A Threefold Cord

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As a supplement to Mr. Pollock's book readers are earnestly requested to give thought to the following three propositions:
1. That there is provision for comfort in having a grave to visit.
This is an age-long consolation and an abiding one. Whilst sympathizers sat in the house, Mary of Bethany rises quickly and goes out. They say "She hath gone to the grave to weep there". This expresses a truth of experience for there is balm there for a broken heart, for there the loved one rests. Despite the criticism that this is sentimental and morbid, we believe it is natural and a God-given way of relief for a sorrowing heart. And such tears can and do assuage the hearts' burning grief. We believe that our God in ordaining burial has provided a comfort for us. His Compassion is very great and God is wiser than men.
2. That our bodies are the Lord's!
If our readers are Christians they ought to know that Christ's redemption covers the whole man-spirit, soul and body. "Now the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body." Again "Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's." Not your own!
We press this consideration seriously on the conscience of all who confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Surely therefore, by plain implication it is not for us personally (or relatives) to will the disposal of our body in death other than to that procedure clear in the Scriptures-burial!
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints and blessed are they who die in the Lord.
3. Our Lord's example.
The gospel declares that Christ died for our sins, and was buried, and rose again. Christ was delivered for our offenses and was raised for our justification. His resurrection was His vindication-God raised Him from the dead! Yet again we read "He has left us an example that we should follow His steps". Let us all who (so joyfully!) confess Him our Savior and Lord take example from Him in all things. Let us follow Him in our death (when it comes) by the same way of burial and in due course (at His Coming!) by resurrection to life and incorruption.
May these considerations together with the powerful arguments of the Author in the main composition produce an exercise before God, so that, whether in life or death we bow gladly to the authority of Scripture, the will of our Savior God.
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