good work.
Draw me, we will run after thee.
All beloved young people. I'm going to make a little different application now.
It's just one of you.
This afternoon would say I'm going to rebuild.
I think you'd find there would be some others.
That would say, you know.
I think I want to do some rebuilding too.
Let's build.
Well, Chapter 2 or chapter three are gates that have often been gone over. I'm not not even going to try to go over them in time. We have.
Going to mention this though, there are 10 gates in chapter 3. That's responsibility.
You know you can build a wall of separation, and if you only have a wall that keeps you separated from the world and no gates, you're not going to be a very happy Christian. You might be a happy hermit, but you aren't going to be a happy Christian.
You're going to have to get some gates into the wall so that blessing can come in and things that are inside that you don't want can be gotten rid of, and that's why there was a gate, for instance, called the Dung Gate.
The gate starts with the sheep gate because my sheep hear my voice.
And I know them.
And they follow me.
That's the gate it begins with and it goes through and you follow those gates. There's ten of them.
And so there is responsibility connected with your building, the walls and the gates. And the Lord wants you to take responsibility. I'm going to say this carefully. I don't mean to be glib or sarcastic, but you got all the responsibility for messing your life up if you have. I have to bear the responsibility. I have to confess my sin. And that's what what I'm told in First John. If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive him. Not if we excuse our sins. That's what this world is all about.
With all due respect to.
Our dear brother Bauman, retired lawyer. That seems to be the big thing with lawyers these days.
Is trying to figure out how to make the jury believe that it was everybody else's fault except the person that committed the crime.
No, it's my fault.
I sinned. I decided to disobey. I decided to do my own thing. I decided to do what I wanted to do.
And I got a ruined city with broken walls and burned gates.
And it's not called the Lord is there.
And so the building begins.
And I'm responsible.
The Lord is with me, but I be responsible. I can get those gates set up, but there are two other gates. We won't look at them in terms of reading them. One is in Nehemiah 8 and that's called the gate, Ephraim, that's not mentioned in here and one is in, I think it's in Nehemiah 12. It's the last gate mentioned. It's called the prison gate.
And so there's really a total of 12 gates in this city. And that's right and proper, because what God wants to do in your life, in this world is see that there is an administration of blessing.
He wants to do that.
He doesn't want you just to walk bearing responsibility, but he wants you to see.
That your life can be a place where blessing is administered, the blessing of God, blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.
And enjoying those exceeding great and precious promises that he's given.
All through Nehemiah, there are enemies.
That are trying to stop this work and then our few remaining minutes I'm going to look at one specific 1. Sanballat and Tobiah are the chief enemies I take it. From what I've been able to understand I stand corrected on this. But I take it one was a Moabite, one was an Ammonite.
I believe that Sanballat was an ammonite.
No, no, I think he was a Moabite.
And I think Tobiah was an Ammonite.
We could go into that, but you will find something. Just a point I want to point out.
They are grieved when they find out that someone is coming back to rebuild and beloved young people. If you decide to rebuild your life, the Lord is going to be with you, but there's going to be enemies.
That are going to be grieved that you're trying to rebuild your life, that God might be.
Recognize there, and you might be blessed.
But he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. And I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. You can do it. You'll notice if you follow through Nehemiah that the list of enemies doesn't get less, it gets greater. It starts with two in it. I think at one place there's at least five that are mentioned.
But I want you to notice one, specifically one thing that the enemies did.
In chapter 4.
It came to pass, verse one, that when Sam Bella heard that we builded the wall, he was wrought. You know, they started by mocking and beloved young people. If you decide to walk with Christ, you're going to get mocked. People are going to laugh at you for wanting to live a Christian life. May I say real briefly, I want beloved young people. I want you to understand something.
We all understand the immorality that's going on in this world today. We all understand that it's not just tolerated, it's expected as normal. But I think what at least some of us who are older don't understand, and I think we need to, is that it's not just accepted as normal. Immorality today is celebrated.
It's a celebration of life.
And if you decide to rebuild your city with walls and gates to keep that out.
To enjoy what God wants you to enjoy, you're going to get laughed at, but you're also going to get fought with. And that's what chapter 4 begins. But notice this verse, verse two. And he spake before his brother in the army of Samaria and said, what do these feeble Jews? Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice? Will they make an end in today? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? Now get this. Now Tobiah the Ammonite was by him and said even that which they build. If a fox go up, he shall break it down, he shall break down their Stonewall that was meant to be.
A sarcastic rebuke? A ridicule. Why that wall they're building? A fox could knock it down.
I've never been over to Jerusalem. Some of you perhaps have. I think what's left of those walls look pretty solid.
But you know what this enemy was, right?
A fox could knock it down because that's what begins the process of destroying the walls and the gates is the little foxes that spoil the vine.
The little sins, the little unjust things in your life that you let go and you let slice, that's no big deal. I'm not down on Skid Row. I'm not under that bridge. I'm not going into that *** place.
That's not where it starts.
It starts with the little foxes, and if you let one of the little foxes in, that Stonewall is going to get broken down.
Well, there's a whole bunch more, and I would commend Nehemiah to you, but I want to finish with Chapter 8, the Watergate. Everyone is standing there before the Watergate and they hear the word of God read. That's the key, beloved young people, to stand before God. That's a sign of respect and interest.
And to listen to the word of God, and when it was their consciousness were tender, because when they first heard it they wept. But I want you to see this.
The priests and Levites said, don't weep, this is a day of gladness. And then at verse 10 he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, send portions onto them for whom nothing is prepared. And later in that chapter you find that they not only do that, but they enjoy the Feast of Tabernacles. That's that coming day of rest.
Richness of the person of Christ.
Drink the sweet. It's enjoying his work.
Out of the eater came forth meat. Out of the strong came forth sweetness. It's the person of Christ. Eat the fat. It's the work of Christ. Drink the sweet, and then it's the gospel. Take it out to somebody. Take a portion to those for whom nothing was prepared. And what's the result?
There was peace in that city.
There was joy and satisfaction and there was peace. So what's it going to be, beloved young people?
Is it going to be in Europe with your life, the city of Enid?
Or is it going to be morally Jehovah Shama? The Lord is there?
Let's pray.