A Thrilling Incident on H. M. S. Cressy.

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
MANY a wonderful deed of heroism performed during the present war will never be known at all, or at best only by a small circle of friends.
One such deed we should like to bring before the notice of our readers. On board H.M.S. "Cressy" was a bright, earnest Christian sailor. His Christianity was no half-and-half, measure. He was out-and-out for the Lord.
When the "Cressy" was torpedoed in the North Sea the sailors were flung into the water, and most of the poor fellows were drowned. But this young Christian sailor had the chance of being saved.
However, he deliberately, and of his own accord, gave up his chance to a married man, and sank beneath the wave,—his body to await that blessed resurrection morning, his released and happy spirit to go to be with the Lord, which Scripture tells us is "FAR BETTER.”
What led the sailor to such an act of heroism and friendship? Was it that he was unmarried, and his companion had wife and children at home? It was partly with this in his mind, no doubt, that he gave up his life for the other.
But there was a far deeper reason. His companion was UNSAVED. Death for the Christian lad meant glory; death for the unsaved man would have meant damnation. Heaven was a reality to the Christian sailor. He knew heaven was his future portion. Hell—eternal hell—was a reality to him. He knew, if his companion had died unsaved, the lake of fire would have been his doom, and he longed for his soul's salvation.
But, reader, Someone has died for YOU. Have you ever realized this? Someone has proved His deep, deep love for you by laying down His life for you in order to save you from the judgment your sins deserve—to save you from the hell to which the impenitent and unsaved must go.
Yes; it is true that the Lord of life and glory has died for YOU. He satisfied all the claims of a thrice-holy God by His death on the cross, and now salvation may be yours by simple faith in Him. This is God's glorious message for you. Will you heed it?
Callous and indifferent indeed would be that sailor, saved from the cold waters of the North Sea, if he did not prize beyond words his companion's heroic act. And shall it be said that you are callous and indifferent beyond words in not bowing in repentance and faith at the feet of the Lord Jesus, the One who died for His foes, His enemies? I trust not.
If you have been guilty hitherto of slighting this wonderful love, do so no longer.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be salted." (Acts 16:31.)
“Verily, verily, I say unto you," are the very words of the Lord Jesus, "He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, HA TH everlasting life, and SHALL NOT come into condemnation; but IS passed from death unto life." (John 5:24.)
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in Mine heart that God Math raised Him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED."(Rom. 10:9.) A. J. P.