I was in a cold and backslidden state of soul. In fact, the only desire I had was to get on in the world and make money. When I was a stranger among strangers, I would very soon have drifted along with the world. In my new situation, my fellow-worker, a young lad of fifteen, was a warm Christian, and before I was in his company an hour, I felt the power of his godly, honest life.
He asked me if I was saved and when he found out that I was, he soon let it be known throughout the warehouse. So that I found myself a marked man the first day. When the evening came, he took me with him to his home and after spending an hour or two happily, we knelt down together. He prayed for me so earnestly, and asked God to ‘help me to take a decided stand for the Lord.’ My soul has been restored to the Lord, and I am very happy. I thank God for my warm companion.”
Dear young saints, has your warm and bright testimony been the means of bringing some backslider back to the Lord, or does your worldly walk and talk drag others down?
ML 05/20/1945